Fibromyalgia Syndrome is a non-disease condition with debilitating symptoms. The symptoms of fibromyalgia are faced by millions each year. Those with this health condition have to suffer widespread pain. This widespread pain often results in poor sleep. In many cases, fibromyalgia syndrome is diagnosed along with a condition such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Lupus.
If you suspect you may have fibromyalgia, you should see your doctor. Generally, if your doctor suspects you have this condition, you will be referred to a rheumatologist for a diagnosis and treatment plan. The rheumatologist usually starts testing for the symptoms with what is called the tender-point test. This is not to be confused with the trigger-point test used to check for Myofascial Pain Syndrome.
In some cases, physicians may suspect fibromyalgia to be hypochondria or depression. A test for Substance P would clarify the diagnosis. Substance P is a neurotransmitter present in higher quantities in those with fibromyalgia syndrome. The more Substance P that is present, the lower pain thresholds appear to be. Even the smallest injury may produce enough pain to dominate the thinking of a person suffering from it.
This may partially explain why those with this condition have a hard time getting good sleep. Many do not reach stage four sleep as often as they need to achieve optimal health. This compounds the pain problem, as injury repair takes place at greater rates during and after good sleep.
Another problem associated with fibromyalgia symptoms is what we often call "brainfog." A lot of the trouble thinking is probably related to the lack of high-quality sleep. Additionally, the brain is overloaded with messages of pain from the nerves, leaving less processing capacity for normal daily function.
While fibromyalgia is fortunately not a deadly issue, many people do report that it gets worse over time. These people must find ways to cope with the pain. Many turn to support organizations such as and various other Internet support groups. Also, there are medications that your doctor can prescribe that help many people to deal with fibromyalgia syndrome. This type of treatment will have to do until a cure is found.
Autor: Jen Miller
Are you suffering from Fibromyalgia?
To Find out more about choosing the right Fibromyalgia Treatment for you, CLICK HERE.
Jen Miller is a health and fitness enthusiast. She runs a website providing fibromyalgia information remedies at
Added: August 24, 2008
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