Upon being introduced to the ancient and beautiful chakra system, many people immediately react with the negative assumption that their entire subtle energy field needs to be healed, balanced, or cleaned. Don't fall prey to this neurotic thinking.
Consider this: many amazingly productive and happy people live their entire lives without ever hearing the word "chakra". So just because you have learned about this incredible part of human nature, don't fall off the deep end and immediately assume you need to worry about cleaning and balancing your chakra system.
Unless you were suffering from severe physical or emotional problems before your discovery of these seven centers along your spine, odds are you are not suffering from any major imbalances or blockages. You should relax and enjoy the learning process, not worrying about problems unless you actually find some.
For the majority of people, practicing basic chakra meditations and energy channeling will lead to some pretty amazing enhancements in personal health. And many people with severe problems have found relief and healing by tapping into the chakra system.
Don't allow negative thinking to diminish what should be a joyous experience. Be thankful that you have found, or been shown, this amazing system of energy centers that can lead you to a more fulfilled existence.
As you deal with normal physical, mental, and emotional challenges in your life, you will be able to readily move above and beyond potential problems using the sacred knowledge of subtle energy channeling. But it just doesn't make sense to create problems where none exist by assuming your chakra system is out of balance.
In fact negative visualization can actually cause a blockage or imbalance where none previously existed. Your subtle energy systems are even more sensitive to the power of thought than your physical body, so it's best to think and visualize positively.
You're bound to encounter your fair share of problems in this life. So give yourself a break by not creating new ones through sheer neurosis.
Autor: Timothy Aaron Whiston Timothy Aaron Whiston
Level: Platinum
Timothy Aaron Whiston is a full-time entrepreneur who lives in northeast Tennessee. In addition to writing and marketing on the Web he enjoys reading, writing, ... ...
Tim Whiston believes the ancient wisdom of the chakra system can have a huge, positive impact on the lives of everyone who opens their mind to the possibilities. To learn more about chakra meditations and other subtle energy facts be sure to visit his chakra treatments site.
Added: May 18, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/
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