
Hypochondriasis (or hypochondria, sometimes referred to as health phobia) refers to an excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness. Often, hypochondria persists even after a physician has evaluated a person and reassured him/her that his/her concerns about symptoms do not have an underlying medical basis or, if there is a medical illness, the concerns are far in excess of what is appropriate for the level of disease. Many people suffering from this disorder focus on a particular symptom as the catalyst of their worrying, such as gastro-intestinal problems, palpitations, or muscle fatigue.

Hypochondria is often characterized by fears that minor bodily symptoms may indicate a serious illness, constant self-examination and self-diagnosis, and a preoccupation with one's body. Many individuals with hypochondriasis express doubt and disbelief in the doctors' diagnosis, and report that doctors’ reassurance about an absence of a serious medical condition is unconvincing, or un-lasting. Many hypochondriacs require constant reassurance, either from doctors, family, or friends, and the disorder can become a disabling torment for the individual with hypochondriasis, as well as his or her family and friends. Some hypochondriacal individuals are completely avoidant of any reminder of illness, whereas others are frequent visitors of doctors’ offices. Other hypochondriacs will never speak about their terror, convinced that their fear of having a serious illness will not be taken seriously by those in whom they confide.

Cure For Hypochondria - How to Overcome Hypochondria

The notion of a cure for hypochondria can seem like a paradoxical one. After all, doesn't "hypochondria" just mean a constant sense of being afflicted by imaginary maladies? Does it not follow that hypochondria is, itself, an imaginary malady? The fact is the hypochondriac can't help his anxiety. A hypochondriac can visit the doctor again and again and be assured that nothing is wrong, without becoming convinced. Common-sense advice is no remedy for those who suffer from what can be a debilitating psychological condition. For the hypochondriac, even expert medical advice does not offer a way of releasing fear
A Mental Affliction

A hypochondriac is someone who is convinced that he or she is suffering from some physical malady, despite showing no objectively measurable symptoms of any physical illness. Sometimes the hypochondriac can become convinced that he or she is suffering from a particular illness, such as cancer or AIDS (often, immediately after he or she has read at length about that illness--something that hypochondriacs often show an inordinate interest in doing). At other times, the hypochondriac complains of such vague ailments as "weak nerves," or "a worn-out gall bladder." The hypochondriac will not cease to complain, no matter how often the doctors tell the sufferer that they can find nothing wrong with his or her nervous system or gall bladder.

Psychosomatic Symptoms

Unfortunately, although hypochondriacs' illnesses are often entirely imaginary, the impact of those imaginary "illnesses" on their lives can be all too real. When hypochondria sufferers of this mental debility complain of "slow blood," they will genuinely feel weak and tired, as though their blood were actually slowing down. Countless experiments have shown what a powerful influence the mind holds over the body. If the mind of a hypochondriac decides that the body is weak--or, even, near death--all too often, the body will follow suit. Imaginary illnesses reduce their sufferers' quality of life, and can lead to very real conditions, such as depression, weight gain, anemia, or a weakened immune system.

When You Need A Cure For Hypochondria

It's obvious, then, that hypochondriacs can't simply be told, "there's nothing wrong with you." Ethically, we cannot be dismiss them with that simple phrase, and then allow them to suffer from ailments of their own making. Hypochondriacs did not "choose" to become morbidly obsessed with the idea of becoming ill, any more than agoraphobics "chose" to be afraid of open spaces and crowds. Fortunately, there are powerful techniques that can help.

Stop Hypochondria With Hypnotherapy And NLP

Hypochondria is no different from other mental disturbances, in which a patient is plagued by a recurring, destructive, self-perpetuating, obsessive thought (in this case, becoming ill). NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming, is a method of ultra-effective communication that a skilled therapist can use (often, in combination with hypnosis) to "talk" you out of your obsessive thought patterns. With the help of the NLP therapist, you'll learn to isolate destructive thought patterns in yourself (e.g. "I'm going to get sick") and re-condition your mind to replace those destructive patterns with more constructive ones (e.g. "I'm not in any real pain, therefore I'm not sick").

In this way, you should look to a therapist, and not a medical doctor, to find a cure for hypochondria.

Autor: J J Seymour

J J Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings. Hypnotherapy and NLP can be very useful Cure For Hypochondria - one good source of experienced hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners is Just Be Well. This organization has experienced professionals throughout the UK in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, East Anglia, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Surrey, Sussex and Scotland. You will also find links to related practitioners for hypochondria treatment in Vancouver and Toronto, Canada, for Dublin, Ireland, and for Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in Australia. If you are unable to visit a practitioner in person you may well benefit from a good and guaranteed self hypnosis recording such as Releasing Fear, by experienced hypnotherapist Kathy Welter Nichols.

Added: October 31, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Testosterone Part VIII - Testosterone Deficiency Alzheimer's Disease With Other Health Conditions

I. Introduction
Testosterone deficiency
Testosterone is a male hormone. Besides promoting libido, it has other important functions such as maintaining muscle mass and forming bone, and regulating heart muscle and cholesterol. It also helps to improve the oxygen levels throughout the body as well as controlling blood glucose and strengthening the immune system. Starting at age 40, levels of testosterone start to diminish. The levels of the by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT thus triggering low levels of testosterone.

Alzheimer's Disease.
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder named for German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect work, lifelong hobbies or social life. Alzheimer's gets worse over time, and it is fatal.

II. Causes
Older men with lower levels of free, or unbound, testosterone circulating in their bloodstreams could be at higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) than their peers. In fact, testosterone deficiency causes the accumulation of beta-amyloid, a toxic peptide in certain region in aging brain. Study show that testosterone decreases secretion of harmful beta- amyloid and increases secretion of sbeta APP alpha as result of neuroproductive effect.

III. Symptoms
1. Memory failure.
2. Loss of ability to concentrate.
3. Reduced intellectual agility.
4. Passive attitude.
5. Poor or decreased judgment.
6. Problems with abstract thinking.
7. Moodiness and emotionality.
8. Inner unrest.
9. Loss of initiative.
10. Reduce interest in surrounding.
11. Hypochondria.

III. Prevention and treatment
Men suffered Alzheimer disease because of testosterone deficiency are likely also have conditions of heart disease, aging, high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, weakened immune system and liver malfunction.We will try to give reader as much information and hope that these will help in preventing and treating Alzheimer disease.
The first thing that will help is to detoxify your body with intake of dark green leaf juice or chorella.

1. Raw dark green leaf juice
The fresh raw dark green leaf juices are vitally important in the nutritional treatment of testosterone deficiency and Alzheimer disease. Raw dark green leaf juice contains high amounts of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, living plant enzymes to aid digestion & vitamin K resulting in cleansing of liver toxins as well as strengthening the immune system, helping to detoxification your body in resulting of reversing the progressing of aging and other form of diseases.

2. Chorella
Chlorella containing beta carotene,chlorophyll and other many nutritional supplements is a powerful antioxidant that help to strengthen the immune system by blocking the formation of free radicals, improving oxygen levels for cell needs and nitric oxygen stimulating the enlarge of penis through sexual desire and detoxifying your liver as well as entire body.

A. Condition: Alzheimer's disease caused by testosterone deficiency only
Besides using raw dark green leaf juice or chlorella to detoxify or rejuvenate your body, here are some natural remedies will help to provide protein, the essential element for a stronger brain, increasing oxygen levels in your bloodstream in nourishing your brain' s cells and increasing the levels of testosterone to stop the progressing of the accumulation of beta-amyloid, a toxic peptide in certain regions in an aging brain.

a) Essential protein

i) Intake of soy product and whole grain
Soybeans and legumes contains isoflavones and is a unique source of phytochemicals It directly inhibits the growth of different types of cancer cells and provide plenty of protein for brain cell needs. Study shows that isoflavones were found to markedly inhibit prostate tumors in mice implanted with prostate cancer cells. Try adding soy or rice milk to your morning cereal or oatmeal.

ii) Cold water fish
Besides plenty of omega 3, cold water fish is an excellent source of vitamin A and zinc that help the binding of sex hormones, specifically testosterone and estradiol.

iii) Lean meat
Lean meat contains high amounts of protein, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Iron specifically offers the added benefit of raising levels of oxygen in the blood that is essential for providing nutrition to cell needs. High protein and zinc are two nutrients that help to optimize free testosterone levels and muscle-building.

iv) Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds contain high amounts of unsaturated fat and vitamin E. Unsaturated fat helps to prevent clots of arteries and lower cholesterol levels.

b) Increase levels of testosterone

i) Oyster and crustaceans
Oyster and crustaceans contain high levels of magnesium and zinc that is a natural aromatase inhibitor playing a key role in regulating testosterone levels as well as improving circulation of blood to the penis vessels.

ii) Avocado
Avocado contains high amounts of folic acid, which helps metabolize proteins. The vitamin B6 in avocado helps to stimulate the growth of testosterone.

iii) Saw palmetto
Saw palmetto not only helps to balance the natural hormone production but also helps to boost testosterone in men as well as estrogen in women if needed by our body resulting in a healthy, normal sex drive.

iv)Cinnamon Bark
The sweet and spicy taste of cinnamon bark is considered to have a very hot energy. In Chinese medicine, cinnamon bark increases the Yang energy and sexual vitality.

v) Sting nettle roots
Sting nettle root binds to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in place of testosterone resulting in a reduction of SHBG binding of free testosterone, therefore helping increase the levels of free testosterone. It also promotes healthy prostate gland that helps to stimulate the sexual desire.

vi) Muira Pauma
Muira pauma is stems and roots of a ptychopetalum plant in South America. It has been used as an aphrodisiac, tonic and cure for muscle paralysis and strengthening the liver function that helps to cure the hormone imbalance in aging men. Study shows that muira pauma is a libido enhancer.

vii) Cordyceps
Cordyceps is one of the primary herbal substances used in tonic herbalism as an anti-aging agent and for the purposes of rejuvenation. It also helps to nourish and strengthen the kidneys and lungs and tonifies qi, relieves depression of liver qi as resulting of eliminating the surplus of estrogen and sex hormone binding globuline.

viii) Ginseng
Ginseng in Chinese medicine is used as a pituitary strengthening herb. It also contains herbs that benefit the endocrine system which results in tonifiying the entire endocrine system and helping the release of human growth hormone (HGH).

ix) DHEA
DHEA allows our body to create other hormones such as testosterone. Study shows that DHEA is a precursor to sex hormones. The deficiency of DHEA causes the deficiency of other sex hormones resulting in loss of bone density, increasing of body mass, hardening of blood vessels and low sex drive.

c) Increase levels of oxygen and blood circulation for brain cell needs

i) Onion and Garlic
Garlic and onions contain high amounts of sulfur compounds that not only help to improve circulation of blood but also help to keep your platelets from clumping together.

ii) Taurine
Taurine is an amino acid that acts as an antioxidant helping to fortify cardiac contraction and enhance the outflow of blood.

iii) Magnesium
Magnesium helps to improve blood circulation by permitting the muscles in the arterial wall to rest.

iv) Ginkgo biloba
Unlike aspirin, Ginkgo biloba will not cause upset stomach and internal bleeding. Also, Ginkgo biloba can improve blood circulation. Be sure not to take Ginkgo seeds because they are toxic and can cause seizures.

v) Tansy
Tansy is used to help heart palpitations and also helps to improve blood circulation and oxygen for brain cell needs.

iv) Zinc and iron
Zinc and iron together help to increase oxygen levels, produce of more red blood cells as well as aiding the circulation of bloodstream.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any above recommendations.

B. Condition: Alzheimer's disease caused by testosterone deficiency with other conditions such as high levels of cholesterol.

Besides the natural remedies in (A) these additional natural remedies will help to lower the levels of cholesterol.

i) Apple
Study shows that eating 2 apples a day will help to drop your cholesterol level by 16%. Apples contain rich flavonoids and pectins which form a gel in the stomach that keeps fats from being absorbed.

ii) Kiwi
This super food kiwi is high in vitamins A, C, and K that help to lower your cholesterol levels. It also offers high quantities of calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber that are the main vitamins in helping to reduce cholesterol levels. We will discuss more of vitamin supplements and cholesterol in part III of this series.

iii) Magnesium
Magnesium deficiency increases the danger of heart disease and stroke as we mentioned in the previous article. Study shows that adding this mineral to your diet could lower your cholesterol level by 33%.

iv) Lutein
Study shows that people that have alot of lutein in their blood stream see no increase in the thickness of their carotid arteries. That means LDL cholesterol have not oxidized causing formation of dangerous plaque at their arteries wall leading to heart attacks and lowering cholesterol levels.

v) Hawk thorn berry
Hawk thorn berry contains bioflavonoia that help in increasing the blood to the blood muscles, therefore it helps to prevent and reduce blood vessel degeneration. Daily consumptions of hawk thorn berry can enhance circulation and treat valvula insufficiency, irregular pulse and abnormal acid levels in the blood. Study shows that hawk thorn berry bioflavonoia also helps in
lowering LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides while raising HDL cholesterol levels.

C) Condition: Alzheimer's disease caused by testosterone deficiency with other conditions such as high blood pressure.

Besides the natural remedies in (A) these addition natural remedies will help to lower blood pressure.

i) Coenzyme Q10
CoQ10 significantly reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure. There is also a reduction in HbA1C, a marker for long-term glycemic control.

ii) Folic acid
Folate is a vitamin B that is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. It may help to lower high blood pressure in some people, possibly by reducing elevated homocysteine levels.

iii) Celery
If you are asking advice from your doctor about high blood pressure, chances are he will tell you to take 4 stalks of celery daily. Study shows that celery contains a chemical called limonene that acts as a mild tranquilizer that can lower levels of stress hormones in your blood. This allows your blood vessels to expand, giving your blood more room and reducing pressure.

iv) Red tea
Red tea has flavonoids, which have been proven effective in treating assorted skin and circulation problems.

D) Condition: Alzheimer's disease caused by testosterone deficiency with other conditions such as heart diseases.

Besides chorella, onions and garlic, nuts and seeds that has been mentioned above.

i) Vegetables and fruits
Vegetable and fruits contain high amounts vitamins A, E, C and B. Vitamin E, the antioxidants beta carotene and vitamin C help to strengthen your small blood vessels and thins your blood so it can flow smoothly in result of lowering the risk of heart disease and strokes. Plums, tomatoes, and watercress are the best choices.

ii)Flax seeds
Flax seeds contain high amounts of alpha-linoenic acid that helps to lower high blood pressure and the risk of stroke. Eating too much flax seeds will cause gas to build up if you are not used to it.

iii) Mistletoe
Mistletoe can stimulate the heartbeat and increase cardiac output. It can help to relieve heart strain, stimulate circulation, and lower blood pressure. Do not overdose and eat mistletoe berriea, because it is toxic.

iv) L-Arginine
L-Arginine helps to increase the production of nitric oxide in our body, this has an anti-angina and anti-stress effect upon the arteries enabling the muscles in the arterial walls to relax. L-Arginine also helps to prevent the build up of plaque on the arterial walls. L- Arginne taken either orally or intravenously has been found to prevent and reverse atherosclerosis, improving the functional status of heart failure and increasing blood flow in heart disease patients.

v) Taurine
Taurine is an amino acid that acts as an antioxidant helping to fortify cardiac contraction and enhance the outflow of blood from the heart. Intake of taurine will reduce the risk of congestive heart failure and arteriosclerosis

vi) Nu zhen zi (privet fruit):
Nu zhen zi is the ying kidney and liver tonic that is the significant immune enhancement agent. Nu zhen zi also helps ying deficiency such as dizziness, floater, weak knee and enhancing heart blood.

vii) Mao yao (myzzh)
Mao yao contain elements that help to break up stagnation of blood resulting in improved blood circulation in our body.

E) Condition: Alzheimer's disease caused by testosterone deficiency with other conditions such as chronic diseases

Chorella and dark green leaf juice will help to ease the chronic condition by aiding the rebuilding of muscle tissues, joints, eliminating the forming of free radicals, boosting your energy, and repairing the DNA damage caused by free radical build-up in our body and many others.

I hope this information will help. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any above natural remedies. If your need more information, please visit my home page at:

Autor: Kyle J Norton Kyle J Norton
Level: Platinum
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years ...

Kyle J. Norton



All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have all the links intact.

I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990.

Added: October 30, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Finding Joy In Pain

There was a time when everything in life was going so well. Perhaps life was too good and complacency had set in. I may have let my guard down, not considering that bad thing's happen to good people...

My wife and I, after we discovered she was pregnant with our third child, decided to purchase a home. We found a beautiful four bedroom, three bath, two story home with a swimming pool. It could not be more perfect to raise a family. A room for every child and a garage for me in which I converted into a sports room with all the bells and whistles. I felt as though I achieved the American dream and for once in my life, I was content and happy. However, unbeknown to me, darkness loomed on the horizon that would steal my joy, shake my faith and perhaps my desire to live.

One evening my wife woke me up in the middle of the night complaining that she felt really sick and that she had a terrible pain in her right side. Being an addict, and having flashes of hypochondria, I was very familiar with the symptoms of appendicitis and rushed my wife to the emergency room. Shortly after our arrival they diagnosed her and prepped her for and emergency appendectomy. The surgery went without a hitch and they said that she would be released in a few days.
On the day of her discharge, the physician was doing my wife's exit exam, and came across a small lump on my wife's neck. He thought it best to have it looked at and reassured me that it was most likely nothing more than a swollen lymph node. Being an addict, lacking faith, and having flashes of doubt, I new better.

One week after all the test's on that tiny little lump, my wife had a follow up appointment and insisted that I go to work and that she would go to the appointment alone. When I got home from work, my wife was in the front yard watering the grass. She looked stunningly beautiful on that day. Her long brown hair neatly pinned up and her small beautiful frame covered in my Boston Celtic jersey, a piece of heaven, I'll leave it at that. As I pulled into the driveway I was so relieved to see the usual excitement and big beaming smile on her face as she greeted my arrival. Before she could get a word out I said, "well?" "What did they say?" She hugged me as I got out of my car and said," baby, it is cancer." Blood rushed to my head and knots tied in my stomach, the warmth of life was instantly filled with needles of ice surging through my veins... I thought I was going to pass out. I would love to tell you what my reply and reaction was, but the memory eludes me. But I do remember thinking in the days that followed, how can this be? What have I done God? I have always been a faithful husband in thought, word and deed. "Please!" I begged in tears, "don't take my baby from me."

During the time of her treatment, I literally became the walking dead. I stayed home from work, abused alcohol and pills again, and I couldn't be apart from her despite the financial obligations I had to keep a roof over my families head. We did the surgery and treatment and the Doctor said that he felt got it all and that the cancer should not return. Being an addict, lacking hope and having flashes of despair...I new better.

In short, the cancer came back and we underwent more surgery to remove some lymph nodes in which the cancer had spread. I continued to stay at home falling far behind on my mortgage, drinking and abusing pills to numb myself from the dreadful thought of losing my wife to the hands of this horrible disease. Within a few months we were going to lose our home. What followed however, would forever change our lives.

I was greeted by an elderly man holding some papers one Monday morning at my front door. He stated that he was here to foreclose on my home and that he had some papers for me to sign. He also said that he had to put a foreclosure sign in my front yard. I was saddened at the reality that I was actually going to lose our home. There was nothing I could do, it was a done deal. Out of nowhere the gentleman said," I hope you don't mind son, but could you tell me why you are losing your home?" I went on to explain my circumstance and he followed my explanation by saying," I am so sorry to hear that, would you mind if I came into your home and pray with you and your wife. I found his request rather odd in that I had not made known my faith,but agreed and we went into my home. I introduced the elderly gentleman and his request to my wife and we sat on the couch. The man then knelt on the floor before us while holding our hands and began whispering the most wonderful prayer. Immediately I felt the Spirit lift my grief doubt and fear and replace it with peace, joy and faith. He hugged my wife and I and said, "God is with you son it will all be alright, put your doubts and fears in His hands." In tears I thanked him and walked him out the front door. As he was leaving I said," do you do this with all the people you foreclose on?" He smile and laughed a bit and said," no my boy, this is the first time in all my years I've done that." I said,"well what made you want to pray with us?" He smiled warmly and pulled the collar of his shirt down reveling a scar on his neck, the same scar in which my wife had from her surgery and said," I too had cancer, you and your wife are going to be fine." He turned and walked away and got into his car and drive off never to enter my life again.

Instead of being distraught over the loss of our home, and wrecked with anxiety over my wifes health. I knew that we were going to be fine. I then could care less about material things, I knew God was with us and that he loved us. I also knew that my wife's cancer was not going to return, praise be to Him. Now some may say that these series of events was not God and it is all just coincidental...Being a recovering addict, with restored faith, and having flashes of God touching my life... I know better.

Autor: Thomas Duntley
Added: October 27, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Psychotic Depression - How It Differs From Clinical Depression

About twenty five percent of individuals admitted to hospitals for depression suffer from some form of psychotic depression. These individuals not only suffer from common symptoms but also from hallucinations or delusions. The illness has many similarities to clinical depression, but some important differences as well.

Other mental illnesses, like schizophrenia, can also include symptoms like hallucinations, delusions, or paranoia. However, individuals with this illness generally know that the thoughts or hallucinations are not real. At the same time, diagnosis becomes difficult because many people hide these symptoms, afraid to admit that they have these more socially unacceptable symptoms.

Along with more common depressive symptoms, these individuals may experience anxiety, hypochondria, insomnia, immobility, and cognitive impairment. Scientists don't know exactly how it develops, but some believe that it may have to do with high levels of cortisol in the blood. Cortisol is a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands, which is released throughout the day and at times of stress.

The treatments also differ in some ways. Generally, a longer hospital stay is required and a closer follow up may be required for many patients. Mental health professionals have found that tricyclic antidepressants and anti psychotic medications seem to help many patients when they are used in combination. Lithium and electro convulsive therapy are also used to treat the illness, although they are usually second line treatments. Researchers have also been investigating the use of RU-486 (now used as "emergency contraception") as it appears to dramatically reduce the symptoms.

With treatment, most individuals will experience recovery within a year. Like other forms of the illness, psychotic depression can reoccur, although the symptoms are more likely to happen again than the hallucinations and delusions. However, diagnosis and treatment are important in preventing re occurrences and treating the symptoms that do come back. As the risk of suicide and other depressive illnesses is greater, it is imperative that individuals are diagnosed and treated properly.

Psychotic depression shares many symptoms with the clinical form of the illness, but is distinguished by the presence of hallucinations and/or delusions. Treatment differs from other types, as the psychotic symptoms must also be treated.

Autor: Juliann Longden

Depression Information

http://www.getdepressionanswers.com is the premier depression website. We have articles on everything from depression medications to depression self help.

Added: October 25, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Easy Grammar With The 80-20 Principle? Discover A Less Stressful And More Efficient Approach

Easy grammar and the 80/20 principle? Is there really a connection? Not only is it for real, but it's pretty amazing that it hasn't caught on yet. It's high time that it does because it can save many people a lot of headaches.

Just in case you don't already know the 80/20 principle from sales, here's a quick explanation: 20% of most salespeople's clients account for 80% of their sales. Which means, of course, that the other 80% percent of their clients aren't paying their way. The logical consequence: It pays to focus mostly on taking very good care of the 20% that do. Maybe those customers will buy even more. And if not, at least the salespeople will have a bit more free time...

The 80/20 principle doesn't just work for sales, though. When I learned English (which is my second language), for example, my favorite word-building book was based on the very same principle. It had three sections:

1) About 150 words made up at least 10% of all the words in any average document. They included the basics, such as articles, conjunctions, most prepositions, and numbers.

2) Another 1,000 or so words, together with the really basic 150 words, covered well over 90% of the words in any average text.

3) Several thousand more words were divided into subject areas, so I could study just what I needed. When I wanted to talk about the weather, I'd look up weather words. When my hypochondria got the better of me, I studied the medical section. I've been getting by very nicely ever since.

English has tens of thousands of additional words, of course, but that's what big dictionaries are for. And how often do you ever need those?

The same is true for grammar, where the 80/20 principle works much the same way. With just 20% of the "rules," you can cover almost all of the territory you'd ever need, at least if you pick the right 20%.

That seems hard to believe if you look at those grammar books filled with thousands of obscure little rules, all of them designed to intimidate. Many of you probably met all those rules in high school. How many do you remember? Not many, probably.

The traditional approach to grammar is really a factoid-based trivial pursuit-type approach. It's not very efficient. Compare how the 80/20 approach covers that territory:

1) There are the basic ingredients and a system to put them together into sentences.

2) There are a few rules that help you avoid the major problems, such as agreement errors, weird tense sequences, and dangling modifiers.

3) There are some nifty techniques to make your sentences more effective and your prose flow better. Those three make up the 20%.

Beyond that, for the other 80%, you have two options: You could look up what you need in some big grammar book. Or, and here's your secret weapon, you could rewrite the sentence. It's your sentence, after all, and you get to write it any way you want to. Just pick a way you know how to handle.

Autor: Elisabeth Kuhn Elisabeth Kuhn
Level: Platinum
Elisabeth grew up in Germany, came to the U.S. as a graduate student, and stayed. A college professor teaching linguistics for 19 years, she is ... ...

For 10 quick tips on how to edit your writing effectively, visit http://www.LinguisticLeverage.com and sign up for Elisabeth's series of grammar, writing. and copywriting tips.

Elisabeth Kuhn is a linguist and a writer, and she enjoys helping people unleash their inner grammar power. To find out more about the practical applications of linguistic leverage, including copywriting, visit http://www.LinguisticLeverage.com

Added: October 23, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Abstinence Vs Moderation

When someone first enters my care for treatment of habits that should be stopped altogether, one of the first questions I ask is, "Do you want to stop your habit entirely, or would you rather practice moderation?"

With rare exception, I hear an immediate, "I sure would like to be able to smoke or drink occasionally, like other people." or "I wish I could learn to gamble/exercise/eat/shop moderately and less often, like normal people do."

Others say, "My problem is with street drugs, not booze, so why does everyone tell me that I have to stop drinking?

It's natural to want to strive for the moderation of our habits rather than total abstinence. I can't imagine anyone indulging in their unhealthy habit of choice and not deriving some compelling benefits.

But the fact is, abstinence is substantially easier to achieve. If you doubt that, just think about all the times you were able to go on a very strict and rigid diet, or stop smoking, or abstain from alcohol, gambling or drugs -- only to find that once you started drinking occasionally, or cheating on your diet, or borrowing cigarettes, you soon ended up right back where you started.

It has become a cliche, but it's still more than a good joke: "I can quit any time I want. I've done it thousands of times!"

Of course, the issue of moderation is not subject to discussion when your habits involve eating, spending, or relationships. With activities like these, moderation is the only option.

What kind of goals should you set if your habit doesn't involve food or life sustaining activities? Such behaviors include, but are not limited to: gambling, workaholism, over spending, hyper-sexuality, obsessions with pornography, excessive exercising, hypochondria and destructive relationships.

These behavioral unhealthy habits need to be understood in the same way as addictions to psycho-active substances. While they appear to be judged by society much less harshly, they involve the same processes and you will need to use the same techniques to restore balance to your life.

You can begin by making a list of who you are, items that describe you in every detail. Now, make another list leaving out all your bad habits and see what potential for wonderful accomplishments you possess.

You will notice that YOU are NOT your bad habit! Develop your new life with activities that leave out, as much as possible, the stimulus that makes you want to indulge in your unhealthy habits.

If you are in situations that motivate you to indulge in your unhealthy habit, and you want to try to moderate the habit, be sure that you are with a group of people who will support you and motivate you to stay within your pre-set limit of moderation.

It is usually not wise to try to moderate your habit when you are alone. You will find it much more difficult to draw the line and stop by yourself.

I would also like to remind anyone who is considering moderate alcohol use of a few additional points. First, and most importantly, it is generally agreed by most experts today that moderation consists of two drinks per day for men and one drink a day for women.

If you find yourself saying, "That's no fun!" "I can't even get high on one or two drinks," then perhaps moderation really isn't for you.

Anything over these amounts is considered to be unhealthful by the medical community. Even these levels may be too much for some individuals. But if keeping alcohol in your life is still your goal, try it. If it works and you can keep your intake truly moderate, then continue.

On the other hand, if you continue to fall back into your old habits, give yourself a break, take control and stop it completely.

If it is disturbing to you to think about not having another drink for the rest of your life, it might be helpful to abstain for three to six months before attempting moderation.

This strategy serves several purposes. One, it can reduce your alcohol tolerance so that when you do resume drinking, a smaller amount will give you the desired effect.

Secondly, during the months of abstinence, you will build self-confidence and learn new ways of coping with stress, anxiety, loneliness, and boredom.

Thirdly, you may find that after a few months of abstinence, you feel so healthy and so good about yourself, that you will decide not to risk your new sense of well being by indulging at all.

At the very least, with several months of sobriety under your belt, you can't help noticing by stark contrast any impairment caused by your resumed drinking.

Remember, this is your life, and you have the power to make it better or worse.

Whatever habit it is you wish to change, you need to take sole responsibility. Give yourself all the chances you need to succeed. Just the stress of coping with an unhealthy habit wears the body and the mind down day-by-day.

So, engage yourself, don't indulge yourself.

Remember, Don't Kill Yourself, Skill Yourself!

Autor: Marc Kern Marc Kern
Level: Basic
Marc F. Kern, Ph.D., has over 30 years of clinical psychotherapy experience helping people overcome their self-defeating habits and acquire the insights and skills to ... ...

Marc F. Kern, Ph.D., has over 30 years of clinical psychotherapy experience helping people overcome their self-defeating habits and acquire the insights and skills to live happier lives. He has a deep personal understanding of the addictive process and continues his lifelong research of contemporary treatments for addiction and other destructive behaviors. http://www.habitdoc.com

Added: October 22, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Rainforest Plants - Catuaba

Family: Erythroxylaceae

Genus: Erythroxylum

Species: catuaba

Common Names: Catuaba, catagu�, chuchuhuasha, tatuaba, pau de reposta, caramuru, piratan�ara, angelim-rosa, catigu�

General Description: Catuaba is a medium-sized tree found in the Amazon rainforest in the northern part of Brazil. It is small and vigorous, with yellow and orange trumpet-shaped flowers and small yellow oval-shaped inedible fruit. Catuaba is sometimes misspelled as catauba or catawba.

Uses: Catuaba is most commonly available as a tincture. Catuaba is usually consumed as a tea made from the bark of this small shrub. It is believed to calm overactive neurotransmitters. Catuaba is said to relieve insomnia, particularly when related to nervous debility, and it also thought to alleviate depression, emotional stress and hypochondria. Some have touted Catuaba as a primary treatment for AIDS; it is actually not recommended as a primary treatment for AIDS, but rather as a defense against opportunistic infection.

Catuaba is probably the best known aphrodisiac in tribal medicine. Although used historically by both men and women, it is primarily useful in the treatment of impotence and Prostatitis. Catuaba is meant to have a cumulative long term effect first signaled by erotic dreams, and followed by increased sexual desire. Catuaba is extremely effective for the male sexual organs because it increases circulation and libido. This herb is considered an "innocent" aphrodisiac, meaning no adverse side-effects have been reported in its use.

Catuaba (pronounced with emphasis on the last syllable) is one of the most famous of Brazilian herbs, known to the indigenous Tupi Indians as the 'tree of love' or the 'tree of togetherness'. The Catuaba herb has been traditionally used by natives in the Amazon in combination with muira puama. Catuaba and muirapuama, two common trees growing widely across the Amazon river basin, enjoy centuries of safe, effective use as aphrodisiacs.

Catuaba is gentle and immensely calming, a relaxing herbal tea to drink at the end of a non-stop day.

Disclaimer: The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Any reference to medicinal use is not intended to treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease.

Autor: Tony Mandarich

Tony Mandarich

Added: October 20, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Dealing With Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Fibromyalgia Syndrome is a non-disease condition with debilitating symptoms. The symptoms of fibromyalgia are faced by millions each year. Those with this health condition have to suffer widespread pain. This widespread pain often results in poor sleep. In many cases, fibromyalgia syndrome is diagnosed along with a condition such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Lupus.

If you suspect you may have fibromyalgia, you should see your doctor. Generally, if your doctor suspects you have this condition, you will be referred to a rheumatologist for a diagnosis and treatment plan. The rheumatologist usually starts testing for the symptoms with what is called the tender-point test. This is not to be confused with the trigger-point test used to check for Myofascial Pain Syndrome.

In some cases, physicians may suspect fibromyalgia to be hypochondria or depression. A test for Substance P would clarify the diagnosis. Substance P is a neurotransmitter present in higher quantities in those with fibromyalgia syndrome. The more Substance P that is present, the lower pain thresholds appear to be. Even the smallest injury may produce enough pain to dominate the thinking of a person suffering from it.

This may partially explain why those with this condition have a hard time getting good sleep. Many do not reach stage four sleep as often as they need to achieve optimal health. This compounds the pain problem, as injury repair takes place at greater rates during and after good sleep.

Another problem associated with fibromyalgia symptoms is what we often call "brainfog." A lot of the trouble thinking is probably related to the lack of high-quality sleep. Additionally, the brain is overloaded with messages of pain from the nerves, leaving less processing capacity for normal daily function.

While fibromyalgia is fortunately not a deadly issue, many people do report that it gets worse over time. These people must find ways to cope with the pain. Many turn to support organizations such as fibrofoglights.org and various other Internet support groups. Also, there are medications that your doctor can prescribe that help many people to deal with fibromyalgia syndrome. This type of treatment will have to do until a cure is found.

Autor: Jen Miller

Are you suffering from Fibromyalgia?

To Find out more about choosing the right Fibromyalgia Treatment for you, CLICK HERE.

Jen Miller is a health and fitness enthusiast. She runs a website providing fibromyalgia information remedies at http://www.helpforfibromyalgia.net

Added: October 19, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Coping with Fibromyalgia

Coping with Fibromyalgia is one of those things that is definitely much easier said than done. Fibromyalgia comes with a lot of symptoms, none of them pleasant. And because this is not really a disease, the person having it doesn't appear to have any reason to be in pain or acting strange to those around them. Those with Fibromyalgia may constantly deal with social issues ranging from skepticism to accusations of hypochondria because they complain of pain, and are sometimes even disabled by pain, without any apparent physical ailments. It is very important for those who have received a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia to take steps to begin coping with this condition.

Getting help for Fibromyalgia requires that you at least accept that you have it and it is real. Some people don't even believe the pain they feel themselves because they can't see an obvious cause for the pain. If you do not accept your situation, you may continue to do things that will increase your Fibromyalgia symptoms. In coping with this condition, it is particularly important that you not think that just because you're having a good day on any particular day, the mysterious pain is behind you forever. You need to understand that it can come back and you should be pacing yourself on the good days as well as the bad ones. Over a long period of time you will begin to learn just how far you can push yourself. This is an important part of the process of coping with Fibromyalgia.

Do not get yourself tied in to too many commitments, particularly work deadlines. Some days you may just not feel up to doing as much as other days. You need to have flexibility in your life. In managing Fibromyalgia, you need to learn how to take on these projects and let people know that if something flares up you may be a couple days late, or you may not be able to attend a meeting, but you will get your projects done when you are again able. If you're a hard worker, this will actually tend to be harder to get family members to understand than employers.

In order to get people around you to understand that you have a real problem, and that you are a reliable person with an unreliable problem, you need to educate those around you. This is an important part of coping with it. It will begin to seem redundant after you have to give the whole speech about Fibromyalgia again for the umpteenth time, but you have to do what you have to do to begin getting help for Fibromyalgia. It may help those around you if you can refer them to an informational website or medical brochure regarding this condition. Don't take offense at the questions those around you will naturally have. The more people ask you questions about your condition, the better they will be able to understand it and work with you to help you as you manage with Fibromyalgia.

Autor: Jen Miller

Are you suffering from Fibromyalgia ?

To Find out more about choosing the right Fibromyalgia Treatment for you, CLICK HERE

Jen Miller is a health and fitness enthusiast. She runs a website providing fibromyalgia information remedies at http://www.helpforfibromyalgia.net

Added: October 18, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Problems Effecting Mental Health


The popular image of the hypochondriac is a Woody Allen-type character who goes from doctor to doctor, anxiously takes his temperature every hour and imagines any headache to be a brain tumor.

Most of us suffer mild episodes of hypochondriasis (commonly known as hypochondria) from time to time. But when hypochondria becomes chronic and severe, it's no laughing matter.
Hypochondria is a psychological condition that doctors categorize as a somatoform disorder the presence of physical symptoms suggest illness, but no illness can be diagnosed. If you suffer from hypochondria, you are constantly preoccupied with sickness. You believe you have a serious illness, based on your own interpretation of certain symptoms and sensations, and go from doctor to doctor in search of a diagnosis and a cure. These fears and beliefs persist, even when no illness has been diagnosed and despite many reassurances from numerous doctors. People with hypochondria know their own medical histories in great detail, and often say that previous physicians who found nothing wrong with them were insensitive or incompetent.

It's tempting to label anyone who does this a hypochondriac unfortunately, many people with real illnesses have been dismissed as hypochondriacs until their diseases were finally recognized. However,hypochondria clearly exists as a mental disorder, and the preoccupation with imagined illness can become so severe that it impairs relationships and interferes with the person's ability to function normally. The incidence of true hypochondria in the general population isn't known, but doctors estimate that between 4 and 9 percent of people they see in general practice suffer from some degree of hypochondria. The problem usually begins after age 30 and tends to persist in to older age.

Many people who suffer from clinical depression or anxiety become abnormally vigilant about their bodies, focusing on every little change, and it's not uncommon for them to develop hypochondria. The good news is that when these disorders are successfully treated, the hypochondria tends to disappear.

Abnormal Grief

When you experience the death of a loved one, it's normal to feel grief. This may include feelings of sadness and loss, as well as physical symptoms of stress such as insomnia and fatigue. While these feelings vary widely from person to person, they tend to follow a normal course. But sometimes grieving is intense and long-lasting enough to be considered abnormal or even pathological. Such grieving can take a tremendous toll on your emotional and physical health and should be recognized when it occurs so you can get help.

Autor: Pattrick Jhonson

Learn about other mental problems like anxiety and insomnia and their cure with natural herbal supplements, as they have been found to be quite effective.

Added: October 16, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Lower Back Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Is there a correlation between lower back pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Researchers have long argued that IBS may be caused by abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel. No indication or explanation is ever given as to why this malfunction might occur. To my knowledge there has been no adequate evidence to support this assumption. More over, I have not seen, heard of or read about any studies which were specifically implemented to test this hypothesis. Because of my own observations about my own IBS symptoms, I am inclined to believe and support this hypothesis.

Some of us who suffer Irritable Bowel Syndrome have tried for many years, without success, to eliminate the often debilitating affects of this mysterious disorder. Generally those who suffer have spent a great deal of time and money, having test after test only to be told that nothing conclusive was found.

Often after years of diagnostic procedures and expensive studies, patients are told there was nothing wrong with them. Their complaint of symptoms are brushed off as imaginary or more properly put in medical terms, psychosomatic. But with the ever increasing number of patients complaining of the same generalized list of symptoms, the medical community has been forced, in at least a small part, to acknowledge the malady as something more then imaginary symptoms of hypochondria.

So what can we surmise about IBS? It is a condition or disease in and of itself? Or is IBS is a condition caused by or a symptom of some other physical, neurological or possibly even psychological problem that is as yet undetected or undiagnosed as being relative to the IBS condition? I find this to be a more plausible conclusion and will provide some insight for my personal belief that IBS is a secondary condition rather then a condition unto itself.

For years doctors have proposed the secondary condition concept in relation to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Unfortunately, they have not yet been able to successfully document any evidence to conclusively say what might be the root cause of IBS. Moreover, I believe there is not just one cause, but several causes, all with the same secondary symptoms, which make up what is termed as IBS.

Please don't think that it is my intent to say the IBS condition is not real, or the symptomology is psychosomatic in nature. I know from painful experience the condition and symptoms of IBS are very real. I also would venture to say because of the sheer number of reported cases, the medical community had been forced to re-evaluate their approach while dealing with patients with complaints of Irritable Bowel Syndrome-like symptoms. I am merely going to express what I personally have concluded about another possible causation for IBS which may be overlooked by the medical profession.

I would like to also toss up for consideration that IBS, with its list of many symptoms, may be a traceable progression of symptoms stemming from a single causation. I believe, in my case, this is a very valid assumption. I have as yet been unable to get any physician to agree with me, at least to the point of taking up the position on the record.

Before going any further, I think it would be a good idea to review a partial list of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. IBS may be characterized by a combination of any or all of the following symptoms:

Abdominal discomfort or pain, usually in the lower abdomen

Altered bowel habit

Chronic or recurrent diarrhea, constipation, or both. May be mixed or in alternation.




Abdominal fullness

Feelings of urgent need to evacuate the bowel

Feeling of "incomplete" bowel emptying

Low back pain



Muscle pain

Sleep disturbances

Sexual dysfunction

More and more it is generally believed that the symptoms of IBS are produced by abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel. More and more I personally agree with this as a valid and plausible perception of at least one of the causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. With some personal observations, I hope to give light as to why I believe this to be a possible causation for many IBS sufferers. Unfortunately, what I have come to believe as the causation for my particular brand of IBS, most assuredly will not be a diagnosis for all cases of IBS.

I think we who have suffered Irritable Bowel Syndrome tend to minimalize our symptoms and pain. We have been led to believe that other than common sense changes to diet and exercise there is nothing we can do because there is no cure. Many people who suffer will suffer in silence for years before seeking medical treatment. By then, and I include myself in this group, we may have subconsciously lessened or even put aside some of the lesser symptoms that IBS causes, focusing only on the ones that cause the most pain and discomfort.

Worse yet, we are less likely to bring symptoms to the attention of a doctor by mere assumption that it is just another facet of our complex disorder. This could become a dangerous scenario for anyone who suffers from IBS. We may ignore persistent symptoms that have gotten more intense or new symptoms that seem to be related only because we are discouraged by being told there is nothing anyone can do.

Doing these kinds of things could lead to serious life threatening symptoms being overlooked. Symptoms of conditions that, unlike IBS, can be treated if caught in time. Things like colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer or many others, might be missed because we want to ignore our IBS symptoms after so many trips to the doctor.

My story of IBS starts over 20 years ago when I was a young man of 26. While helping lift a very heavy cast iron wood burning stove from the back of a pickup truck, the other person lost their grip and the load all shifted down hill onto my back. I felt my back give way as the stove went crashing to the ground at my feet. I knew I had sustained a serious injury. I couldn't erect myself from the 90 degree bent forward position I was in. I had to literally pull my self up by using my hands and arms against the side of the pickup.

Being 26 and stubborn and thinking that I was invincible, I had my wife help me home and to bed, not bothering to go to the emergency room. I had some left over pain killers which numbed the pain enough to allow me to sleep. When I awoke in the morning I was horrified as I could not feel my legs. They were both cold and numb to the touch. I could move them, I just couldn't feel them. After about 30 minutes of movement the feeling began to return to my legs and at that point I knew it was time to get to the doctor.

After the examination and x-rays what the doctor had to say wasn't pleasant to hear. He told me I had two options. One was to go to a surgical specialist and have fusion surgery on several of my lower lumbar vertebra because the discs between them had been severely compressed. He mentioned that having this type of surgery would reduce my physical mobility by as much as 30% or more. At best, he explained, the surgery was about 40% effective.

My other option, he told me, was time... time allow let my body try to heal itself. He explained I would probably never be as good as I was before the accident, but with time my body should partially heal it self. He told me the inflammation which was causing the pain and partial paralysis should lessen. At age 26 loosing permanently 30% or more of my mobility was an unthinkable option. At least the second option offered some hope of recovery. He gave me muscle relaxants and pain pills and that was that.

I trusted this doctor...we were good friends. We had a good personal and professional relationship. I took him at his word. By today's medical standards, his medical advice probably wouldn't hold water, but over 20 years ago, it was most likely a very good perception of my problem.

For the next 6 months, I would wake up to cold, numb legs and each day, but as he said, the symptoms gradually got better. I was so focused on my back injury improving; I didn't pay attention to other, minor things going on which had become bothersome.

The first and most prevalent symptom was a change in my bowel habit. Not a big change, but it seemed that instead of a daily movement, it was now once every other day, and it took a bit more effort. But with the back issue, it seemed minor in comparison and for several years seemed to be the only symptom. My back continued to get better but my bowel never did return to normal.

I have always been a large person, in 1986 at the age of 26: I weighed about 220 pounds, standing 6 feet tall. Slowly, my weight began to rise. I attributed my initial weight gain to a lessening of physical activity over the first year or two of my back problem. By the end of the second year, my physical ability and activity had almost returned to normal. I learned to deal with the pain and my legs no longer went numb. I was able to function fairly well. Only occasionally did the pain in my back become such that I was unable to function in my "new" normal fashion, and usually only lasted a day or two. I now had added 70 pounds to my weight with no real explanation.

Only in the past couple of years (over 20 have passed since my back injury) have I begun considering the original injury being related to my bowel and stomach problems. Because I believed there was little I could do to rectify the situation, I have done as well as I could to manage the pain mentally. I did this well until the pain in my back started to worsen to the point that again my legs started going numb again. Not that this happened all the time, it was only occasional, but these bouts of pain have gotten much worse.

Only now that the back pain is impossible to ignore have I come to realize the cycle of events which have taken place. Now when I notice my legs are beginning to go numb on a more frequent basis, I have also noticed an increase in my IBS symptoms. More frequent and painful symptoms seem to begin with chronic constipation, lasting for many days. This is followed by the gas distress fatigue, head aches, bloating, acid indigestion, heartburn and eventually explosive diarrhea. Along with other symptoms, all interwoven into a cycle I now believe to be directly related to some type of nerve injury due to my original back injury.

I have since gone to a neurosurgeon and been diagnosed with severe disk compression and degeneration and spinal stenosis in the lower lumbar region. The treatment is as yet to be mapped out, but I now have at least one doctor who agrees that many, if not all, of my symptoms could be tied directly to nerve dysfunction resulting from my present spinal condition.

If you have sustained a back injury, or have IBS with lower back pain, it may be prudent to have a spinal study, to find out if an underlying back problem might be involved in the causation of your IBS symptoms. It stands to practical reason that if there is injury to the spine or lower back from where the nerves controlling lower bowl function stem, there could also be bowel dysfunction. With bowel dysfunction, the progression of symptoms in logical sequence right up the line to the top of the digestive tract would be a very plausible scenario.

If you have IBS and low back pain you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having a spinal examination. At the very least you may find out that there is no problem with your spine thereby eliminating one more source.

Autor: Scott Best

Scott Best is a freelance author in association with IBS Help Site.com who also suffers with IBS. You can read more articles from Scott Best and others in the IBS Help Site Article Index

Added: October 14, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Graphology at Home-Lesson 14 - Examination and Answers

Examination for Lesson 14

1. Is a 'sign' in handwriting analysis reliable on its own, or must it be properly weighed to be regarded as proof?

A. Reliable on its own___

B. Must be properly weighed___

Describe the letterform reflecting:

2. Intelligence and culture

3. Inexactness

4. Shyness

5. Aggression and ambition

6. Interest in architecture or in mechanically related fields

7. The meddler; argumentative

8. Carelessness and neglect

9. Talkativeness

10. Inferiority complex

11. Depression; suicidal tendencies

12. "Down in the dumps"

13. Sensuality

14. The embezzler, the crook, the hypocrite (see Stalin's writing)

15. Construction and mechanical ability (see Thomas Edison's writing)

16. Hypochondria

17. Vulgarity

18. One who does not compromise

19. Musical interest

20. Culture, literary oriented (see Victor Hugo and Mark Twain's handwritings)

21. Keen observation

22. Self-admiration

23. Feeling of protection

24. Defiantly declares a social withdrawal

25. Undue claim of self-importance

26. A sex life that is of an uncommon sort

27. Writer's ego is of more importance than that of the "other person."

28. Hysteria

29. Fatigue and weakness

30. Secretiveness

31. Unusual habits

32. Curiosity

33. Money on writer's mind

34. Strong resistance to friendliness

35. Revolt

36. Friendliness and kindness

37. Depression

38. When an oval-shaped letter is wide open at the top, which

zone is being exposed?

39. Describe the writing in which inferiority feelings and temporary depressions are found.

40. When letters are written "too wide" what does this suggest?

41. Should an illegible, neglected, or omitted last letter be

taken as a warning or an indication of a trustworthy person?

A. Warning___

B. Trustworthy person___

42. When writing indicates that the minimum letters (a, c, e, etc.) are too wide, should

a lack of restraint be expected of such a writer or inhibition?

A.___ Lack of restraint

B. Inhibition___

43. Unconscious mother fixation is found in which type of loop?

Answers for Lesson 14

1. Must be properly weighed

2. A block letter. Its construction is simplified.

3. The markings (on top of the letter) are inexact and unnecessary

4. The thin, narrow capital letter

5. The left leg of the letter 'A' is considerably longer than the right one.

6. The letter ('A') is constructed in a square fashion.

7. The left leg is considerably longer than the right, and descends deeply.

8. The bar of the A is missing

9. Open-mouthed ovals

10. A low bar such as in a capital letter (A, H) or in the 't' bar

11. An in-turned arc, piercing the capital (the ego).

12. The capital A or H bar strongly descends

13. The letter is ink-filled, pasty, blotchy

14. The oval letter is open at the bottom.

15. The letter is square shaped

16. Constant changes in the letter

17. The complicated, overdone, ugly letter.

18. The letter (such as the Palmer b, which is rounded on both top and bottom) is sharp at the top as well as at the bottom

19. The letter is in the form of a musical note

20. The Greek d, e, and g

21. The capital E is shaped as two concave arcs

22. An underlength that would underline the rest of the word.

23. When the top stroke extends over the whole word

24. The downstroke extends under the body of the letter and to the left.

25. The vulgar-looking and ornate letter has a vertical line added in unnecessarily.

26. Distortions in the lower zone or strangely shaped letters

27. The first part ('hump') of the 'm' is higher than the second.

28. The letter ('m') is written in thready form

29. The end of the downstroke (as in the letter 'm') is considerably more lightly written than the rest of the letter. Heading into the lower zone, as it does, the area where the strength of the individual lies, it implies fatigue and weakness.

30. Closed oval (at the top)

31. The hump (in the 'p') on the wrong side of the stem

32. The second part of the letter ( 'r') is lower than the first

33. The letter s resembles the dollar sign

34. An angular shaped letter that is normally written (according to the Palmer method) in a rounded fashion-such as the letter 'u.'

35. The word starts in a connected fashion, and suddenly the end of the word is left stranded, alone

36. The letter is made in a soft manner. Any letter with a gentle loop in the lower zone

37. The end stroke descends when it should be horizontal.

38. The opening exposes the lower zone

39. Small minimum (middle zone) letters

40. Typical of the spontaneous, broadminded, and "large" writer, who is sociable and sympathetic, eager to share with you and willing to let you share with him- he is "extroverted."

41. Warning

42. Impudence

43. Inflated lower loops 'pointing' leftward.

Autor: Joel Engel Joel Engel
Level: Basic PLUS
Joel Engel has been a world-renowned graphologist for over 30 years. He is often quoted in the press and scientific journals for his "spot on" ... ...

Joel Engel is the author of "Handwriting Analysis Self-Taught" (Penguin Books)

Added: October 13, 2008
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/