
Hypochondriasis (or hypochondria, sometimes referred to as health phobia) refers to an excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness. Often, hypochondria persists even after a physician has evaluated a person and reassured him/her that his/her concerns about symptoms do not have an underlying medical basis or, if there is a medical illness, the concerns are far in excess of what is appropriate for the level of disease. Many people suffering from this disorder focus on a particular symptom as the catalyst of their worrying, such as gastro-intestinal problems, palpitations, or muscle fatigue.

Hypochondria is often characterized by fears that minor bodily symptoms may indicate a serious illness, constant self-examination and self-diagnosis, and a preoccupation with one's body. Many individuals with hypochondriasis express doubt and disbelief in the doctors' diagnosis, and report that doctors’ reassurance about an absence of a serious medical condition is unconvincing, or un-lasting. Many hypochondriacs require constant reassurance, either from doctors, family, or friends, and the disorder can become a disabling torment for the individual with hypochondriasis, as well as his or her family and friends. Some hypochondriacal individuals are completely avoidant of any reminder of illness, whereas others are frequent visitors of doctors’ offices. Other hypochondriacs will never speak about their terror, convinced that their fear of having a serious illness will not be taken seriously by those in whom they confide.

Our Guide To Psychotic Depression Treatments

Depression symptoms in general include anxiety, sadness, and agitation. These symptoms exist also in Psychotic Depression although on a more intense level. Hypochondria, physical immobility, and constipation are also symptoms. Intellectual impairment and psychosis (loss of contact with reality including hallucinations and Schizophrenia) may exist as well.

Treatments typically include much longer hospital stays than with milder forms of Depression. There is much more intense follow up care with mental health professionals in Psychotic Depression. Combinations of antidepressants and anti-psychotic medications are the most effective course of treatment available.

Another Psychotic Depression treatment is Electroconvulsive Therapy. This is a procedure where the person is given a general anesthetic as well as a muscle relaxer.
Electrodes are put in precise spots on the patient's head and periodic controlled pulses
are shot through the electrodes. If the procedure was done properly, seizure activity in the brain will have been initiated. The patient's muscles are relaxed so typically only slight movement of the hands and feet may be noted.

When the treatment is completed, the patient is often confused. They will have no memory of the treatment or events surrounding it. This procedure can be prescribed from once a month to once every three months.

The outlook of recovery for those with Psychotic Depression can occur within a year of treatment. It is absolutely imperative for follow-up care with mental health professionals. These patients are at higher risk of suicide. Please note that getting a proper diagnosis, proper treatment, and follow up care are essential tools for recovery.

Other Psychotic Depression Treatments exist in the forms of medications, most often a combination of anti-depressant and anti-psychotic medications. Herbal treatments are also available for Depression treatments but it is not well known how effective they may be on more severe cases of Depression.

Herbs are a remedy that have been around for centuries but are becoming popular again. The reason for this is that prescriptions are very expensive and many want to avoid the serious side effects of prescribed medications. Herbal supplements have far fewer side effects if they have any at all.

Depression whether it is mild or moderate will likely benefit from herbal supplementation. As we said, not enough is known of the effectiveness of herbal treatments in very severe cases. It is important that you consult with your doctor as herbs can reduce the effects of other prescriptive medications. Depression can be treated and there is help out there.

Autor: John Gibb

We have found a pure natural depression supplement that can also help with anxiety and overall general well being.

To learn more about the product we use with excellent health results, especially when it comes to improving anxiety and depression, be sure to check out - http://www.depression-product-selection.com

John Gibb is the manager and owner of various health websites. His latest addition is Natural Depression Alleviation

Added: June 30, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Anorexic Eating Disorders

Eating disorders, foremost among them Anorexia Nervosa, afflict upwards of 8 out of every 100,000 people each year; 40% of this statistic is composed of adolescent females between the ages of 15 and 19.

An eating disorder is defined as "a complex compulsion to eat in a way which disturbs physical, mental and psychological health". This compulsion can have a multitude of different effects depending upon the particular person who feels it. The victim may be compelled to eat more than is healthy, or far less; the victim may eat vast quantities of food and then, through forced vomiting or overuse of laxatives, cause the food to evacuate the body without being digested. This is partly what makes eating disorders so hard to diagnose and treat - there is no specific set of symptoms and, due to this, the practitioner in question may need a large amount of time to formulate a proper mode of treatment.

Eating disorders are also the topic of a latter-day societal taboo in modern life - due to images of modern body image perpetrated by the media, there is scant difference between "a perfect body" and a "dangerously underweight body"; and, assuming that the body in question was deliberately being maintained, automatically assuming that there is an eating disorder in effect may be perceived as offensive. For this reason, the topic of eating disorders, as well as attempts by the friends and family of a victim to seek help for that victim, is seen as an issue where it is easier to avoid a minor inconvenience while risking the victim's health than to risk embarrassment if there is a problem.

In the public consciousness, one eating disorder is foremost: Anorexia. To aid discussion of eating disorders, a brief discussion of this particular eating disorder shall be entered into

Anorexia or, as it is more properly known in medical circles, Anorexia Nervosa ("Nervous Anorexia"), affects between 8 and 13 per 100,000 people depending on the demographics of the population being examined. Anorexia is the most commonly known eating disorder to the general public, due to media exposure. Indeed, this exposure causes many people to heap all eating disorders, or under-eating disorders, into a single category under the name anorexia. This is both a symptom and cause of more ignorance and misunderstanding faced by people trying to deal with eating disorders - someone with an unrelated eating disorder may be told (by friends and family) to seek treatment designed for anorexia sufferers which will provide no help to them; similarly, someone suffering from Anorexia Nervosa may be told to seek a treatment method which was observed being administered to someone with an unrelated eating disorder.

Anorexia is characterized by a fierce mental compulsion not to consume food at all, lest this cause the victim to become overweight and a gross distortion of body image, which causes the victim to believe he/she is overweight no matter what weight they really are. Someone who is perceived by other people as a mere bag of flesh and bones may she him/herself as grossly, morbidly obese and will seek to fix this perceived problem by eating yet less. It is not uncommon for chronic untreated cases of anorexia to cause death by starvation to the sufferer.

Due to specific societal conditions, understanding of eating disorders is limited. Many are ignored out of convenience and fear of embarrassment, while some people prone to hypochondria even wish to be seen as afflicted by this terrible disease. Eating disorders are terrible in this way because they are of the type Nervosa - caused by nervous system reactions and not transmitted as most diseases are by bacteria and viruses. Eating disorders are truly a disease borne of the modern age. Only through education of friends and family, as well as abolition of the senseless taboos associated with them, will eating disorders be conquered.

Autor: Michael Russell Michael Russell
Level: Platinum
Michael Russell has been involved in online business since early 2001, and whilst spending countless hours each month running his business still finds time for ... ...

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Eating Disorders

Added: June 29, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Low Self Esteem and Its Impact on a Child's Psyche

Low self esteem can begin to develop early in childhood, long before the concept is even understood by the child. Most of the traits underlying our personality are developed in early childhood. This means that a child with feelings of low self esteem is likely to carry them into adulthood without realizing it.

A child with low self esteem needs help to realize that not everything is his or her fault. He or she needs to understand that no person can succeed all the time, that perfection is an ideal and not a goal. However, that does not mean that such a child cannot attain spectacular success in life provided he/she is given the right guidance and motivation.

Low self esteem affects a child in many negative ways:-

1) Becoming an Over-Achiever - Some parents may find this prospect as something to cheer about but be assured that prodding your child to get high grades all the time does not equal good parenting. Children with low self esteem often becomes over achievers because they feel inadequate and think that they will receive love and respect only as long as they keep maintaining their high levels of performance.

2) Addiction - Drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism are the most common signs of a child with low self esteem. Such children often turn to drugs and alcohol in order to cover up what they feel are their inadequacies. Children with low self esteem often build a fantasy world in order to feel better about themselves.

3) Vulnerable to Peer pressure - A child with low self esteem is often susceptible to peer pressure. In their search for acceptance and attention and to avoid becoming victims of bullying, they tend to cave in to pressures from the "in" groups in order to belong to a clique that is viewed as being "cool", even if it means indulging in unacceptable behavior.

4) Depression - Feelings of being unloved, worthlessness and alienation are a constant in children of low self esteem. They are often depressed and unable to express their feelings due to embarrassment or shame. Depression in children can manifest itself chiefly through Eating Disorders, Suicide or Hypochondria.

a) Eating Disorders - By now the terms- bulimia and anorexia - have become part of daily conversation. However, despite the awareness of these conditions by the public at large, very few realize the extent of self loathing that must exist in a person for him/her to embark on an act so contrary to the human impulse of protecting self from harm.

b) Suicide - Suicide rates among young people have been increasing steadily over the years and the constant pressure by parents, schools, peer groups and society in general to strive for and achieve higher and higher goals is difficult enough for a well adjusted child. For one with low self esteem, this can be intolerable.

c) Hypochondria - A craving for attention is a characteristic trait of those suffering from low self esteem and what better way to achieve this than by claiming to be suffering from a myriad of diseases. The fact that no one believes them after a time merely confirms their idea of themselves as being worthless and so they either look for other gullible audience or increase the symptoms of their imagined illnesses. In extreme cases, they have even been known to inflict bodily harm on themselves in order to get the attention they so desperately seek.

Why is it so urgent that people help a child with low self esteem? A problem like this is much easier to overcome right at the beginning. For one thing, convincing an adult that he or she has low self esteem could be very hard. Moreover, childhood is the training ground where the adult is molded and shaped. Surely it is our duty as adults to make sure that we do all we can to ensure that the generation following us is equipped, not just on a physical and intellectual level but emotionally and psychologically as well, to face the challenges of their times.

Autor: Naresh Belliyappa

Naresh Belliyappa is a software engineer and website developer. He can be contacted at narbell@hotmail.co.uk For more articles,please visit http://www.ebookmall4U.co.uk

Added: June 28, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

The Ups and Downs of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is a serious disorder of the brain marked by cyclical mood swings, which often disrupt work, school, family, and social life. The symptoms typically begin in a person's late teens or twenties and affect men and women equally. If left untreated, it can lead to suicide in nearly 20 percent of cases. The illness is often misunderstood and difficult to diagnose because its symptoms may not reappear for as much as a year at a time.

Many times, it is initially misdiagnosed especially when hypomania (milder manic episodes) is not recognized. Since mental illnesses cannot be identified by a blood test or a brain scan, diagnosis must be made on the basis of symptoms, patterns of the illness, and family history. The most common symptoms are episodes of mania and depression. A person with Bipolar disorder may also have neutral periods where there are no apparent mood problems. Additionally, there may be periods of "mixed moods" where the person is both depressed and manic simultaneously.

The disorder shows many other symptoms such as paranoia, intense anger, irritability, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed or over-stimulated, difficulty maintaining focus, attention or concentration, suicidal thoughts and impulses, hypochondria, hallucinations, self-harm, delusions and psychotic breaks from reality. Most individuals with bipolar disorder spend more time in depressed phases than in manic phases.

Bipolar disorder has many causal factors. These include physical, mental, environmental and emotional causes and are usually divided into biological and psychological explanations. Researchers have proven that bipolar disorder is hereditary, but it can also be stress related or caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Approximately sixty percent of individuals with Bipolar disorder also have drug or alcohol dependence or exhibit obsessive compulsive activities such as excessive spending, working or cleaning. Many exhibit sexually promiscuous behavior or an obsession with fitness or body image.

Autor: Yvonne Perry Yvonne Perry
Level: Platinum
Yvonne Perry is a freelance writer, author and keynote speaker who enjoys assisting people on a spiritual path by writing about topics that inspire excellence ... ...

Seasonal depression and anxiety disorders such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are also common with the illness. Many families are affected by bipolar disorder and some have no idea how to help their loved one avoid episodes or to prevent caregiver burnout. Yvonne Perry and Angela Grett have co-authored a book titled, My Mother is Bipolar, so what am I? The book will focus primarily on the effect the illness has on children raised by a bipolar parent. Many people suffer alone and in silence because they are afraid to talk about their loved one's illness. If you know someone who is the child of a bipolar parent, you will want them to read this book. It is available on http://www.childrenofbipolar.com

Yvonne Perry is a freelance writer and the owner of Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services (WITS). She and her team of ghostwriters are ready to assist you with writing and editing for books, eBooks, Web text, business documents, resumes, bios, articles, and media releases. For more information about writing, networking, publishing, and book promotion, or to sign up for free email delivery of WITS newsletter, please visit http://www.writersinthesky.com New subscribers receive a free eBook Tips for Freelance Writing.

Added: June 26, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Jet Lag

Now I can't find the key. I'm not talking about 'key' in the musical sense, though right now I'd have trouble with that too. I mean the key to my hotel room. One of those little rectangular flexible cards, with a magnetic stripe and lots of printed information you don't read or need. These days they often print the room number on them. If someone finds your key, they can visit your room. Most helpful. The card is compact enough to slip into that place where you keep your credit cards. But it isn't there.

I make another search, so that my room now looks like a landfill site. Still no card; I'm stuck. Thank goodness it's daylight, as the card is designed to live in the master switch slot, by the door, to keep the power on. At least I can see. But I can't leave, because I won't be able to get back in.

I'm contemplating this predicament when the phone rings. My wife, in England, is about to go to bed. Here in Kyoto I've just got up. It's not surprising everything feels topsy-turvy, after eating breakfast at what my body believes to be suppertime.

"I think I'm going senile," I moan.


"I lost my key. Could be Alzheimer's, or dementia, or amnesia..."

"Try hypochondria."

"You don't understand. I've just written a postcard, then discovered that I wrote one to the same person fifteen minutes ago."

"You were doing that sort of thing twenty years ago,"

"Thanks for the reminder."

"It's nothing to worry about," she says. "The forgetfulness, I mean."


"Yes," she insists. "It's the jet lag affecting your hormones. The stress hormone cortisol occurs in higher levels when a person's sleep patterns are disturbed. High cortisol levels are associated with temporary loss of short-term memory. That's all. You'll adjust."

"Oh." She knows about these things.

"I showed you a copy of a medical research paper on cortisol and jet lag a couple of weeks ago."

"I forgot."

"Ha. Very funny."

I'm reminded of that old Jasper Carrot routine about the goldfish that can only remember something for seven seconds.

"Hey, look, there's a castle," says the first goldfish.

"Great," says his friend. "What's a castle?"

"No idea. Why do you ask?"

Later I find some jet lag stuff on the internet. A Bristol University team scanned the brains of experienced flight cabin staff. They discovered that those who made regular journeys across several time zones demonstrated evidence of impaired thinking ability. Their brains actually reduced. So, the price of my air miles to Japan is a bonsai brain.

I muse with my midget mind. According to the British Airways site: "Lack of sleep and disruption to the circadian clock (the brain's timekeeper) can lead to fatigue, digestive upset and headaches. It can downgrade our decision-making by up to 50 percent, communication skills by 30 percent, memory by 20 percent, and attention by 75 percent."

Thus, if you have flown around the world and are about to embark on serious work, don't expect to be anywhere near your sparkling best. As it's claimed that some of the worst industrial accidents are the result of shift workers' impaired ability due to circadian clock disruption, you'll probably be at your worst. The Three Mile Island nuclear plant meltdown is reputed to have been caused this way. If you have to travel across time zones, either remain on home time (not easy on anything but a very short trip), or travel several days early to give your brain time to adjust.

BUPA suggests some ways of minimising the effects of jet lag:

Drink lots of water;

Limit alcohol intake;

If travelling for just a few days, try to keep your body clock as close as possible to 'home time'.

Try to keep meal times as close to home time as possible when on a short trip.

British Airways point out that our body has evolved to be more sleepy between 3-5 am and 3-5pm, and more alert between 8-10 am and 8-10 pm. They suggest that when travelling, schedule meetings to be within 'alert' times, and naps and socialising into 'sleepy' times.

That's at home time, of course. The whole pattern is catastrophically reversed when you're in a time zone eight or twelve hours away. It is also suggested that you can improve alertness by supplementing reduced sleep with a short nap of 45 minutes, or a long nap of two hours. Any sleep is better than no sleep, they say.

Less helpful is the recommendation to aid sleep by tuning into static on a radio or stereo. No thanks. The site also discusses medication for sleep and alertness. Apparently, over-the-counter sleep medications usually contain antihistamine as the active ingredient, to create drowsiness and sleepiness. It's reassuring to read that these medications have little effect on the structure of sleep, and generally few side effects. Alertness products usually contain high doses of caffeine as the active ingredient. Be careful if you take these with other stimulants, such as caffeine in the form of coffee or tea.

We overlook the importance of short term memory. For instance, I'm a musician, and when sight reading, one can't read music unless one's memory is functioning well. Where is the repeat sign? Which accidentals have we just seen? How loud am I supposed to be? Where's the key signature?

Speaking of keys, that reminds me. I did find the lost key. I switched on the reading lamp, and realised that the master switch was on. The key was in the slot by the door all along. Oh dear.

I still feel a little jet lagged. It's said that you require a day's recovery for each hour of time change. Here in Japan I'm eight hours ahead of GMT. When I return to England, it'll be eight days before I return to normal. Until then I keep doing jet-laggy things, such as beginning to write a sentence, and then

Autor: John Robert Brown

John Robert Brown is a saxophonist, clarinettist, composer and author. Visit his website at http://www.john-robert-brown.com

Added: June 25, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

How To Know If Your Flu Symptoms Are Actually From Bird Flu

Since the onset of a bird flu outbreak, many people have gone to their doctors in a panic that they may have contracted bird flu. Although hypochondria may play a minor role, the similarity of some of the flu strains may as well be at fault. While the beginning symptoms of bird flu mimic those of the regular flu, there are subtle differences to watch for.

The initial symptoms of bird flu include fever, sore throat, body ache, and cough - basically the same symptoms of the seasonal flu. While you can rule out a common cold because of the inclusion of body aches, you may not be able to tell which flu strain is at hand. Specifically, a fever of 102 to 104 degrees for a period of 3 to 4 days is common. Likewise, headaches, severe muscle aches, and nasal congestion are also on the list of signs of bird flu. The length of these conditions should be watched to identify possible concerns.

Once these symptoms begin to manifest, you should seek medical care. Many people will try to "tough it out", but with the possibility of death as a result, going to the doctor should seem less intimidating.

There are certain signs that should send you to the emergency room or doctor immediately. Symptoms lasting for more than ten days or that are severe in nature may be an indication your body is not able to defend against the infection at hand. Painful breathing, difficulty in breathing, or bluish skin are also concerns you should watch for. Pneumonia is a common result of the flu, one that is the primary reason for flu deaths. Therefore, pain in the lungs or signs that your body is not getting adequate oxygen may point to a more severe problem.

Fainting, dizziness, or confusion are also red flags that should lead you to the doctor"s office, as well as obvious warning signs like excessive vomiting, dehydration, and complications arising from other medical issues.

While many of the initial symptoms are the same for various flu strains, the primary difference apparent with bird flu is the severity of the effects. It worsens quickly, and due to the reaction of the immune system after infection, the body is not able to recover. This is the concern with bird flu and should be remembered when trying to differentiate the regular flu strain and bird flu.

Autor: Sarah Jenkins

Sarah is an acclaimed writer on medical matters, and has written extensively on the subjects of Attention Deficit Disorder, Bird Flu and Crohn"s Disease. For more of her articles, go to http://www.imedicalvillage.com now.
http://www.imedicalvillage.com and read more of her articles.

Added: June 24, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Hypochondriasis: Living in Fear of One's Body

Hypochondriasis, also called hypochondria or health anxiety, isn't a new ailment. People have been worrying over fleeting aches and pains for centuries. The word hypochondria was coined by the ancient Greeks and literally means, "under the ribs." The Greeks believed most of the phantom symptoms originated from that area of the body.

When confronted with a patient suffering from hypochondria, doctors are placed in a difficult position. They have to decide whether the person is imagining his ailments or whether he is really ill. Hypochondriacs visit the doctor frequently, becoming in the doctor's eyes something akin to the boy who cried wolf. The problem is that people with hypochondria really do get sick now and then, just like everyone else, so doctors must take every complaint seriously. This puts a tax on the health care system as unnecessary tests and exams are performed.

However, placing blame on the shoulder of hypochondriacs is not the answer. They suffer from a very real condition that they can't control. Doctors who brush them off often make matters worse, as the patient feels that he is not being heard. It is important for primary care physicians to have patience and understand that often just listening to a patient's concerns can alleviate a good deal of the anxiety he or she feels.

While some people may joke about hypochondria, it is a serious disorder. For those with health anxiety, every headache is a brain tumor, every cough is lung cancer, every sore throat is throat cancer, every skin mark is skin cancer, every twitch is multiple sclerosis. A lot of hypochondriacs worry about having the most severe diseases such as AIDS, even when they don't have any of the risk factors.

While it is a good thing to be aware of any changes to one's body, being too aware can detract from one's quality of life. The stress of always worrying about sickness and death can make life miserable. People with this disorder never get to appreciate their good health because they never believe they are healthy.

For those with family members who suffer from this condition, it is important not to downplay or belittle their complaints. Often people will tell a hypochondriac that he or she is "exaggerating" or "being melodramatic." What family and friends don't realize is that the person really does have an illness: hypochondria.

There is help out there for sufferers and their loved ones. With proper treatment, such as cognitive therapy or anti-anxiety medication, people with hypochondria don't have to live the rest of their lives in fear of illness. With help, they will once again be able to enjoy the good health they've been so afraid of losing.

Autor: Rachel Williamson

Rachel Williamson is a contributing writer at Health Diaries, where she has written about hypochondria.

Added: June 22, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Refuse to Worry About Your Health!

Most of us have felt the need to scratch when a friend shows us his new rash. Indeed, at one time or another, almost all of us experience uncomfortable physical sensations that cause us concern or doubt. Many people today are hyperaware of their bodies, discerning and fretting over bodily sensations that most people don"t notice at all. Some might focus on health-related matters, have multiple lab tests for them, and never quite believe they aren"t deathly ill. Others might be certain of having a particular disease, but are too frightened to see a health care practitioner. Some will read about one disease and obsess over it. Others will manage to acquire a "disease of the week," as their symptoms mysteriously move from one part of the body to another. Whatever the manifestation, these people share a common clinical feature: anxiety over their health.

For millions of people, worrying excessively that they might be ill - even after professionals have assured them they"re not and medical tests have confirmed these assurances - is a problem. A subgroup of this population suffers from a milder preoccupation with their health that can interfere with enjoying the health they do have. Sufferers might even develop health anxieties for short periods of time - less than six months. They"re normal in every other respect: they go to work, go to school, socialize, and attend to spiritual needs. They don"t have a mental disorder like hypochondria or obsessive-compulsive disorder; they simply worry too much about their health.

Unfortunately, being fearful of diseases or germs can become a full-time preoccupation. For those with health anxiety, it"s very common to "burn out" family members and friends by repeatedly relying on them for trips for medical care, picking up prescriptions and spending a lot of money on medications, co-payments or excessive lab tests. In short, health anxiety can literally intrude into all areas of life.

Sufferers can, and should, seek the support of family and friends by asking them for help. In turn, significant others can be supportive by encouraging such a request as well as not being critical or judgmental about health anxiety. If you"re a health phobic, you should be considerate of the feelings and energy levels of those around you. And don"t push yourself too hard. You shouldn"t expect too much improvement too soon. The problem didn"t appear overnight, so it"s not going to disappear overnight either. Keep in mind that no one dislikes having health anxieties more than the person who has this problem. If you"re a family member or friend, you shouldn't minimize the condition or belittle the sufferer. Instead, you should thoughtfully and attentively listen to what the disease phobic has to say about her or his fears, experiences and goals. And then do what is reasonable to assist her or him in the recovery process.

While health anxiety presents a definite challenge to millions of people, healing is possible. Because the primary culprit in health anxiety is your thinking, the cure lies within the realm of your mind. This means a primary method used to overcome the problem is learning to "rethink" your life experiences and interpretations of physical symptoms and complaints. In other words, by changing the way you look at life in general, you can find lasting relief from your fears of disease, illness, and germs.

Autor: George Zgourides George Zgourides
Level: Basic
George D. Zgourides, M.D., Psy.D is a physician, clinical psychologist, and healthcare chaplain. He and his wife Christie are the authors of several books dealing ... ...

George D. Zgourides, M.D., Psy.D and his wife Christie are the authors of several books dealing with various health-related, psychological, and self-help topics.

Added: June 20, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Why Hasn't My Doctor Said That I May Be Suffering From Hypoglycemia?

Are you like many people that have stumbled (through a friend/family member or the internet) upon the fact that you may have hypoglycemia? You've never been given a formal medical diagnosis but based on your findings you feel like it is very likely that you have hypoglycemia? If so, you may be asking why your doctor hasn"t been able to come to this conclusion yet or if it is possible to simply go to your doctor now and get something from him/her to fix the problem.

First off, it can be difficult to test for Hypoglycemia.
Some people that have Hypoglycemia don't have any
symptoms and others that have many of the classic
symptoms, have a normal blood sugar level. So it makes
it hard for doctors to test for the disease.

Secondly, Hypoglycemia mimics various other illnesses,
such as nervous illnesses like panic disorder or
hypochondria so that is how the doctor may diagnose the
patient. This is not to say that another diagnosis
isn't accurate, but it may be missing the diagnosis for
Hypoglycemia on top of it.

Thirdly, medical doctors are not generally trained in
nutrition. That is critical in this disease because hypoglycemia is, in large part, a nutritional deficiency. Last I heard, doctors only go through one semester of school dealing with nutrition while getting their training. Veterinarians on the other hand, as well as alternative doctors, do spend a great deal of time on nutrition in their training and they are more likely to complete research on natural products to determine whether or not that method could help the patient.

Hypoglycemia often goes undiagnosed because many
physicians don't understand it completely. Since the
symptoms are similar to various other diseases they will
perform tests for those diseases. When the tests they
have available don't show up as various other diseases
the doctors don't have anything for you. Therefore, if
you feel in your heart that you are hypoglycemic you
must educate yourself and push your doctor.

Education and taking your health and well being into
your own hands really are the best ways for you to
control and overcome your symptoms.

"An informed patient is the best patient," --Murrmann-Price

Autor: Shannon Lueck

Shannon suffered from hypoglycemia for 12+ years before she stumbled across a system that helped her overcome her symptoms. Learn more about how she conquered hypoglycemia at: Reactive Hypoglycemia Symptom and Diet Treatment Website

Added: June 19, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Weird Science on Satellite TV

Science is a vital part of civilization and permits us to have such luxuries as medicine and fancy machinery. As important as it is, getting people interested in science is no easy task. Aside from making things explode in chemistry class and dissecting frogs in biology, science can easily teeter over to the boring and dry side of life. Luckily, television has stepped in to jazz up the notion of science and give a boost to its popularity. Satellite TV gives people a whole range of great shows to choose from to get a nice little dose of entertainment with a hint of education.

In the wake of Bill Nye the Science Guy, the Discovery Channel offers a great show for scientists and regular civilians alike called "Mythbusters". Taking commonly held beliefs, this group of quirky scientists takes their expansive scientific knowledge and applies it to each idea in order to prove that it is fact or fiction. While it often includes the appeal of explosives, they also explain the science behind each experiment in an exciting and rather easily understood fashion. Using common myths also makes the science more relatable. Instead of seeing science as some lofty, far removed subject only relevant to government, medical, or technological endeavors, people can apply the science to parts of their everyday life. Even if people cannot execute the experiments themselves it is still entertaining to watch someone blow things up in high definition.

If the reality of "Mythbusters" is just too real for certain viewers, shows like "House" and "CSI" bring drama and science together. The personality ticks and poor bedside manner of Dr. House adds to the narrative appeal of the show, but the peculiar illnesses are another key draw. While the odd ailments might inspire a few cases of hypochondria in the audience, they also bring attention to the complexity of the human body and its possibilities. The dramatic diseases that grace Dr. House's chart make science and medicine intriguing, taking biology out of the textbook and putting it in an interesting context. Sports pale in comparison to the intense race of trying to find the cause and cure of a fatal disease before it claims its host.

"CSI" employs the same suspense and drama that "House" does but with a few more special affects. The whole basis of the show is the application of science to solve a crime, elevating chemistry to a whole new level of hip. While the investigators are quite a bit better looking than your average lab geek, the instruments and experiments they handle cannot help but peak a person's interest in the capabilities of chemicals. The show also specializes in high definition exploration of wounds and dead bodies for the extra gore affect that could be quite satisfying to those who lean more towards biology. The science of these fictitious shows might be fudged a little bit and much more glamorous than the humble real life science nerds of "Mythbusters" but they excite the mind all the same. Having people get science on the mind is a good first step in the direction of boosting its popularity.

Autor: John R. Harrison

Direct TV is America's number-one satellite TV services company. For the best in sports programming, movies, and high-definition entertainment, check out the many great Direct TV packages available right now.

Added: June 15, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

It's a Mad, Mad World! Mental Health - An Ayurvedic Perspective

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 450 million people worldwide are affected by mental, neurological or behavioral problems. However, determining that someone has a mental illness, and which one it could be, is one of the greatest challenges psychiatrists and psychologists face today. To date, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (the psychiatrists bible), lists over 400 disorders.

It's quite normal to sometimes feel happy or sad, anxious or fearful, forgetful or confused. These are the hills and valleys of emotion in our daily lives. But when a person's emotions, thoughts or behavior frequently trouble them, or disrupt their lives and those around them, they may be suffering from mental illness. Even though as many as one in five people are thought to suffer from a form of mental illness, it still carries with it stigma and discrimination. Because of this people are reluctant to admit they have a problem and seek help and treatment. Unfortunately, when mental illness goes untreated the result can be suicide, which claims 873,000 lives a year. The economic costs of these conditions are also enormous and growing. According to the WHO, depression is expected to account for more lost years of healthy life than any other disease by 2030, except for HIV/AIDS.

What Causes Mental Illness?

Western scientists can tell us what happens as a result of certain mental health issues, but they cannot give us the underlying cause. For instance, brain scans have directly linked depression with changes in levels of neurotransmitters - chemicals that convey messages across neurons - people suffering from depression often display lowered levels of neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin's main effects include improving mood and giving you that "satisfied" feeling from food. It's also thought to help promote sleep and relaxation. Alzheimer's disease, a major source of dementia and memory loss in the elderly, is a result of an accumulation of protein plaques, which choke neurons in the brain. Untreated HIV infection, syphilis, Lyme disease and malaria are also thought capable of triggering a variety of mental illnesses. Modern medicine does not recognize a link between the body, mind and emotions. They look at the body as a machine, working independently of the mind.

The 5,000-year-old holistic science of Ayurvedic medicine, on the other hand, views the human being as body, mind and spirit, including the emotions and psychology, on all levels. It incorporates longevity, rejuvenation and self-realization therapies utilizing herbs, diet, yoga; breathing and physical exercises and meditation, massage, aromas and mantras. Ayurveda uses the concept of three biological humors; vata (air), pitta (fire), and kapha (earth) that if become unbalanced can affect us mentally, with disturbed emotions and thoughts, this will usually be reflected on a physical level also and visa versa. Through recent scientific research Dr. Candace Pert has come to a similar conclusion in her book Molecules of Emotion. Pert refers to the mind-body connection or a network of emotions linking the mind to the body. She demonstrates that cells throughout the body secrete 'emotional' hormones; these are then picked up by nerve impulses to produce the corresponding changes in mood and behavior. The immune system is linked with the brain (pituitary gland) and the endocrine system. Endorphins are the body's natural 'opiates' or pleasure hormones and are known to be increased by pranayama (yogic breathing) and yoga asana. Stress affects the body by releasing hormones, adrenaline and corticosterone from the brain and the immune system. Once in a stressed state the body itself can continue the stress cycle by the continuous activation of corticosterone. Depressed and traumatized people have high levels of corticosterone and often have a decreased level of immunity. This physiological state can be deactivated when the trauma and stress are released. In Ayurveda this means transforming the negative emotions, like fear, pain, anger and grief into positive ones.

The Function of the Astral Body

In Ayurveda and many other natural healing methods a subtle astral or emotional body is recognized to exist simultaneously with the physical body. It is linked to the physical body by energy centers or chakras. Subtle channels known as nadis transport prana or the essence of life energy and thought to corresponding glands around the body. Disruption in the flow of these energies causes psychological disease. As mentioned yogic breathing can keep these energies circulating, as can certain herbs such as calamus, basil, turmeric, guggul, myrrh, frankincense and cedar.

There is a shield between the astral and physical bodies, which protect us from negative thoughts or energies that are within the astral atmosphere. For instance, there is so much accumulated fear within the world projected from wars, the slaughter of billions of animals, pain and suffering of women and children that exists in the astral plane that if the link becomes weak we can no longer discriminate the physical from the astral. The fear, pain and anger "out there", affects our thoughts, fantasies and emotions, and we lose control. A physical trauma such as a severe blow to the head, sexual or physical abuse, excessive alcohol and mind-altering drugs such as LSD, ecstasy, cannabis and heroine can weaken this shield. Persons who are channelers open themselves up the astral plane also. One striking example of this is schizophrenia. This is a distorted view of reality, which may include hallucinations, hearing voices, delusions, and paranoia. Ayurveda recognizes this to be a symptom of a destructive astral force or entity entering the physical body commonly known as possession. Many Hindu priests, as well as Catholic priests, are taught a certain practice through prayer and sanctified water to rid the sufferer of the negative energy. Calamus, Holy basil and Gotu kola are then administered with perhaps some time being spent in a 'sattvic' or loving monastic environment.

Allopathic Psychiatric Treatments

Psychiatric treatment for mental illness can take many forms. The patient is encouraged to recognize their problems, understand what may trigger undesirable behavior, and develop coping strategies. Mood-stabilizing aim to moderate manic episodes of bipolar disorder and may also reduce recurrences of depression. Recently, however, some experts think there has been a rush to medicate and have questioned the effectiveness of many drugs. There is also controversy about using these drugs - such as Ritalin or amphetamines to treat children.

Various Mental Disorders and Ayurvedic Treatments


Among the most common mental illnesses is clinical depression. It is described as a prolonged, debilitating sadness, and feelings of hopelessness that is often accompanied by no highs or lows, just a bland existence which will ultimately lead to thoughts of suicide. The numbers of adolescents suffering from clinical depression have risen alarmingly in the last 10 years. Statistics show that suicide is the third leading cause of death in youths between 10 and 19 years old.

Bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression) is an affective disorder that causes periodic mood swings in which they cycle from depression to mania. Depression may be characterized by having a lack of motivation, difficulty doing tasks, short attention span, decreased appetite, crying spells, difficulty in getting to sleep or sleeping too much, and in the more severe cases thoughts of self harm. Mania is separated into two types: Full mania and hypomania. Mania may be characterized by a decreased need for sleep, decreased self-control, overspending, increased sexual activity, irritability, rage, risk-taking behaviors, and in the more severe cases psychotic states. Hypomania is described as having the same behaviors, to a less extreme level.

Ayurvedic Treatment

A need to arouse the sufferer's interest and enthusiasm in life is introduced to the sense of taste. Spices like ginger, cardamon and basil are used to open the heart and mind. Calamus teas are given with a little ginger and honey. Mints and sages of all types are useful. Triphala is given to alleviate constipation. Color therapy is used with warm tones of yellow and gold. Long walks are encourages in nature at her best; sunshine, river, lakes and forests. All these places are filled with pranic energy.

Cutting or Self-Injury

Self-injury involves self-inflicted bodily harm that is severe enough to either cause tissue damage or to leave marks that last several hours. Cutting is the most common form of SI, but burning, head banging and scratching are also common. Other forms include biting, skin-picking, hair pulling, hitting the body with objects or hitting objects with the body. Although suicidal feelings may accompany SI, it does not necessarily indicate a suicide attempt. Most often it is simply a mechanism for coping with emotional distress. People who select this emotional outlet may use it to express feelings, to deal with feelings of unreality or numbness, to stop flashbacks, to punish themselves, or to relieve tension. Although SI is recognized as a common problem among the teenage population, it is not limited to adolescents. People of all sexes, nationalities, socioeconomic groups and ages can be self-injurers.

Ayurvedic Treatment

Often, the sufferer feels the need to stimulate themselves by pain. Ayurveda uses nervine herbs like Trikatu, cayenne, cardamom, cloves and calamus. Warming and nourishing these feed the emotional heart. Pippali is good also, 1/4 teaspoon with honey every few hours. Avoid sleeping during the day.

Anxiety Disorders

These include post-traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, anger disorders, hypochondria, and phobias such as agoraphobia (open spaces), claustrophobia (small places), acrophobia (heights), arachnophobia (spiders) and social phobia (being around people). These are all characterized by powerful feelings of panic and physical signs of fear, sweating, and a racing heart - due to some cue in the environment, or for no obvious reason at all. Many sufferers believe they are either going insane or going to die.

Ayurvedic Treatment

Anxiety is mainly a Vata disorder and Ashwaganda is generally given am and pm in warm milk. Aromatherapy, using rose and jasmine is used. Warm massage and gentle, slow yogic techniques. Maha Mantra and Shrim mantra should be spoken.

Eating Disorders

There are three common eating disorders; anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Each disorder has different affects on the human body. A disease that used to be associated with young women is now appearing in young men. Anorexia is characterized by a significant weight loss, which is usually resulting from excessive dieting. Sufferers see themselves to be overweight, or fat, no matter what their actual weight may be. Anorexics may also use compulsive exercise to control their weight. Anorexics commonly strive for perfection in all the things they do. They set extremely high standards for themselves, and feel that they always have to prove themselves. They may also feel that the only thing they have control over in their lives is their weight. People with bulimia engage in cycles of gorging or binging themselves on large quantities of food and then purging through vomiting or use of laxatives. This can have a disastrous effect as with repeated purging the sufferer will lose their teeth from stomach acid and the use of laxatives will eventually render the bowel muscles useless.

Ayurvedic Treatment

To begin with the patients should fast on orange juice and water for first three to five days. After the juice diet the patient may adopt an all fruit diet for a further five days, taking three meals a day of juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, oranges, pineapple, peaches at five hourly intervals. Thereafter they may adopt a restricted diet of easily digestible foods, consisting of lightly cooked vegetables, juicy fruits, and buttermilk for about ten days. During the first three to five days of the juice fast, the bowels should be cleansed with a warm water enema each day. Teas of cardamom, fennel, and fresh ginger to help regulate digestion and stop vomiting; valerian, nutmeg, herb ashwagandha. Massage with sesame oil, and sandalwood.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD

ADHD, sometimes known as ADD, is a common behavioral disorder that affects an estimated 8% to 10% of school-age children. Boys are about three times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with it, though it's not yet understood why. Children with ADHD act without thinking, are hyperactive, and have trouble focusing. They can't sit still, pay attention, or attend to details. Recent research links smoking during pregnancy to later ADHD in a child. Some studies have even suggested a link between excessive early television watching and future attention problems. It has been advised that children under 2 years old should not have any "screen time" (TV, DVDs or videotapes, computers, or video games) and that kids 2 years and older should be limited to 1 to 2 hours per day, or less, of quality television programming.

Ayurvedic Treatment

Child's diet should consist of fruit, grains and vegetables full of natural vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. Eliminate caffeine, sugar and other sweets, processed food, MSG, aspartame (NutraSweet) and other sugar substitutes, and any foods that contain preservatives, food dyes or other chemicals and eating at fast food chains. Drink water, fresh homemade vegetable and fruit juices. Eliminate sodas and caffeinated beverages. No white bread. No processed peanut butter: It contains aflatoxin, a fungus that causes cancer. Instead use almond butter from your health food store. Children need a lot of rest and should go to bed early. Proper exercise daily- outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine. Play with your children!

Note: Ritalin closely resembles an amphetamine. It is a cocaine-like drug that induces zombie-like behavior in children. The public school system's idea of ADHD treatments is prescribing Ritalin which, like all toxins, come with a long list of side effects including nervousness, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, insomnia, joint pains, headaches, increased blood pressure, fever, rapid heartbeat, abdominal pain, and psychosis.

Knowledge is Empowering

Many people take medication to help control or manage the symptoms of their mental illness. A clear knowledge and understanding of medication and possible side effects combined with knowledge and understanding of both oneself and one's illness is often important in achieving a sense of personal control over the symptoms of the illness. Knowledge enhances your ability to self manage your medication to get the maximum benefits from it while reducing the potential for side effects and the risk of relapse. Acquiring knowledge also enhances your ability to negotiate effectively with the treating doctor about dose, frequency and the types of medication choices. Keeping up with current advances in medication research and the new drugs as they become available also increases your medication and treatment options. Remember it is your body and mind, and your decision what treatment you are going to choose.

Autor: Jennifer Beckman

Jennifer (Yogamaya) is a director of the Vedic Cultural Fellowship and Pecos Valley Yoga and Ayurveda Center. Born in North Africa, and raised in the UK, as child she was introduced to yoga asana and pranayama by her aunt. During the 1990's she studied homeopathy, massage, reflexology, nutrition and became a certified instructor by the British Wheel of Yoga. Naturally she was drawn to the sister science of Ayurveda and has studied under Doctors Vasant Lad and David Frawley. In 1998, she returned to the US with her husband Howard Beckman, to establish the Vedic Cultural Fellowship and in 1999 they founded New Rishikesh, in Pecos, New Mexico. In 2003, she was certified as a Planetary Gem Advisor, by the Planetary Gemologist Association in Bangkok Thailand due to her advanced working knowledge of using gemstones in accordance with Vedic astrological principles. Today she and her husband, together with Dr. David Frawley, are developing the VCF's New Rishikesh as a major teaching and retreat center.

Added: June 14, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

What Your Type of Handbag Uncovers

What you take along with you-just in case you might need them-and in what type of handbag you place them can be quite self descriptive.

Activity Handbag:
Taking with you lots of reading material and other things to do, and actually being admired by others for putting every spare moment to a practical use , if the true meaning behind you taking these objects are to take advantage of the time that has been allotted to you, then you have an intelligent way of cutting all kinds of corners in your life. Nevertheless, if the true purpose behind all of this paraphenalia is to avoid where you are holding in your life, it is actually a means of escape.

Bookbag or Knapsack:
You have more foresight than others.

Business Contents:
Possessing checkbooks, pens, stamps, etc., you are quite business oriented, now try being more people oriented.

A definite busybody, you take people's telephone numbers at random and place them in your bag amongst all the debris. Although you did promise to call them, it just doesn't seem to be there when you look for it. You love being disorganized.

Color Coordinated:
What you wear and carry must match. You have good fellowship provided this is restricted to your sphere of acquaintances, as you are all structure, uniform and values.

Compartmentalized Handbag:
Having five different areas where to stash your goods, you are highly organized, though you find it difficult when something comes along unexpectedly.

Cosmetic Bag:
Carrying every type of makeup that you may or may not need, how you look is just about all that is important to you. This reflects a lack of confidence in the real you.

Emergency Handbag:
Taking with you anything that you may need, you are primarily concerned with having things in order-especially your life. You do not want anything unexpected to hamper your lifestyle. Although at times laughed at by others, they know who to come to should an emergency arise.

Ethnic Handbag:
You are imaginative, inventive, original and very particular in your pursuit of life.

Florence Nightingale:
Although you have taken care of every possible illness or medical need that may come up, you have not yet found the cure for your hypochondria.

Garbage (Collector's) Bag:
Once something finishes it is hard for you to part with it. Although others find you hysterical because of your basic love of life and being hilarious, people are attracted to you, but they do try to avoid your handbag.

Handbag plus Shopping Bag:
Family minded even if you do not have a family, you rely on yourself and even though this might be a trifle burdensome, you can be depended upon to bring everything home and then some.

Male 'Purse':
Novel concepts attract you.

Medium Sized Shoulder Strap:
Being essentially conventional, you tend to be moderate in most walks of life.

Metallic (Or This Years Fad):
Being very style conscious, not being able to get the latest thing may send you into a rage. Essentially one who takes chances, what other people say and think about you are at times more important than your own view.

Neutral Colors:
You have been accused of being slothful. You avoid the limelight at all costs.

Oversize "Horsefeed" Bag:
Because of your easygoing nature, casting just about everything you possess in your bag, people flock to you. If they could only handle your lack of organization and somewhat lack of accountability.

Physical Comfort:
Taking along with you an arsenal of belongings, thermal underwear, an umbrella in case it rains, gloves in case of a storm, an extra bathing suit in case you decide to swim, essentially being a worry wart, should anything occur that you have not anticipated, you become a nervous wreck.

Sexual Encounter:
Seeing that you hope to spend the night elsewhere than your own home, you take along a battery of supplies, anticipating your need for them.

Small Handbag Inside A Larger Bag:
Flexible, you exhibit an enormous amount of dynamo and can play various parts simultaneously.

Small Nothing Bag:
Inasmuch as there is no room for anything in your bag, you are extremely self confident. A fearless human being, though others may wonder why you bother to take a bag at all.

Straw Bag:
You are beach conscious.

Tote Bag:
You basically gravitate toward vogue, highly considering how other people are reading you.

No Handbag:
You are radical, sometimes even fanatic, you are either in great need of others, or have absolutely no need for them, but you are never in the middle. Nevertheless, an aura of a lack of accountability hovers above you.

Autor: Joel Engel Joel Engel
Level: Basic PLUS
Joel Engel has been a world-renowned graphologist for over 30 years. He is often quoted in the press and scientific journals for his "spot on" ... ...

Joel Engel is the author of "Handwriting Analysis Self-Taught" (Penguin Books) http://careertest.ws

Added: June 13, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Jet Lag

Now I can't find the key. I'm not talking about 'key' in the musical sense, though right now I'd have trouble with that too. I mean the key to my hotel room. One of those little rectangular flexible cards, with a magnetic stripe and lots of printed information you don't read or need. These days they often print the room number on them. If someone finds your key, they can visit your room. Most helpful. The card is compact enough to slip into that place where you keep your credit cards. But it isn't there.

I make another search, so that my room now looks like a landfill site. Still no card; I'm stuck. Thank goodness it's daylight, as the card is designed to live in the master switch slot, by the door, to keep the power on. At least I can see. But I can't leave, because I won't be able to get back in.

I'm contemplating this predicament when the phone rings. My wife, in England, is about to go to bed. Here in Kyoto I've just got up. It's not surprising everything feels topsy-turvy, after eating breakfast at what my body believes to be suppertime.

"I think I'm going senile," I moan.


"I lost my key. Could be Alzheimer's, or dementia, or amnesia..."

"Try hypochondria."

"You don't understand. I've just written a postcard, then discovered that I wrote one to the same person fifteen minutes ago."

"You were doing that sort of thing twenty years ago,"

"Thanks for the reminder."

"It's nothing to worry about," she says. "The forgetfulness, I mean."


"Yes," she insists. "It's the jet lag affecting your hormones. The stress hormone cortisol occurs in higher levels when a person's sleep patterns are disturbed. High cortisol levels are associated with temporary loss of short-term memory. That's all. You'll adjust."

"Oh." She knows about these things.

"I showed you a copy of a medical research paper on cortisol and jet lag a couple of weeks ago."

"I forgot."

"Ha. Very funny."

I'm reminded of that old Jasper Carrot routine about the goldfish that can only remember something for seven seconds.

"Hey, look, there's a castle," says the first goldfish.

"Great," says his friend. "What's a castle?"

"No idea. Why do you ask?"

Later I find some jet lag stuff on the internet. A Bristol University team scanned the brains of experienced flight cabin staff. They discovered that those who made regular journeys across several time zones demonstrated evidence of impaired thinking ability. Their brains actually reduced. So, the price of my air miles to Japan is a bonsai brain.

I muse with my midget mind. According to the British Airways site: "Lack of sleep and disruption to the circadian clock (the brain's timekeeper) can lead to fatigue, digestive upset and headaches. It can downgrade our decision-making by up to 50 percent, communication skills by 30 percent, memory by 20 percent, and attention by 75 percent."

Thus, if you have flown around the world and are about to embark on serious work, don't expect to be anywhere near your sparkling best. As it's claimed that some of the worst industrial accidents are the result of shift workers' impaired ability due to circadian clock disruption, you'll probably be at your worst. The Three Mile Island nuclear plant meltdown is reputed to have been caused this way. If you have to travel across time zones, either remain on home time (not easy on anything but a very short trip), or travel several days early to give your brain time to adjust.

BUPA suggests some ways of minimising the effects of jet lag:

Drink lots of water;

Limit alcohol intake;

If travelling for just a few days, try to keep your body clock as close as possible to 'home time'.

Try to keep meal times as close to home time as possible when on a short trip.

British Airways point out that our body has evolved to be more sleepy between 3-5 am and 3-5pm, and more alert between 8-10 am and 8-10 pm. They suggest that when travelling, schedule meetings to be within 'alert' times, and naps and socialising into 'sleepy' times.

That's at home time, of course. The whole pattern is catastrophically reversed when you're in a time zone eight or twelve hours away. It is also suggested that you can improve alertness by supplementing reduced sleep with a short nap of 45 minutes, or a long nap of two hours. Any sleep is better than no sleep, they say.

Less helpful is the recommendation to aid sleep by tuning into static on a radio or stereo. No thanks. The site also discusses medication for sleep and alertness. Apparently, over-the-counter sleep medications usually contain antihistamine as the active ingredient, to create drowsiness and sleepiness. It's reassuring to read that these medications have little effect on the structure of sleep, and generally few side effects. Alertness products usually contain high doses of caffeine as the active ingredient. Be careful if you take these with other stimulants, such as caffeine in the form of coffee or tea.

We overlook the importance of short term memory. For instance, I'm a musician, and when sight reading, one can't read music unless one's memory is functioning well. Where is the repeat sign? Which accidentals have we just seen? How loud am I supposed to be? Where's the key signature?

Speaking of keys, that reminds me. I did find the lost key. I switched on the reading lamp, and realised that the master switch was on. The key was in the slot by the door all along. Oh dear.

I still feel a little jet lagged. It's said that you require a day's recovery for each hour of time change. Here in Japan I'm eight hours ahead of GMT. When I return to England, it'll be eight days before I return to normal. Until then I keep doing jet-laggy things, such as beginning to write a sentence, and then

Autor: John Robert Brown

John Robert Brown is a saxophonist, clarinettist, composer and author. Visit his website at http://www.john-robert-brown.com

Added: June 11, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Find the Truth by Reading Current Health Articles

When it comes to health issues, self diagnosis can be a dangerous thing and the medical professionals should always have the final say with regards to treatments. However, that doesn't mean that someone should not educate themselves on health matters, and especially if the illness or condition in questions affects you or someone close to you. This is why it's wise to keep updated by reading current health articles. Although it's not sensible to take treatment into your own hands, you could always take your new findings to you doctor for his input and opinion on whatever it is you've read about that you think may help your case.

Mind you, it's important to be careful when reading current health articles and it's crucial to find a reliable source for information. Unfortunately, the World Wide Web has its fair share of misinformation as well as an abundance of accurate, useful reports and updated developments in the medical field. Another potential problem with reading health articles is that it can turn a few people into hypochondriacs, as some well written pieces can convince the reader thy have certain conditions which they don't.

My son, bless his heart, was a victim of this with his young curious mind. He stumbled on some current health articles as he was doing a little online research about tropical Malaria for a school project. My wife and I noticed he was a little quiet for a few days but when asked if he was ok, he just shrugged his shoulders and said that he was fine. Eventually, it all got a bit much for the lad and after about a week of suffering in silence he decided to overcome his embarrassment and voice his concerns to us.

What happened was he'd come across some links on STD's and after reading up on the symptoms of a few of these he was certain he was going to die a premature death. He was sure that he had signs of third stage syphilis, another conditions called chancroid, and something else even I can't spell or pronounce. The poor lad is only 12 and is yet to have his first proper girlfriend, but even so, we had to take him to the family doctor before he could be reassured that he was a young, fit, and healthy young man with his whole life ahead of him. We have since moved his PC into the living room where we can keep an eye on the type of sites he visits,

But hypochondria aside, it is still a good idea for many folks to read current health articles whenever they have a need to keep updated on their or their loved ones illnesses. I have a very good friend of mine who developed progressive multiple sclerosis at just 39 years of age and he got real bad. He was just one step away from a wheel chair and had tried a multitude medications and combination medicines, but nothing seemed to be helping. It was painful to watch the poor guy getting worse and worse, and having a wife and young daughter made this cruel and seemingly unstoppable condition all the more sad.

Anyway, Elvis (a nickname from school days!), became a bit of an expert on his condition, and made sure he kept up with all the current health articles on MS from the experts around the world. One day, he discovered a drug that he thought might help him out in combination with a previous drug he had tried but failed. He approached his physician about this and he agreed that there was nothing to lose by trying.

Without any exaggeration, after two years of pain, discomfort and heading fast to becoming a full blown cripple, he got well within weeks. When I say well, I mean he'd gone from clutching onto sticks to running around like a kid on a mission. I have never in my life seen such a transformation in anyone and it's all thanks to his commitment to keeping updated on progressive MS by reading all the current health articles he could get his hands on. I just hope and pray he doesn't relapse, but touch wood; he's been as fit as a fiddle for 18 months at the time of writing this article.

Autor: Andy Maingam

Andy Maingam is a proficient writer and webmaster for HealthGusto dot com where he writes on such health issues as the health spas and low back pain exercise. He also has many other health related pieces on the site

Added: June 9, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

7 Helps For Better Personal Health

Health is one of the important areas of our life. Others are religion, job or business with an adequate income, building a retirement income, and owning a house. But how important are these? They are important. So how does personal health fit into the picture?

Poor health in general does not allow full enjoyment of any of the items important. Specific health problems can be short time and interfere with life enjoyment. Long time specific health problems can be a never ending diminishing of life activities including work and other important areas.

At the same time one does not want to be deluded into frequent doctor visits when there is no real problem. At its worst it is called hypochondria. In less amounts it can be delusions caused by television commercials, and magazines ads.

Some pointers are:

1. Ignore commercials. If you believe you have a real problem, or daily routines are adversely affected by what appears to be real health problems, see your family doctor. At least you can then determine if the problem is real, whether it is an important problem or not, and relieve your mind, and be able to get on with your life. But do not allow commercials to cause you health worries, when in fact there may not be any.

2. Remember that there are few doctors will tell you to get lost. The basic attitude of doctors is to serve the patient. That is good. But realize that you are wasting your time and money and the doctors time if you do not have a real problem.

3. Physicals. At nearly every age regular physicals should become routine. Through these one can learn their general and specific health, whether any areas need attention and then acting on the best plans according to your doctor alleviate them, gain peace of mind even if there is a problem because then you know what it is and what you need to do to relieve it.

4. OTC Drugs. There are a multitude of over the counter drugs most of which you do not need. Aspirin is good, a cough medication may work for light coughs or colds. First one needs to determine with their doctor if they have a problem, and if yes, what is a good OTC remedy. Your doctor can tell you also, in general, what OTC drugs that are useful for you. Remember that you can become sick from too many or too much OTC drugs.

5. Prescription drugs. Doctors have a multitude of choices when prescribing a drug for a particular health problem. That is good, but remember a prescription drug can als cause you problems, and if one does notify your doctor and get a different drug.

6. Food. Good food is a critical part of good health. Take the time to learn healthy foods and then set your diet according to them. Your doctor's office can get you started learning what are healthy foods and those not good for you. And learn to read labels. Most grocery stores and restaurants aim to sell food, and not watch out for your health. Control of your diet is up to you. Exercise that control. Generally foods prepared at home are healthier than restaurant menus.

7. Exercise. If your life style is with little exercise then you probably need exercise. Walking up stairs a level or two is better than taking an elevator or escalator, and may prove faster. Parking away from the store or mall and walking to the store is good exercise. Mowing the yard with a walk behind mower is good exercise. The point is that there are many good exercises about in your daily life. A spa or gym is not necessary. However gyms do provide a community of people doing the same thing and that may appeal to you. Remember that toned muscles are good for they also represent heart exercise. Bulging muscles look good, but they can introduce health problems. Moderation is a good goal when exercising.

Every important area of life is better enjoyed when health is good. Pills may become a necessity, but they are not a substitute for good health. Doctors can be a big help, yet your health is up to you. If you have good health don't waste it. If your health is not where you would like then you need to get working on it.

Autor: Paul Mobley Paul Mobley
Level: Basic PLUS
Now retired, Paul is active doing small farming, maintaining a website, and writing. Though some income is desireable, many efforts are for free both of ... ...

http://www.geocities.com/mobleria/me.html list more information about the author, and provide resources that a publisher would be interested in, and some of the expertise that supports viewing his articles and these materials. Paul's Book are found at http://www.lulu.com/mobleria Paul is interested in writing from article size to books and invites anyone interested to contact him.

Added: June 8, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

What is Fibromyalgia - What You Should Know!

Fibromyalgia is a mysterious conglomeration of various and variable complaints linked together as a syndrome and was not recognized officially as a complaint until two or three decades ago. Therefore, the question of what is fibromyalgia did not arise until recent times.When investigating the question what is fibromyalgia one has to take into consideration the fact that the medical profession has not yet arrived at a final answer to this question, but currently associates the amalgamated problems with the central nervous system or that of an overactive pain system.

Among the most common symptoms of fibromyalgia sufferers are muscle pain and weakness, problems with sleeping, fatigue and exhaustion, tender spots where pain erupts on slight pressure, and morning stiffness. Other conditions that may be attributed to fibromyalgia include excess sensitivity, depression, headaches, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, numbness or tingling of the extremities, chest pain and mood changes.

Due to the vast array of possible symptoms, diagnosis is often a difficulty; prior to two decades ago, medical staff usually put down the fibromyalgia symptoms to hypochondria or exaggeration, as there was no physical representation of the problems such as damaged tissue or inflammation visible in response to their tests. Now that it has been officially recognized as a disorder and is the cause of further scientific and medical research, perhaps the question of what is fibromyalgia can eventually have an answer.

Currently, diagnosis depends mainly on two factors. The first contributinge factor being a history of generalized pain that has affected the entire body, left and right as well as upper and lower, for a duration of at least three months. The second factor being based on their being tenderness located in at least eleven of the eighteen specific points known as tender points.

When originally recognized as a medical syndrome, fibromyalgia was attributed to the family of rheumatology and arthritis, due to the essential factor of joint pain and muscle stiffness. It remained unrecognized as a disorder or illness by the American Medical Association until 1987, despite having first been accepted as existent in the early eighteen hundreds under former titles such as fibrositis and muscular rheumatism.

The question of what is fibromyalgia precisely has yet to be answered; however, various treatments to assist sufferers have been suggested and developed whilst medical scientists further explore the question. What is fibromyalgia is a question still to be completely answered.

Currently, the question of how to best treat the symptoms to ease the discomfort of sufferers is prevalent over the question of what is fibromyalgia. There are numerous additional factors present in some patients, whilst others simply experience the overall sense of exhaustion, have difficulty sleeping, and suffer from joint and muscle problems.

Dependent upon the conditions present, once diagnosed, the medical profession may offer medication and other treatments, suggest herbal remedies and lifestyle changes, or prescribe various alternate forms such as acupuncture, yoga and dietary changes. However, the medical profession has yet to fully comprehend and answer the question of what is fibromyalgia.

Each specific has to be considered and treated separately, as there remains no answer to the question of what is fibromyalgia and hence no cure. Current research is attempting to establish the connectivity between fibromyalgia and pain sensitivity, reaction to current medicines and treatments, and the significance of the hereditary factor.

Until medical research can establish further information and facts related to fibromyalgia, it can only offer ways to alleviate the various symptoms and suggest that patients suffering fro the disorder attempt to obtain sufficient sleep, take their prescription medications, make alterations to their diet and possibly their working habits also, and partake of proper levels of exercise. Yoga, herbal remedies and acupuncture will often assist with the pain problem in the meantime. What is fibromyalgia is a question that has yet to be completely answered.

Autor: Sara Jowers

Sara Jowers is a research writer specializing in illnesses that predominently affect women. Go here for more great tips and advice on chronic fibromyalgia

Added: June 6, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Fibromyalgia Fatigue - Exhaustion Multiplied

Fibromyalgia fatigue can often be misunderstood. Until a correct diagnosis, the pain and exhaustion experienced may easily be put down to hypochondria or laziness produced symptoms. For the past thirty years, fibromyalgia along with fibromyalgia fatigue has been a recognized disorder, but there is still much research required prior to finding either its cause or cure. Currently, it is estimated that around four or five million people worldwide suffer from fibromyalgia; the figures for the American population standing at around two per cent. Not every sufferer will experience all symptoms however, so it has historically been difficult to diagnose and these figures may still not be truthful to the actual numbers.

Along with the pain, weakness and stiffness of joints and muscles that all fibromyalgia victims suffer, various additional problems arise to create fibromyalgia fatigue. One of the most common of these is the feeling of malaise, exhaustion, or lack of energy known as fibromyalgia fatigue. The depletion of energy can be either physical or mental, many victims experiencing problems with memory and concentration as well as flu-like symptoms just as if suffering from an all over illness with the lack of body energy. The fatigue is often the reason that many sufferers first consult a doctor, after having overridden the pain with common over the counter analgesics such as aspirin and putting it down to ill health rather than a disorder.

The various methods of controlling or eradicating fibromyalgia fatigue depend on each specific case. In some patients, balancing the exercise partaken of can remove the symptom altogether, whereas for others meditation and diet alterations may make significant difference. When diagnosed with fibromyalgia it is therefore essential to reconsider your entire lifestyle, not only to ascertain the best methods for coping with health maintenance whilst suffering a chronic disorder, but also for personal well being and general health purposes. Some of the areas needing consideration include diet, exercise, work life, medication, meditation and therapy.

If fibromyalgia fatigue is a predominant symptom, you may be better off to seek an alternative position or shorten the length of time you spend at work if this is preferable and possible. If you have any inclination to a more suitable career, it is best to get serious with your consideration, as this may help greatly in the long run. Dietary alteration can often accomplish much in the reduction of fibromyalgia fatigue, in the area of maintaining an overall health and well being, reducing problems from sleep deprivation, and improving energy levels by inclusion of adequate vitamin and mineral intake or supplement.

Sometimes, the presence of fibromyalgia fatigue can be controlled by gentle exercise. Calming both the mental and physical strains of fatigue, taking a daily walk or practicing Yoga and meditation for an hour a day can both address the two sides of the problem at once. These are often also popular methods for reducing other symptoms within fibromyalgia, as they are low cost choices available to nearly everyone and cover many of the possible problems of the disorder. To take up walking, you basically only require a suitable pair of shoes and a gradually inclining effort, whereas to participate in Yoga you will initially need to attend classes unless already experienced but can then practice at home long term without further financial burden.

Additional ways to treat fibromyalgia fatigue include meditation, medication, and therapy. Whilst meditation is freely available and assists with many aspects of the syndrome, the latter two solutions cost higher financially and may be difficult to sustain suitably for some sufferers. Doctors will often prescribe medication firstly, and then gradually help you to introduce lifestyle changes to lessen your dependency upon medication. In any case, it is advisable to seek their advice on all possible aspects of fibromyalgia maintenance inclusive of fibromyalgia fatigue.

Autor: Sara Jowers

Sara Jowers is a research writer specializing in illnesses that predominantly affect women. For more great tips and advice on coping with fibromyalgia fatigue

Added: June 4, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Healing Thyself

'None but you can be your own healer, your own physician.' Do you agree with the statement? Before proceeding to react in negative as per your conditioning, give a pause. Remember! All truths had been amazing and mind-boggling until worked upon with sincerity of will and spirit of trust. I can appreciate overshadowing impact of the modern science on most aspects of life, but the same scientists who in their enthusiasm to break the old myths are trying to research again the essence in the naturals- once forgotten, the very basics. They are searching old and tested essentials in a new light.

Body and mind though considered earlier to be different and independent parts and this analytical thinking has damaged and already brought more than fifty percent human race on the threshold of psychological disorders, are naturally correlated, congenially inter related and synergistically and holistically interdependent like two sides of the coin. But the way new science looks- one-eyed way; seeing one part as the whole thus creating a duality, is the real problem. The whole is always healthy, at ease but the duality pulls and naturally healthy people are made to live miserably ill.

Latest studies have confirmed what masters could see with insight that mind governs the body and so does the body to mind. All yogic and natural exercises simply allow you to be associated with your body, away from the mind; the mind gets a rest and makes people healthy with inner beauty of happiness.

"It's all in your head" - we have heard this expression more than once in our lives when we complained about this or that physical ailment, emotional difficulty or some stress-associated experiences.

And mind it! That the mind will never agree when we try to see this point, that it has a problem. How can the same element, same ego agree to be at fault; not in unison. This sequence of 'headiness' further leads to dreamy hallucinations, sticky impressions and a person starts seeing first and feeling later from weakness creeping into the legs to dreaded dreamy progressions of events. All this happens in the same mind that dictates and symphonizes symptoms in the body; depression is the output.

A depressed mind is simply unable to think or rationalize or it is the result of over thinking, brings us to unanswerable question mark. Is it unanswerable? No, if we try to see both body and mind as one and the role of connecting energy. Any blockage in the natural flow of energy creates situation where body is not-at-ease or dis- eased.

All inputs of thoughts, food and surrounding environment directly and subtly influence the energy mechanism of the body. Sitting for long periods in front of computers- hey! I usually take a break to go outside to inhale fresh air, couching before 'idiot box' and all sedentary styles of life create blockages. Simply go out, have few deep breathes, move your body and half your illness disappears.

Look now, the psychologists usually prescribe depressants thus further depressing the process of conscious thinking; patient remains in daze unable to think and work realistically. Sometimes some medicines seem to work as do the placebos, but it is the correction of one's thinking that works more and gets the sufferer out of is sufferings.

Placebo is as old as medical science where a physician knows that the patient has problem only in the mind and not with the body. All symptoms which body reflects sometimes are imaginary, simply psychological. This happens when the mind overpowers the body, it dictates; comes to its being; the real unmasked face and this is the main task of the mind. The masters and sages established long ago the cunning strength of the mind through innate desires like greed, ego, anger and sex but the scientists have only recently re-established the need to look into this crucial aspect.

Medicines do work, but remember it is due to the fact that our mind has accepted, believed and trusted the doctor or the medicine. When body is simply relieved of its pain either by the intake of medicine or simple rest or natural ways like a walk or yoga; the resultant stress is gone in the part that had pain. And mind starts working harmoniously. We can infer that most medicines are nothing but placebos; otherwise it should work on all the patients all the time. Then each human being should have been living in the healthy state of body and mind, but it does not happen because all minds and bodies are uniquely different. .

Now, scientists are closing in to this aspect that most of the symptoms except in trauma and serious infection take root in mind. Mind is the main culprit while body just responds unnaturally.

To understand the nature of body and enjoying the maximum of the life through this body, the learned sages have advised three things:
- Sensible food,
- Sensible body movements (exercise) and
- Sensible thoughts.

Today every individual is continuously under the systematic high pressure of media blitzkrieg, burdened with all senseless junk food, remaining comforted for hours before idiot box and allowing drifting and impure matters to take over the command of mind- the later being the most crucial from healing angle.

The plethora of today's problems like stress and tension in the Belly and body; regular pain of knees, shoulders, back and neck, sleeplessness, premature aging, frigidity and impotency, heart ailments, feeling of hopelessness, being unworthy and incapable, hypochondria and alike are nothing but life style problems. These cannot be classified as diseases. It is an established fact now that most of these are due to long hours of sittings on chair before the computer or sofa watching the TV, munching whatever one can catch hold off without realizing the need and requirement of the body and our thought process is being controlled, conditioned and hypnotized to buy one or the other product.

Ironically, you all know this. You have read all this, watched on TV screen umpteen times, yet your lazy sleep- not literal sleep but your being doing everything unconsciously as if drugged, has done harm to you. I read about a Japanese doctor who confessed, "What people earn from the age of thirty- five to fifty-five, they give almost half of their earnings to doctors between the age of fifty-five to seventy-five or more."

Now try to see and watch but watch closely, candidly your relentless running around; not caring for the medium called the body, the real tool for prime twenty years is going to land you into a bigger gully where pain of visiting doctors and staying in hospitals causing equal pain and anguish to nears and dears ones. Your presence on this planet earth is till your body serves you healthily.

As regards the mind, the head we have to be clearly careful and watchful as to what kind of thoughts and words and pictures need to be fed to it. What is needed is the true positivism; and only harmonious thoughts can be healing to body and mind. We have to understand deeply that both body and mind work coherently and if one goes out of order another just follows. So the good and healthy food that doesn't burden or causes extensive and painful expansion of the stomach and at least half an hour to one hour of exercise with relatively clear vision of understanding of body, mind and soul as one medium can not only heal you of minor and major illnesses but will shower in an era of pleasant, melodious and healthy living.

All the best! Heal thyself from within.

Autor: Grover Narendra

Dr. Grover Narendra is writer, author and motivational speaker on Happiness. His book Only Better Parents have Best Child was published in 2005. http://www.lifeispassion.com

Added: June 3, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Discover the Secrets of Method Acting - Part 3

Sense Memory is the most important part of Method Acting.

Sense Memory
Sense memory is re-living sensations that were experienced through the five senses. Strasberg stressed the term re-living and not just remembering. The difference lies between knowing something and truly recreating it. That difference is substantiated by psychology.

You have heard of psychosomatic illnesses and hypochondria. The mind can manifest symptoms and responses from simply believing the body is sick. This true even if the body is not sick. Sense memory exercises are designed to train you to be able to elicit a response from your body by concentrating on stimuli associated with an experience.

Sense memory is using your memory of real objects to create sensory objects on stage. You need a great deal on concentration to create a sensory object. When you can create a sensory object, you can invoke a "real" response. You will be re-living a sensory experience and not demonstrating an experience. From this stimulus that you know isn't real, suddenly all the other false things become real and you start behaving truthfully. The audience will believe the performance is real because the actor believes it is real. Sense memory creates great truth performance, which is the actors "ability to experience".

For example, do you know the smell of movie theatre popcorn? When you think of it, do you recall the last movie you saw in the theatre? Does the memory of the smell help trigger other memories? By concentration on the smell, can you recall other aspects of your trip to the theatre? Does concentrating on the smell remind you of the sights and sounds of the theatre? Do the sense memories you recall help you remember the movie, the date and other details? You have recalled the sense memory of the smell of popcorn to re-live the experience of going to the movies.

Smell is the sense most closely associated with memory. It has been shown that smell helps triggers memory recall. Smells become associated with vivid memories.

You must concentrate on the sensory object and it's stimuli. Do not concentrate on trying to elicit an emotion. Through practice you will learn what sensory objects produce the desired emotional response. Then you must simple devote your focus to produce the sensory object without regard for the emotion. The emotional response will follow naturally.

Again, the choice of the sensory object for a scene is up to you. Ideally, you should choose an object that you have practiced with and you know will provide the appropiate emotional response. If possible, make your choice relevant to the scene as well. The more sensory objects you have practiced, and the more scenes you work, the more skilled you will become. Dozens of scenes are waiting for you to use at the website below. You can download them instantly.

Autor: Neils Bohr

from ActingScenes.com

Do you know how to prepare in the 10 minutes before giving your audition? Most auditions consist of a cold read. A typical audition consists of you getting a side when you arrive an audition. You will have 10 minutes to read over the side and prepare to read in front of the casting director or agent. Learn how you can succeed at actingscenes.com

Do you need scenes and dialogues for an acting class or practice? Do you need material to rehearse? How much energy and time do you spend looking for quality scenes and sides? At actingscenes.com you find over one hundred scenes ready for you to download immediately.

Added: June 1, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/