
Hypochondriasis (or hypochondria, sometimes referred to as health phobia) refers to an excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness. Often, hypochondria persists even after a physician has evaluated a person and reassured him/her that his/her concerns about symptoms do not have an underlying medical basis or, if there is a medical illness, the concerns are far in excess of what is appropriate for the level of disease. Many people suffering from this disorder focus on a particular symptom as the catalyst of their worrying, such as gastro-intestinal problems, palpitations, or muscle fatigue.

Hypochondria is often characterized by fears that minor bodily symptoms may indicate a serious illness, constant self-examination and self-diagnosis, and a preoccupation with one's body. Many individuals with hypochondriasis express doubt and disbelief in the doctors' diagnosis, and report that doctors’ reassurance about an absence of a serious medical condition is unconvincing, or un-lasting. Many hypochondriacs require constant reassurance, either from doctors, family, or friends, and the disorder can become a disabling torment for the individual with hypochondriasis, as well as his or her family and friends. Some hypochondriacal individuals are completely avoidant of any reminder of illness, whereas others are frequent visitors of doctors’ offices. Other hypochondriacs will never speak about their terror, convinced that their fear of having a serious illness will not be taken seriously by those in whom they confide.

Why I Will Not Be Splashing Out on a Laptop For University

As a student I just can't afford to spend thousands of pounds on an expensive computer. Although part of my degree involves broadcasting I know I can get by with using the expensive editing equipment at university instead of updating my home computer with all the mod cons. All I need is a cheap computer to keep in my dorm room that I can write my assignments on, none of that fancy laptop stuff. After all I don't want to have to carry a heavy lump of equipment around with me when a pen and paper will do just fine for taking notes.

It's so easy to be tempted into buying a gorgeous shiny new laptop when you're browsing for a PC. Wafer thin Apple Mac laptops and business like Toshiba's reflect your drooling face right back at you but you must not succumb. Gone are the days of huge power house PC's greedily consuming your workspace like a fat hippo, forcing you to find inventive places for your pencil holder and document stack. All you need now is a wafer thin monitor, a cordless keyboard, a mouse and a suave black monitor that you can simply slide in under your desk.

It is usually the tangle of cords that finally repulse the PC user. They are seduced by the cordless simplicity of a laptop and its endless movable possibilities. Watching movies in bed, always having a computer to type out last minute essay when you know all the library computers are going to be taken and being able to revise with your downloaded notes at a friend's house. Even explaining the benefits is starting to persuade me over to laptop land but let us not forget the hindrances of the snap shut slabs.

Laptops have a much shorter shelf life than PC's. If you look after your PC as well as a laptop by making sure you have the right virus protection software and that you clean the disk drives and keyboard regularly then you should find that a computer should last you many more years. Laptops are easily dropped and broken as they are much more fragile than PC's are. They are also highly attractive to thieves if you are using one in a public place. Most laptops are heavy and carrying them around can do serious damage to your back if not carried properly. Many laptop cases only reflect practicality to certain levels. Sure its handy to have a million pockets for all of the little things you carry around with you like phones and paperclips but shoulder straps only really lead down one road and that my friend is the road to back pain. I would much rather spend my money on a nice office chair than a fancy computer case; the former will be much better for your future health. Just think of the money that you will save on future chiropractic and osteopathic treatments!

Before accusations of hypochondria are thrown at me I implore you to ask anyone who has being carrying a laptop for over two years about the state of their spine and I am sure you will find that they agree. I'm a student and I want to save my money to spend on worthwhile pursuits like holidays and drinking, not more work, I'm spending over 3000 on that a year already and I'd rather dry off my splashes than make more.

Autor: Sarah Maple

Buy a cheap computer from http://www.dealtime.co.uk/-computer

Added: January 31, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

What is Stress and What Do You Do About it Part Three ?

How the body reacts to prolong stress is described by Dr Hans Selye in terms of the General Adaptation Syndrome. Selye divides the stress response into three phases: Alarm Response, Adaptation and Exhaustion. The Alarm Response is the fight or flight response that prepares the body for immediate action. If the source of stress persists, then the body prepares for long term protection through the secretion of further hormones that increase blood sugar levels to sustain energy and raise blood pressure. This Adaptation phase, resulting from exposure to prolonged periods of stress, is common and not necessarily harmful but without periods of relaxation and rest to counter-balance the stress response, sufferers become prone to fatigue, concentration lapses, irritability and lethargy as the effort to sustain arousal slides into negative stress. Under persistent, chronic stress, sufferers enter the Exhaustion phase: mental, physical and emotional resources suffer heavily and the body experiences 'adrenal exhaustion', where blood sugar levels decrease as the adrenals become depleted, leading to decreased stress tolerance, progressive mental and physical exhaustion, illness and collapse.

Exposure to excessive stress results in hormonal imbalances, which can produce a variety of symptoms:-

Physical symptoms - changes in sleep patterns, missed heartbeats, fatigue, palpitations, changes in digestion, breathlessness, loss of sexual drive, headaches, infections, indigestion, tingling of hands and feet, aches and pains in various parts of the body, dizziness, sweating and trembling.

Mental symptoms - lack of concentration, panic attacks, memory lapses, difficulty in making decisions, disorientation and confusion.

Emotional symptoms - deterioration in personal hygiene and appearance, bouts of depression, impatience and irritability, fits of rage and tearfulness.

Behavioural symptoms - appetite changes, eating disorders, increased intake of alcohol and other drugs, nail biting, fidgeting, restlessness, hypochondria and increased smoking.

The term 'cardiovascular' refers to the heart and the body's system of blood vessels. Cardiovascular disease is probably the most serious health problem that can be linked to stress - it is the most common cause of death in the UK and the USA. The primary causes of heart disease include smoking and high fat diets but stress is a significant contributory factor.

Adrenal hormones act to increase blood pressure; temporary rises in blood pressure present no threat to health but a frequent or perpetual state of high blood pressure can have a serious effect on health in the long term. High blood pressure is linked with the development of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis is the result of the development of blood plaque in the arteries, which progressively narrows the pathway through which the blood flows. Eventually an artery can become blocked, leading to angina, stroke and heart failure.

The immune system protects the body from infection and fights viruses, harmful bacteria and cancer. Excessive stress can damage the immune system by affecting the thymus gland, which manufactures white blood cells for regulating immunity and also produces various immune related hormones. The stress reaction diverts resources to the main parts of the body that need to deal with stress, mainly the brain, heart and muscles. The immune system and other systems are deprived of resources. The thymus gland may shrink because of the hormones that are produced by the adrenal glands. This will also degrade the work done by the white blood cells, which will cause damage to the body's ability to fight infection. As a result high stress can result in reduced resistance to common infections, such as colds, flu and herpes. Because certain types of white blood cells produced by the thymus are active in preventing the development of cancer cells in the body, any damage to the thymus may effect the bod's ability to resist cancer.

Asthma is a respiratory disorder marked by the temporary constriction of the bronchi, the airways branching from the trachea to the lungs. Attacks are usually brought on by allergic reactions to antigens, such as grass and tree pollen, mould spores, fungi and certain foods but also may be caused by chemical irritants in the atmosphere or by infections of the respiratory tract. Susceptibility to an asthma attack is based on hyperactivity of the bronchial muscles, which constrict on exposure to one or any of these agents. Chronic stress reduces the efficiency of the adrenal glands, reducing the output of anti inflammatory and anti allergic adrenal hormones, which may make an asthma attack more likely.

Diabetes is caused by the inability of the body to metabolise sugar correctly, leading to excessively high levels of sugar in the blood. Sugar metabolism is the responsibility of the hormone insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas. Most diabetics can produce insulin but various factors limit the hormone's efficiency, known as 'insulin sensitivity'.

The release of adrenal hormones under stress can have a significant impact on blood sugar levels. Adrenaline causes sugar in the liver to be put into the blood stream and cortisol acts to reduce the metabolism of glucose by cells. Large amounts of cortisol act to decrease insulin sensitivity. High blood sugar levels are not dangerous in normally healthy individuals but chronic stress, combined with other factors such as obesity, act to increase the likelihood of developing diabetes.

Ulcers are frequently associated with stress, although no conclusive link has yet been demonstrated. Normally the lining of the stomach is covered with a layer of mucus to protect it from the digestive acids and enzymes used in the breaking down of food. Over time, chronic stress can stimulate the overproduction of gastric juices, which break down the protective mucus and act upon the walls of the digestive tract, resulting in ulceration. Ulcers usually occur singly in round or oval lesions; the erosions are usually shallow but can penetrate the entire wall, leading to hemorrhage and possibly death.

Many problems with the digestive tract, such as constipation, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome are linked to stress. The brain will send messages to the nerves in the digestive tract in the form of hormones. These messages will tell the intestinal muscles to expand or contract. Hormonal imbalances can cause alterations in intestinal function, such as spasms, constipation and diarrhea. Chronic stress tends to shut down the digestive system altogether, exacerbating intestinal problems.

Stress increases levels of toxicity in the body and contributes to hormonal imbalances, both of which have an effect on the skin. The visible effects of stress on the skin include:- acne, spots, skin diseases, eczema, excessive pallor and psoriasis.

Headaches are one of our most common afflictions and are normally caused not by disease but by fatigue, emotional disorders or allergies. Intermittent tension headaches are caused by worry, anxiety, overwork or inadequate ventilation. The most common type, a chronic tension headache, is often caused by depression. Brain tissue itself is insensitive to pain, as is the bony covering of the brain (cranium). The stimulation of the nerves of the cranium, upper neck and the membranous linings of the brain will cause headache pain. This stimulation can be produced by inflammation, by the dilation of blood vessels of the head or by muscle spasms in the neck and head. Headaches brought on by muscle spasms are classified as tension headaches: those caused by the dilation of blood vessels are called vascular headaches.

Migraine is the most common cause of vascular headache. Many things seem capable of triggering migraine attacks, including stress, fatigue, drugs and foods that contain substances that affect the blood vessels. Chronic headache may be physical symptoms of depression or other kinds of severe emotional problems.

Stress has a debilitating effect on the nerves in general and certain premenstrual symptoms may be aggravated by stress. Many sufferers of PMS have abnormal levels of the adrenal hormone aldosterone, which may account for some of the problems of excessive fluid retention and weight gain, breast tenderness and abdominal bloating. Further release of aldosterone caused by stress will exacerbate these problems.

Chronic stress can produce severe depression because of its debilitating psychological effects. The physiological changes produced by stress can also contribute to depression. Adrenaline and noradrenaline are not only adrenal hormones but chemical messengers in the brain. Deficiencies of noradrenaline have been linked to depression in certain individuals and so adrenal exhaustion through chronic long term stress may be a contributory factor in depressive illness.

Autor: Andrew Tomkinson

Andrew Tomkinson is a writer of articles on health related subjects. He also recommends fitness, health and nutrition products and services to improve your lifestyle and well being. Do you want to be healthier, have a better quality of life and take full advantage of the opportunities open to you? GO HERE- http://www.fitnesshealthnutrition.org

Added: January 29, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Fibromyalgia Blues - Depression, Anxiety Stress

How can you have chronic pain and fatigue and NOT be depressed? All people - healthy or not - struggle every day with the stress of raising a family, their jobs, financial troubles, family illness and yes, death & taxes. You've got to get the kids to school on time, pay the bills, go to work (if you can work), clean the house, feed the pets, water the lawn, pick up the kids, take them to soccer, piano lessons, make dinner, make the kids do their chores (good luck) and you have to do all this AND MORE with debilitating pain, fatigue, migraines, IBS, TMJ, RLS, etc. Just thinking about it is depressing!

Fibromyalgia sufferers are often misdiagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression, implying that it's "all in your head", but research has consistently proven that Fibromyalgia is not a form of depression or hypochondria. Anxiety and depression do CO-EXIST with FM & treatment is important because both can make FM worse and interfere with symptom management.

From my own experience, I can tell you how easy it is to let it get the best of you. There were days when I just got into bed in my dark room I called "the cave" and isolated myself from my family and friends. I avoided leaving the house unless I just absolutely had to and when I did, all I could think about was getting home and crawling into bed. The more depressed I got, the more pain I had. The more pain I had, the more depressed I got!

I had anxiety attacks and the stress of a bad financial situation was more than I could handle - or so I thought. There were times when I wondered how in the world I was going to make through the next day - How much longer can I deal with this? I felt hopeless, helpless and worthless. My self-image was horrible and my confidence level was nonexistent. I was ashamed.

Have you ever felt that way? I hope not, but IF YOU HAVE, there is a way to get out of the pit of depression and anxiety! You can become a productive member of your family and society as a whole. It's not easy, but what choice do you have? You know you don't want to live like this forever.

I always hated the idea of therapy! First of all, the effort it would take for me to get out of the house was a big factor. Secondly, I didn't want to tell all my pitiful story to a stranger and I wasn't even sure I'd be believed when it came to the Fibromyalgia part. There are still some mental health professionals that believe FM is psychological rather than physiological. I didn't want to hear it.

About a year ago, my son needed therapy for depression and anger issues. I took him to several professionals and one suggested (in front of my son) that he could cure my Fibromyalgia because it was more emotional & psychological stress than a physical problem. The next day, we went to another therapist. I didn't trust him to help my son if he was going to say that to me. We finally found one that fit our family since we would all take part in my son's therapy. It didn't take me or the therapist long to discover I needed help, too. He saw right through me!

Therapy has changed my life in so many ways and with an understanding professional to guide me, I have taken back the control I had given up to Fibromyalgia. He helped me see my value, my positive traits and taught me how to cope with my pain, stress, anxiety and depression. Talking about it with an objective party is also a way of healing emotional scars and it was a relief to just lay it all out there! He also recommended a new anti-depressant to my doctor which has helped me a lot.

Perception is everything. I perceived myself a certain way and became exactly that.

My father was recently diagnosed with small cell lung cancer - he never smoked. It is the rarer form of lung cancer that is fast-acting and incurable. I was devastated when I heard the news! My dad is my hero and my rock - life without him is something I can't even fathom. I really lost it for a while, but with counseling, I am finding my own way to cope. I'm still have bad days, but I am trying to work through them in a more healthy way. The woman I was two years ago would have gone back to her cave and never come out.

There many medications, supplements & herbs out there that can help. Talk to your doctor about which ones might work for you and always double check for interactions and side effects! I have a lot of information about prescription drugs alternatives, therapies and other resources on my website that might be of help.

Don't be afraid to take that first step and find a good mental health professional! It truly is worth it. I am now a functioning "Fibromyte" and though, I still have pain and other issues, I can get through them one day at a time. If I can do it, YOU can, too!

More articles on this topic to come!

Autor: Erica Thompson Erica Thompson
Level: Basic PLUS
Erica Thompson is a 40-year-old, Stay-at-Home mom with 3 children and a husband in the military. She has struggled with her weight, like countless others, ... ...

Erica Thompson is a 40-year-old, Stay-at-Home mom with 3 children and a husband in the military. She was diagnosed with FMS in 1995, but suffered from it many years prior to diagnosis and later, diagnosed with Myofascial Pain Syndrome. She has done extensive research and is an expert based on her own experience, her mother's and her grandmother's. Her goal is to educate as many people as she can about FMS and all that goes with it. Mostly, she just wants to make FMS sufferers' lives better - even just a little bit.


Added: January 27, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Depression Anxiety - The Fibromyalgia Connection

As Fibromyalgia (FM) sufferers we are often made to feel like our pain is "all in your head", but research has consistently proven that Fibromyalgia is not a form of depression or hypochondria. IT IS REAL! However, there is a connection between FM and other chronic pain conditions to depression and anxiety. Treatment is important because both can make FM worse and interfere with symptom management.

There is some debate by medical and mental professionals about what causes what. The "What came first? The chicken or the egg" debate translates into "What came first? The chronic pain or the depression?" TRUE Fibromyalgia experts, researchers and others know that the chronic pain of FM & overlapping conditions leads to depression and anxiety.

Fibromyalgia is a common condition in which a person suffers from chronic musculoskeletal pain. There are points called tender points, sometimes all over the body, and these tender and painful points are used as part of the diagnosis of FM. Individuals with FM may also be more susceptible to pain in general. Whenever the tender points are simply touched, they can send sharp pain impulses. Many Fibromyalgia sufferers experience pain all over and some experience pain only in specific regions. It can involve the muscles and the joints. Sometimes, there is so much pain that it is hard to pinpoint exactly where the pain originates. Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by other overlapping conditions such as chronic myofascial pain (CMP), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), restless legs syndrome (RLS), migraine & tension headaches, interstitial cystitis (IC), mitral valve prolapse (MVP), cognitive dysfunction, depression, anxiety and more. The symptoms of Fibromyalgia, alone, are wide-ranging and debilitating. Do they really think that depression and anxiety is the CAUSE for ALL of the above?

Depression is a mental illness characterized by feelings of profound sadness and lack of interest in enjoyable activities. It is a constant low mood that interferes with the ability to function and appreciate things in life. It may cause a wide range of symptoms, both physical and emotional. It can last for weeks, months, or years. People with depression rarely recover without treatment and if you have Fibromyalgia, you may have to fight it for the rest of your life.

Anxiety is a normal state of apprehension, tension, and uneasiness in response to a real or perceived threat. Although anxiety is considered a normal response to temporary periods of stress or uncertain situations, prolonged, intense, periods of anxiety may indicate an anxiety disorder. Other indicators of an anxiety disorder are anxiety that occurs without an external threat and anxiety that impairs daily functioning.

What can cause depression & anxiety? Stressful life events, chronic stress, low self-esteem, imbalances in brain chemicals and hormones, lack of control over circumstances (helplessness and hopelessness), negative thought patterns and beliefs, chronic pain, chronic physical or mental illness, including thyroid disease & headaches can ALL cause both. Little or no social and familial support can be a main factor in depression for FM patients. Family history of depression & anxiety can also be a factor.

Lack of quality sleep is also believed to have an influence on depression. Since FM & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients tend to have insomnia and/or other sleep disorders, it stands to reason that poor sleep can lead to depression.

There is a wide variety of medications, vitamins, minerals, herbs and therapies that can help ease the impact of pain, anxiety and depression. With so many out there, you and your doctor may have to go through the process of trial and error to find what works best for you!

Exercise is not only good for FM, it is also highly beneficial for depression and anxiety. Recent studies suggest exercise can change your brain chemistry. Exercising can boost your level of serotonin, a brain chemical that is effects mood and pain perception. It can also stimulate the production of endorphins, natural painkillers that can give you an overall feeling of well-being.

Exercise is a great for stress, too. It relieves muscle tension and it gets the heart rate up. The combination makes us more relaxed and alert, which helps us deal with our problems in a calmer and more controlled way.

There are several other methods you can use to combat stress, including: meditation, deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, mental imagery relaxation, relaxation to music, biofeedback, counseling - to help you recognize and release stress.

You can learn more about this topic, medications, supplements, alternative therapies and more at my website AND I will be writing more articles - so check back here!

Autor: Erica Thompson Erica Thompson
Level: Basic PLUS
Erica Thompson is a 40-year-old, Stay-at-Home mom with 3 children and a husband in the military. She has struggled with her weight, like countless others, ... ...

Erica Thompson is a 40-year-old, Stay-at-Home mom with 3 children and a husband in the military. She was diagnosed with FMS in 1995, but suffered from it many years prior to diagnosis and later, diagnosed with Myofascial Pain Syndrome. She has done extensive research and is an expert based on her own experience, her mother's and her grandmother's. Her goal is to educate as many people as she can about FMS and all that goes with it. Mostly, she just wants to make FMS sufferers' lives better - even just a little bit.


Added: January 25, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Understanding and Resolving Stress

The biological definition of stress is 'the consequence of the failure to adapt to change; the inability to respond appropriately to physical and emotional threats.' Stress can be described as the way you feel when pressure is placed on you. The impact of stress will vary from person to person and what causes stress to one person may in fact motivate another.

Our autonomic nervous system is responsible for a variety of involuntary bodily functions i.e. they are initiated without conscious control. The autonomic nervous system is responsible for maintaining optimum functioning within the body, known as homeostasis. This system is made up of two opposite functioning parts; sympathetic and parasympathetic.

Whenever we are faced with a stressful situation our bodies produce adrenaline which, through the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, initiates the 'fight or flight' response. This response causes our body to automatically jump into action in whatever way is necessary to meet the situation.

Once the situation has been dealt with, the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system calms everything down bringing our body back to homeostasis.

The 'fight or flight' response is very effective at protecting us but if we trigger this response on a regular basis we tip the balance. The sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system is working on overload with little time for the parasympathetic branch to perform its function. This overload impacts heavily on all other functions of the body and over time it becomes increasingly difficult for the body to restore its natural balance.

The result is we begin to experience the symptoms of stress.


Around 75% of visits to the doctor are stress related.

Physical symptoms can include:-

  • Tension headaches
  • Tense back, neck and shoulder muscles
  • Indigestion
  • Diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • Hypochondria
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Loss/gain in appetite
  • Dizziness
  • Palpitations

Long term symptoms can include:-

  • Migraine and frequent headaches
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Phobias
  • Ulcers
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Immune system deficiency - frequent colds etcetera

We can also deal with stress by adopting copying strategies which although might feel they are relaxing and calming us down are actually making the situation worse. These can include:-

  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Use of recreational and prescription drugs
  • Comfort eating (to include over consuming high sugar content foods and chocolate)
  • Excessive consumption of tea, coffee and other caffeinated drinks.


Our lives can include a whole array of stressful situations and events. These include:-

  • Relationships (spouses, children, family and friends)
  • Financial pressures
  • Low self esteem/confidence
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Loneliness
  • Anger
  • Boredom
  • Divorce
  • Moving home
  • Career

At work we can experience stress caused by:-

  • Poor time management
  • High workload
  • Inability to delegate
  • Poor organisational structure
  • Unrealistic deadlines
  • Office politics
  • Poor relationships with colleagues
  • Feeling undervalued


Whilst the impact of stress can have a destructive and sometimes devastating effect on our lives, committing to highlight and resolve the issues will inevitably lead us to overcoming stress and restoring our natural balance, allowing our bodies to function normally.

The first step is to highlight the priority areas. By taking responsibility and admitting that our physical and/or emotional symptoms are stress related we can begin to look at the cause and find the solution.

The solution can be two fold. By first addressing the cause i.e. a stressful relationship with our spouse or high workload we should begin to look at ways of resolving this. Take one issue at a time so as not to cause more stress by trying to do too much at once. In dealing with this first aspect we are addressing and seeking to resolve or remove the cause of the stress so as to avoid placing further stress upon us.

The second aspect would then be to look at ways of relaxing, calming, nourishing, rejuvenating and restoring balance to ourselves. To help our symptoms we might seek alternative therapies and look at forms of exercise, hobbies and interests and other new ways which will add value to our lives. This second aspect should be seen as an ongoing addition to our lives and a way of providing us with an injection of relaxation and calm. Something which is for and about ourselves, that makes us feel energised and good about ourselves.

Having an awareness of self is paramount to achieving a healthy balance in our lives. Everyone is different and so it is important to know what the right balance is for you and exploring what is required in your own life to maintain that balance. Any healing, change or improvement has to come from within. No-one knows you as well as you do. Inevitably, improving one area of our life will impact on all aspects of our lives, enabling us to lead a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life.

Autor: Shelley Costello

Namast�, Shelley


Shelley Costello is a Wellness Coach, incorporating Yoga, Life Coaching, Indian Head Massage, Relaxation, Meditation and Ayurveda.

The essence is of helping others to help themselves become healthier, happier and live a more fulfilled life.

Shelley is a qualified Yoga Teacher, Life Coach and Indian Head massuese. In addition, over the past two years she has studied Buddhism, meditation, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, quantum physics related to the natural laws of the universe and conscious creation techniques. She has extensive internet marketing experience and works part time as a freelance marketing consultant. She has 15 years business management experience and is currently studying courses related to wellness with the Open University, England.

For more information please contact Shelley by email at shelley@shelleycostello.net or visit her website http://www.shelleycostello.net

Added: January 24, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Cure For Hypochondria - How to Overcome Hypochondria

The notion of a cure for hypochondria can seem like a paradoxical one. After all, doesn't "hypochondria" just mean a constant sense of being afflicted by imaginary maladies? Does it not follow that hypochondria is, itself, an imaginary malady? The fact is the hypochondriac can't help his anxiety. A hypochondriac can visit the doctor again and again and be assured that nothing is wrong, without becoming convinced. Common-sense advice is no remedy for those who suffer from what can be a debilitating psychological condition. For the hypochondriac, even expert medical advice does not offer a way of releasing fear
A Mental Affliction

A hypochondriac is someone who is convinced that he or she is suffering from some physical malady, despite showing no objectively measurable symptoms of any physical illness. Sometimes the hypochondriac can become convinced that he or she is suffering from a particular illness, such as cancer or AIDS (often, immediately after he or she has read at length about that illness--something that hypochondriacs often show an inordinate interest in doing). At other times, the hypochondriac complains of such vague ailments as "weak nerves," or "a worn-out gall bladder." The hypochondriac will not cease to complain, no matter how often the doctors tell the sufferer that they can find nothing wrong with his or her nervous system or gall bladder.

Psychosomatic Symptoms

Unfortunately, although hypochondriacs' illnesses are often entirely imaginary, the impact of those imaginary "illnesses" on their lives can be all too real. When hypochondria sufferers of this mental debility complain of "slow blood," they will genuinely feel weak and tired, as though their blood were actually slowing down. Countless experiments have shown what a powerful influence the mind holds over the body. If the mind of a hypochondriac decides that the body is weak--or, even, near death--all too often, the body will follow suit. Imaginary illnesses reduce their sufferers' quality of life, and can lead to very real conditions, such as depression, weight gain, anemia, or a weakened immune system.

When You Need A Cure For Hypochondria

It's obvious, then, that hypochondriacs can't simply be told, "there's nothing wrong with you." Ethically, we cannot be dismiss them with that simple phrase, and then allow them to suffer from ailments of their own making. Hypochondriacs did not "choose" to become morbidly obsessed with the idea of becoming ill, any more than agoraphobics "chose" to be afraid of open spaces and crowds. Fortunately, there are powerful techniques that can help.

Stop Hypochondria With Hypnotherapy And NLP

Hypochondria is no different from other mental disturbances, in which a patient is plagued by a recurring, destructive, self-perpetuating, obsessive thought (in this case, becoming ill). NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming, is a method of ultra-effective communication that a skilled therapist can use (often, in combination with hypnosis) to "talk" you out of your obsessive thought patterns. With the help of the NLP therapist, you'll learn to isolate destructive thought patterns in yourself (e.g. "I'm going to get sick") and re-condition your mind to replace those destructive patterns with more constructive ones (e.g. "I'm not in any real pain, therefore I'm not sick").

In this way, you should look to a therapist, and not a medical doctor, to find a cure for hypochondria.

Autor: J J Seymour

J J Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings. Hypnotherapy and NLP can be very useful Cure For Hypochondria - one good source of experienced hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners is Just Be Well. This organization has experienced professionals throughout the UK in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, East Anglia, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Surrey, Sussex and Scotland. You will also find links to related practitioners for hypochondria treatment in Vancouver and Toronto, Canada, for Dublin, Ireland, and for Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in Australia. If you are unable to visit a practitioner in person you may well benefit from a good and guaranteed self hypnosis recording such as Releasing Fear, by experienced hypnotherapist Kathy Welter Nichols.

Added: January 23, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Testosterone Part VIII - Testosterone Deficiency Alzheimer's Disease With Other Health Conditions

I. Introduction
Testosterone deficiency
Testosterone is a male hormone. Besides promoting libido, it has other important functions such as maintaining muscle mass and forming bone, and regulating heart muscle and cholesterol. It also helps to improve the oxygen levels throughout the body as well as controlling blood glucose and strengthening the immune system. Starting at age 40, levels of testosterone start to diminish. The levels of the by-product prolactin of testosterone of men increases, stimulating the production of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase that causes the conversion of testosterone to gihydro-testosterones DHT thus triggering low levels of testosterone.

Alzheimer's Disease.
Alzheimer's disease is a brain disorder named for German physician Alois Alzheimer. Alzheimer's destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior severe enough to affect work, lifelong hobbies or social life. Alzheimer's gets worse over time, and it is fatal.

II. Causes
Older men with lower levels of free, or unbound, testosterone circulating in their bloodstreams could be at higher risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD) than their peers. In fact, testosterone deficiency causes the accumulation of beta-amyloid, a toxic peptide in certain region in aging brain. Study show that testosterone decreases secretion of harmful beta- amyloid and increases secretion of sbeta APP alpha as result of neuroproductive effect.

III. Symptoms
1. Memory failure.
2. Loss of ability to concentrate.
3. Reduced intellectual agility.
4. Passive attitude.
5. Poor or decreased judgment.
6. Problems with abstract thinking.
7. Moodiness and emotionality.
8. Inner unrest.
9. Loss of initiative.
10. Reduce interest in surrounding.
11. Hypochondria.

III. Prevention and treatment
Men suffered Alzheimer disease because of testosterone deficiency are likely also have conditions of heart disease, aging, high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol, weakened immune system and liver malfunction.We will try to give reader as much information and hope that these will help in preventing and treating Alzheimer disease.
The first thing that will help is to detoxify your body with intake of dark green leaf juice or chorella.

1. Raw dark green leaf juice
The fresh raw dark green leaf juices are vitally important in the nutritional treatment of testosterone deficiency and Alzheimer disease. Raw dark green leaf juice contains high amounts of vitamin C, bioflavonoids, carotenoids, living plant enzymes to aid digestion & vitamin K resulting in cleansing of liver toxins as well as strengthening the immune system, helping to detoxification your body in resulting of reversing the progressing of aging and other form of diseases.

2. Chorella
Chlorella containing beta carotene,chlorophyll and other many nutritional supplements is a powerful antioxidant that help to strengthen the immune system by blocking the formation of free radicals, improving oxygen levels for cell needs and nitric oxygen stimulating the enlarge of penis through sexual desire and detoxifying your liver as well as entire body.

A. Condition: Alzheimer's disease caused by testosterone deficiency only
Besides using raw dark green leaf juice or chlorella to detoxify or rejuvenate your body, here are some natural remedies will help to provide protein, the essential element for a stronger brain, increasing oxygen levels in your bloodstream in nourishing your brain' s cells and increasing the levels of testosterone to stop the progressing of the accumulation of beta-amyloid, a toxic peptide in certain regions in an aging brain.

a) Essential protein

i) Intake of soy product and whole grain
Soybeans and legumes contains isoflavones and is a unique source of phytochemicals It directly inhibits the growth of different types of cancer cells and provide plenty of protein for brain cell needs. Study shows that isoflavones were found to markedly inhibit prostate tumors in mice implanted with prostate cancer cells. Try adding soy or rice milk to your morning cereal or oatmeal.

ii) Cold water fish
Besides plenty of omega 3, cold water fish is an excellent source of vitamin A and zinc that help the binding of sex hormones, specifically testosterone and estradiol.

iii) Lean meat
Lean meat contains high amounts of protein, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Iron specifically offers the added benefit of raising levels of oxygen in the blood that is essential for providing nutrition to cell needs. High protein and zinc are two nutrients that help to optimize free testosterone levels and muscle-building.

iv) Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds contain high amounts of unsaturated fat and vitamin E. Unsaturated fat helps to prevent clots of arteries and lower cholesterol levels.

b) Increase levels of testosterone

i) Oyster and crustaceans
Oyster and crustaceans contain high levels of magnesium and zinc that is a natural aromatase inhibitor playing a key role in regulating testosterone levels as well as improving circulation of blood to the penis vessels.

ii) Avocado
Avocado contains high amounts of folic acid, which helps metabolize proteins. The vitamin B6 in avocado helps to stimulate the growth of testosterone.

iii) Saw palmetto
Saw palmetto not only helps to balance the natural hormone production but also helps to boost testosterone in men as well as estrogen in women if needed by our body resulting in a healthy, normal sex drive.

iv)Cinnamon Bark
The sweet and spicy taste of cinnamon bark is considered to have a very hot energy. In Chinese medicine, cinnamon bark increases the Yang energy and sexual vitality.

v) Sting nettle roots
Sting nettle root binds to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) in place of testosterone resulting in a reduction of SHBG binding of free testosterone, therefore helping increase the levels of free testosterone. It also promotes healthy prostate gland that helps to stimulate the sexual desire.

vi) Muira Pauma
Muira pauma is stems and roots of a ptychopetalum plant in South America. It has been used as an aphrodisiac, tonic and cure for muscle paralysis and strengthening the liver function that helps to cure the hormone imbalance in aging men. Study shows that muira pauma is a libido enhancer.

vii) Cordyceps
Cordyceps is one of the primary herbal substances used in tonic herbalism as an anti-aging agent and for the purposes of rejuvenation. It also helps to nourish and strengthen the kidneys and lungs and tonifies qi, relieves depression of liver qi as resulting of eliminating the surplus of estrogen and sex hormone binding globuline.

viii) Ginseng
Ginseng in Chinese medicine is used as a pituitary strengthening herb. It also contains herbs that benefit the endocrine system which results in tonifiying the entire endocrine system and helping the release of human growth hormone (HGH).

ix) DHEA
DHEA allows our body to create other hormones such as testosterone. Study shows that DHEA is a precursor to sex hormones. The deficiency of DHEA causes the deficiency of other sex hormones resulting in loss of bone density, increasing of body mass, hardening of blood vessels and low sex drive.

c) Increase levels of oxygen and blood circulation for brain cell needs

i) Onion and Garlic
Garlic and onions contain high amounts of sulfur compounds that not only help to improve circulation of blood but also help to keep your platelets from clumping together.

ii) Taurine
Taurine is an amino acid that acts as an antioxidant helping to fortify cardiac contraction and enhance the outflow of blood.

iii) Magnesium
Magnesium helps to improve blood circulation by permitting the muscles in the arterial wall to rest.

iv) Ginkgo biloba
Unlike aspirin, Ginkgo biloba will not cause upset stomach and internal bleeding. Also, Ginkgo biloba can improve blood circulation. Be sure not to take Ginkgo seeds because they are toxic and can cause seizures.

v) Tansy
Tansy is used to help heart palpitations and also helps to improve blood circulation and oxygen for brain cell needs.

iv) Zinc and iron
Zinc and iron together help to increase oxygen levels, produce of more red blood cells as well as aiding the circulation of bloodstream.

Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any above recommendations.

B. Condition: Alzheimer's disease caused by testosterone deficiency with other conditions such as high levels of cholesterol.

Besides the natural remedies in (A) these additional natural remedies will help to lower the levels of cholesterol.

i) Apple
Study shows that eating 2 apples a day will help to drop your cholesterol level by 16%. Apples contain rich flavonoids and pectins which form a gel in the stomach that keeps fats from being absorbed.

ii) Kiwi
This super food kiwi is high in vitamins A, C, and K that help to lower your cholesterol levels. It also offers high quantities of calcium, magnesium, potassium and fiber that are the main vitamins in helping to reduce cholesterol levels. We will discuss more of vitamin supplements and cholesterol in part III of this series.

iii) Magnesium
Magnesium deficiency increases the danger of heart disease and stroke as we mentioned in the previous article. Study shows that adding this mineral to your diet could lower your cholesterol level by 33%.

iv) Lutein
Study shows that people that have alot of lutein in their blood stream see no increase in the thickness of their carotid arteries. That means LDL cholesterol have not oxidized causing formation of dangerous plaque at their arteries wall leading to heart attacks and lowering cholesterol levels.

v) Hawk thorn berry
Hawk thorn berry contains bioflavonoia that help in increasing the blood to the blood muscles, therefore it helps to prevent and reduce blood vessel degeneration. Daily consumptions of hawk thorn berry can enhance circulation and treat valvula insufficiency, irregular pulse and abnormal acid levels in the blood. Study shows that hawk thorn berry bioflavonoia also helps in
lowering LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides while raising HDL cholesterol levels.

C) Condition: Alzheimer's disease caused by testosterone deficiency with other conditions such as high blood pressure.

Besides the natural remedies in (A) these addition natural remedies will help to lower blood pressure.

i) Coenzyme Q10
CoQ10 significantly reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure. There is also a reduction in HbA1C, a marker for long-term glycemic control.

ii) Folic acid
Folate is a vitamin B that is necessary for the formation of red blood cells. It may help to lower high blood pressure in some people, possibly by reducing elevated homocysteine levels.

iii) Celery
If you are asking advice from your doctor about high blood pressure, chances are he will tell you to take 4 stalks of celery daily. Study shows that celery contains a chemical called limonene that acts as a mild tranquilizer that can lower levels of stress hormones in your blood. This allows your blood vessels to expand, giving your blood more room and reducing pressure.

iv) Red tea
Red tea has flavonoids, which have been proven effective in treating assorted skin and circulation problems.

D) Condition: Alzheimer's disease caused by testosterone deficiency with other conditions such as heart diseases.

Besides chorella, onions and garlic, nuts and seeds that has been mentioned above.

i) Vegetables and fruits
Vegetable and fruits contain high amounts vitamins A, E, C and B. Vitamin E, the antioxidants beta carotene and vitamin C help to strengthen your small blood vessels and thins your blood so it can flow smoothly in result of lowering the risk of heart disease and strokes. Plums, tomatoes, and watercress are the best choices.

ii)Flax seeds
Flax seeds contain high amounts of alpha-linoenic acid that helps to lower high blood pressure and the risk of stroke. Eating too much flax seeds will cause gas to build up if you are not used to it.

iii) Mistletoe
Mistletoe can stimulate the heartbeat and increase cardiac output. It can help to relieve heart strain, stimulate circulation, and lower blood pressure. Do not overdose and eat mistletoe berriea, because it is toxic.

iv) L-Arginine
L-Arginine helps to increase the production of nitric oxide in our body, this has an anti-angina and anti-stress effect upon the arteries enabling the muscles in the arterial walls to relax. L-Arginine also helps to prevent the build up of plaque on the arterial walls. L- Arginne taken either orally or intravenously has been found to prevent and reverse atherosclerosis, improving the functional status of heart failure and increasing blood flow in heart disease patients.

v) Taurine
Taurine is an amino acid that acts as an antioxidant helping to fortify cardiac contraction and enhance the outflow of blood from the heart. Intake of taurine will reduce the risk of congestive heart failure and arteriosclerosis

vi) Nu zhen zi (privet fruit):
Nu zhen zi is the ying kidney and liver tonic that is the significant immune enhancement agent. Nu zhen zi also helps ying deficiency such as dizziness, floater, weak knee and enhancing heart blood.

vii) Mao yao (myzzh)
Mao yao contain elements that help to break up stagnation of blood resulting in improved blood circulation in our body.

E) Condition: Alzheimer's disease caused by testosterone deficiency with other conditions such as chronic diseases

Chorella and dark green leaf juice will help to ease the chronic condition by aiding the rebuilding of muscle tissues, joints, eliminating the forming of free radicals, boosting your energy, and repairing the DNA damage caused by free radical build-up in our body and many others.

I hope this information will help. Be sure to talk to your doctor before taking any above natural remedies. If your need more information, please visit my home page at:

Autor: Kyle J Norton Kyle J Norton
Level: Platinum
I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years...

Kyle J. Norton



All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have all the links intact.

I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990.

Added: January 21, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Fighting Chronic Viral Infections Naturally

Some viruses like chronic fatigue syndrome and Epstein-Barr viruses are controversial diseases. They are often misdiagnosed as psychosomatic, hypochondria or depression because medical tests do not show that the disease exists. Traditional medicine, if it even recognizes the diseases, provides drug therapies to fight individual symptoms, but might not be effective in fighting the actual viral infection. It is necessary for people who are suffering from chronic viral infections to take a wider look at alternative therapies that help them overcome the infection.

Self-hypnosis programs can be a very powerful tool to use to help you fight off viral infections. They offer guided visualizations, where you visualize yourself enticing the viral cells out into the open and destroying them. The subconscious mind is very powerful and there is a very strong mind-body connection. The subconscious mind does not differentiate between imagined events and actual events, so you can directly affect a change in your body by actively imagining that change.

You can also use self-hypnosis to build your confidence and strengthen your belief that you can and will fight the virus off. You might be getting a direct or indirect benefit from maintaining the disease. A professionally designed self-hypnosis program will help you identify and replace any hidden benefits you might be getting from maintaining the disease. They will then empower with you with new coping mechanisms and subconscious habits that enable you to enjoy good health.

Lastly the self-hypnosis program can guide you through a creative visualization to boost your energy levels, ensuring that you are fit and strong enough to keep fighting off the viral infection.

Autor: Lisa Sandler


Added: January 19, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

The Ups and Downs of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is a serious disorder of the brain marked by cyclical mood swings, which often disrupt work, school, family, and social life. The symptoms typically begin in a person's late teens or twenties and affect men and women equally. If left untreated, it can lead to suicide in nearly 20 percent of cases. The illness is often misunderstood and difficult to diagnose because its symptoms may not reappear for as much as a year at a time.

Many times, it is initially misdiagnosed especially when hypomania (milder manic episodes) is not recognized. Since mental illnesses cannot be identified by a blood test or a brain scan, diagnosis must be made on the basis of symptoms, patterns of the illness, and family history. The most common symptoms are episodes of mania and depression. A person with Bipolar disorder may also have neutral periods where there are no apparent mood problems. Additionally, there may be periods of "mixed moods" where the person is both depressed and manic simultaneously.

The disorder shows many other symptoms such as paranoia, intense anger, irritability, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed or over-stimulated, difficulty maintaining focus, attention or concentration, suicidal thoughts and impulses, hypochondria, hallucinations, self-harm, delusions and psychotic breaks from reality. Most individuals with bipolar disorder spend more time in depressed phases than in manic phases.

Bipolar disorder has many causal factors. These include physical, mental, environmental and emotional causes and are usually divided into biological and psychological explanations. Researchers have proven that bipolar disorder is hereditary, but it can also be stress related or caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Approximately sixty percent of individuals with Bipolar disorder also have drug or alcohol dependence or exhibit obsessive compulsive activities such as excessive spending, working or cleaning. Many exhibit sexually promiscuous behavior or an obsession with fitness or body image.

Autor: Yvonne Perry Yvonne Perry
Level: Platinum
Yvonne Perry is a freelance writer, author and keynote speaker who enjoys assisting people on a spiritual path by writing about topics that inspire excellence ... ...

Seasonal depression and anxiety disorders such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are also common with the illness. Many families are affected by bipolar disorder and some have no idea how to help their loved one avoid episodes or to prevent caregiver burnout. Yvonne Perry and Angela Grett have co-authored a book titled, My Mother is Bipolar, so what am I? The book will focus primarily on the effect the illness has on children raised by a bipolar parent. Many people suffer alone and in silence because they are afraid to talk about their loved one's illness. If you know someone who is the child of a bipolar parent, you will want them to read this book. It is available on http://www.childrenofbipolar.com

Yvonne Perry is a freelance writer and the owner of Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services (WITS). She and her team of ghostwriters are ready to assist you with writing and editing for books, eBooks, Web text, business documents, resumes, bios, articles, and media releases. For more information about writing, networking, publishing, and book promotion, or to sign up for free email delivery of WITS newsletter, please visit http://www.writersinthesky.com New subscribers receive a free eBook Tips for Freelance Writing.

Added: January 18, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Introducing Meditation

Meditation is the practice of turning our focus inwards, connecting with our source and true self to a deep state of relaxation and awareness, which goes beyond that of the 'conditioned' mind.

Meditation brings about many psychological and physiological benefits. It helps us to be present and live in the current moment, thus unlocking our great creative potential.

Dhyana (meditation) is one of the eight limbs of yoga which leads to a state of Samadhi (joy, bliss or peace). Meditation enables us to achieve our goals and naturally shifts our energy towards personal and spiritual growth.

Psychological Benefits Neuroscientific studies have shown that meditation decreases the negative effects of stress, mild depression and anxiety. Overall we become calmer and happier. Meditation improves concentration which is essential to fulfilling our true potential. Focused concentration generates great power and when our powers of concentration are improved we are able to use this not only for the purpose of meditating but in our other activities too.

Part of achieving our goals and desires is having the ability to control our thoughts.

By calming the mind and focusing our concentration, we are able to experience this self mastery and we can begin to change and replace our negative or unwanted thoughts with positive ones. This shift in our thought process aligns our energy with that of universal energy vibrations and we will begin to notice positive changes and improvements throughout all areas of our lives. As meditation practice evolves we experience improved learning ability and memory, heightened feelings of vitality and rejuvenation, increased happiness and emotional stability.

Meditation brings us to our source and significantly raises our self awareness. With continued practice of meditation our potential will know no bounds.

Physical Benefits Meditation reduces stress related ailments such as palpitations, headaches, disturbed sleep and hypochondria.

As stress and anxieties are reduced we are actually decreasing the probability of experiencing any heart related illnesses. Studies have shown that meditation can relieve chronic pain, drop cholesterol levels and improve blood pressure. With an improved flow of air to the lungs we will experience an overall greater sense of wellbeing.

Meditation Techniques There are whole varieties of meditation techniques and over thousands of years different meditation practices have evolved. The true essence of meditation however is just to sit and be. Quite simply you are going beyond the 'conditioned' mind and elevating your mind to a state of pure self awareness.

Whilst you can focus on an object or on your breath to help you to reach this state, ultimately it is a natural process which evolves over time and the essence should always be in connecting yourself with your source. You are looking inward without actually attempting to do anything but to just sit and be. It is also effective to meditate on particular struggles or problems we are experiencing in our lives. For instance if we want to come to a decision on a particular aspect of our life; a career direction for example, meditating on this can help us to arrive at the answer. At times the answers we are seeking can come into our minds almost immediately. As mentioned before, the power of focusing concentration and directing that focus towards a particular question or subject can produce amazing results.

How to Meditate It is a good idea to have a meditation space. This can be a room, or part of your home where you feel most comfortable. You might have soft lighting, candles, incense, cushions, flowers, and other objects which invoke feelings of calm and relaxation.

Aim to meditate twice a day. Sunrise and sunset are the best times of day for meditation because our minds are more receptive at these times. Sunrise is the dawn of a new day and everywhere is quiet, calm and peaceful. The day has not yet begun and following a restful sleep, our minds tend to be calmer. At sunset the day is ending and meditation at this time enables us quiet reflection on the day we have just passed.

Our minds are winding down at this time before sleeping and the stillness and calm which meditation brings will be with us as we drift off to sleep, helping us to feel refreshed and energised when we awaken the following morning. On average we have around 60,000 thoughts a day. Attempting to meditate and clear our minds of thoughts can therefore be compared to trying to hold a bar of wet soap! Let go of any outcome and allow your thoughts to come and go. Place a cushion on the floor and seat yourself so that your bottom is half on and half off the cushion. This will elevate your hips and naturally lift your spine and you will feel more comfortable than if you were just sitting on the floor. Take yourself into a cross legged position. Traditionally the lotus or half lotus pose is used when meditating but if you are not able to comfortably sit in these poses, sit as is right for you. Let your spine be upright and tilt your head so that your eyes, when open, are fixed three feet in front of you. Place your hands wherever they feel comfortable; one on top of the other in your lap, in a mudra with the tip of the thumb touching the tip of the first or middle finger to form a circle or simply place them on your thighs. Whatever is comfortable and feels right for you. Close your eyes and begin to focus your attention on your breath. Focus on each inhale and exhale. Silently saying the words 'SO' on the inhale and 'HUM' on the exhale also helps focus. Allow your thoughts to come and go but always return your focus to your breath. Over time meditation becomes easier and you will find as your self mastery grows you are easily able to sit for 20-30 minutes.

To begin with just work on achieving 5 minutes twice a day and then increase to 10 and so on. Meditation can be effective at any time. If you are not able to meditate regularly find some quiet time when you can to allow yourself to simply sit and be. Focus on your breath and visualise yourself sitting on a beach in front of a beautiful calm blue sea or somewhere you feel comfortable can also help bring about a relaxed and calm state of mind. Be patient and gentle with yourself. As your ability to meditate increases, your level of self awareness grows. You will begin to notice improvements with each day's meditation practice.

Autor: Shelley Costello

Shelley Costello is a Wellness Coach, incorporating Yoga, Life Coaching, Indian Head Massage, Relaxation, Meditation and Ayurveda.

The essence is of helping others to help themselves become healthier, happier and live a more fulfilled life.

Shelley is a qualified Yoga Teacher, Life Coach, Meditation Teacher and Indian Head massuese. In addition, over the past two years she has studied Buddhism, anatomy and physiology, nutrition, quantum physics related to the natural laws of the universe and conscious creation techniques. She has 15 years business management experience, extensive internet marketing experience. Shelley loves learning, yoga, photography and nature.

Visit Shelley Costello http://www.shelleycostello.net

Added: January 16, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Lower Back Pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Is there a correlation between lower back pain and Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Researchers have long argued that IBS may be caused by abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel. No indication or explanation is ever given as to why this malfunction might occur. To my knowledge there has been no adequate evidence to support this assumption. More over, I have not seen, heard of or read about any studies which were specifically implemented to test this hypothesis. Because of my own observations about my own IBS symptoms, I am inclined to believe and support this hypothesis.

Some of us who suffer Irritable Bowel Syndrome have tried for many years, without success, to eliminate the often debilitating affects of this mysterious disorder. Generally those who suffer have spent a great deal of time and money, having test after test only to be told that nothing conclusive was found.

Often after years of diagnostic procedures and expensive studies, patients are told there was nothing wrong with them. Their complaint of symptoms are brushed off as imaginary or more properly put in medical terms, psychosomatic. But with the ever increasing number of patients complaining of the same generalized list of symptoms, the medical community has been forced, in at least a small part, to acknowledge the malady as something more then imaginary symptoms of hypochondria.

So what can we surmise about IBS? It is a condition or disease in and of itself? Or is IBS is a condition caused by or a symptom of some other physical, neurological or possibly even psychological problem that is as yet undetected or undiagnosed as being relative to the IBS condition? I find this to be a more plausible conclusion and will provide some insight for my personal belief that IBS is a secondary condition rather then a condition unto itself.

For years doctors have proposed the secondary condition concept in relation to Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Unfortunately, they have not yet been able to successfully document any evidence to conclusively say what might be the root cause of IBS. Moreover, I believe there is not just one cause, but several causes, all with the same secondary symptoms, which make up what is termed as IBS.

Please don't think that it is my intent to say the IBS condition is not real, or the symptomology is psychosomatic in nature. I know from painful experience the condition and symptoms of IBS are very real. I also would venture to say because of the sheer number of reported cases, the medical community had been forced to re-evaluate their approach while dealing with patients with complaints of Irritable Bowel Syndrome-like symptoms. I am merely going to express what I personally have concluded about another possible causation for IBS which may be overlooked by the medical profession.

I would like to also toss up for consideration that IBS, with its list of many symptoms, may be a traceable progression of symptoms stemming from a single causation. I believe, in my case, this is a very valid assumption. I have as yet been unable to get any physician to agree with me, at least to the point of taking up the position on the record.

Before going any further, I think it would be a good idea to review a partial list of Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. IBS may be characterized by a combination of any or all of the following symptoms:

Abdominal discomfort or pain, usually in the lower abdomen

Altered bowel habit

Chronic or recurrent diarrhea, constipation, or both. May be mixed or in alternation.




Abdominal fullness

Feelings of urgent need to evacuate the bowel

Feeling of "incomplete" bowel emptying

Low back pain



Muscle pain

Sleep disturbances

Sexual dysfunction

More and more it is generally believed that the symptoms of IBS are produced by abnormal functioning of the nerves and muscles of the bowel. More and more I personally agree with this as a valid and plausible perception of at least one of the causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. With some personal observations, I hope to give light as to why I believe this to be a possible causation for many IBS sufferers. Unfortunately, what I have come to believe as the causation for my particular brand of IBS, most assuredly will not be a diagnosis for all cases of IBS.

I think we who have suffered Irritable Bowel Syndrome tend to minimalize our symptoms and pain. We have been led to believe that other than common sense changes to diet and exercise there is nothing we can do because there is no cure. Many people who suffer will suffer in silence for years before seeking medical treatment. By then, and I include myself in this group, we may have subconsciously lessened or even put aside some of the lesser symptoms that IBS causes, focusing only on the ones that cause the most pain and discomfort.

Worse yet, we are less likely to bring symptoms to the attention of a doctor by mere assumption that it is just another facet of our complex disorder. This could become a dangerous scenario for anyone who suffers from IBS. We may ignore persistent symptoms that have gotten more intense or new symptoms that seem to be related only because we are discouraged by being told there is nothing anyone can do.

Doing these kinds of things could lead to serious life threatening symptoms being overlooked. Symptoms of conditions that, unlike IBS, can be treated if caught in time. Things like colon cancer, stomach cancer, esophageal cancer or many others, might be missed because we want to ignore our IBS symptoms after so many trips to the doctor.

My story of IBS starts over 20 years ago when I was a young man of 26. While helping lift a very heavy cast iron wood burning stove from the back of a pickup truck, the other person lost their grip and the load all shifted down hill onto my back. I felt my back give way as the stove went crashing to the ground at my feet. I knew I had sustained a serious injury. I couldn't erect myself from the 90 degree bent forward position I was in. I had to literally pull my self up by using my hands and arms against the side of the pickup.

Being 26 and stubborn and thinking that I was invincible, I had my wife help me home and to bed, not bothering to go to the emergency room. I had some left over pain killers which numbed the pain enough to allow me to sleep. When I awoke in the morning I was horrified as I could not feel my legs. They were both cold and numb to the touch. I could move them, I just couldn't feel them. After about 30 minutes of movement the feeling began to return to my legs and at that point I knew it was time to get to the doctor.

After the examination and x-rays what the doctor had to say wasn't pleasant to hear. He told me I had two options. One was to go to a surgical specialist and have fusion surgery on several of my lower lumbar vertebra because the discs between them had been severely compressed. He mentioned that having this type of surgery would reduce my physical mobility by as much as 30% or more. At best, he explained, the surgery was about 40% effective.

My other option, he told me, was time... time allow let my body try to heal itself. He explained I would probably never be as good as I was before the accident, but with time my body should partially heal it self. He told me the inflammation which was causing the pain and partial paralysis should lessen. At age 26 loosing permanently 30% or more of my mobility was an unthinkable option. At least the second option offered some hope of recovery. He gave me muscle relaxants and pain pills and that was that.

I trusted this doctor...we were good friends. We had a good personal and professional relationship. I took him at his word. By today's medical standards, his medical advice probably wouldn't hold water, but over 20 years ago, it was most likely a very good perception of my problem.

For the next 6 months, I would wake up to cold, numb legs and each day, but as he said, the symptoms gradually got better. I was so focused on my back injury improving; I didn't pay attention to other, minor things going on which had become bothersome.

The first and most prevalent symptom was a change in my bowel habit. Not a big change, but it seemed that instead of a daily movement, it was now once every other day, and it took a bit more effort. But with the back issue, it seemed minor in comparison and for several years seemed to be the only symptom. My back continued to get better but my bowel never did return to normal.

I have always been a large person, in 1986 at the age of 26: I weighed about 220 pounds, standing 6 feet tall. Slowly, my weight began to rise. I attributed my initial weight gain to a lessening of physical activity over the first year or two of my back problem. By the end of the second year, my physical ability and activity had almost returned to normal. I learned to deal with the pain and my legs no longer went numb. I was able to function fairly well. Only occasionally did the pain in my back become such that I was unable to function in my "new" normal fashion, and usually only lasted a day or two. I now had added 70 pounds to my weight with no real explanation.

Only in the past couple of years (over 20 have passed since my back injury) have I begun considering the original injury being related to my bowel and stomach problems. Because I believed there was little I could do to rectify the situation, I have done as well as I could to manage the pain mentally. I did this well until the pain in my back started to worsen to the point that again my legs started going numb again. Not that this happened all the time, it was only occasional, but these bouts of pain have gotten much worse.

Only now that the back pain is impossible to ignore have I come to realize the cycle of events which have taken place. Now when I notice my legs are beginning to go numb on a more frequent basis, I have also noticed an increase in my IBS symptoms. More frequent and painful symptoms seem to begin with chronic constipation, lasting for many days. This is followed by the gas distress fatigue, head aches, bloating, acid indigestion, heartburn and eventually explosive diarrhea. Along with other symptoms, all interwoven into a cycle I now believe to be directly related to some type of nerve injury due to my original back injury.

I have since gone to a neurosurgeon and been diagnosed with severe disk compression and degeneration and spinal stenosis in the lower lumbar region. The treatment is as yet to be mapped out, but I now have at least one doctor who agrees that many, if not all, of my symptoms could be tied directly to nerve dysfunction resulting from my present spinal condition.

If you have sustained a back injury, or have IBS with lower back pain, it may be prudent to have a spinal study, to find out if an underlying back problem might be involved in the causation of your IBS symptoms. It stands to practical reason that if there is injury to the spine or lower back from where the nerves controlling lower bowl function stem, there could also be bowel dysfunction. With bowel dysfunction, the progression of symptoms in logical sequence right up the line to the top of the digestive tract would be a very plausible scenario.

If you have IBS and low back pain you really have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having a spinal examination. At the very least you may find out that there is no problem with your spine thereby eliminating one more source.

Autor: Scott Best

Scott Best is a freelance author in association with IBS Help Site.com who also suffers with IBS. You can read more articles from Scott Best and others in the IBS Help Site Article Index

Added: January 14, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Graphology at Home-Lesson 14 - Examination and Answers

Examination for Lesson 14

1. Is a 'sign' in handwriting analysis reliable on its own, or must it be properly weighed to be regarded as proof?

A. Reliable on its own___

B. Must be properly weighed___

Describe the letterform reflecting:

2. Intelligence and culture

3. Inexactness

4. Shyness

5. Aggression and ambition

6. Interest in architecture or in mechanically related fields

7. The meddler; argumentative

8. Carelessness and neglect

9. Talkativeness

10. Inferiority complex

11. Depression; suicidal tendencies

12. "Down in the dumps"

13. Sensuality

14. The embezzler, the crook, the hypocrite (see Stalin's writing)

15. Construction and mechanical ability (see Thomas Edison's writing)

16. Hypochondria

17. Vulgarity

18. One who does not compromise

19. Musical interest

20. Culture, literary oriented (see Victor Hugo and Mark Twain's handwritings)

21. Keen observation

22. Self-admiration

23. Feeling of protection

24. Defiantly declares a social withdrawal

25. Undue claim of self-importance

26. A sex life that is of an uncommon sort

27. Writer's ego is of more importance than that of the "other person."

28. Hysteria

29. Fatigue and weakness

30. Secretiveness

31. Unusual habits

32. Curiosity

33. Money on writer's mind

34. Strong resistance to friendliness

35. Revolt

36. Friendliness and kindness

37. Depression

38. When an oval-shaped letter is wide open at the top, which

zone is being exposed?

39. Describe the writing in which inferiority feelings and temporary depressions are found.

40. When letters are written "too wide" what does this suggest?

41. Should an illegible, neglected, or omitted last letter be

taken as a warning or an indication of a trustworthy person?

A. Warning___

B. Trustworthy person___

42. When writing indicates that the minimum letters (a, c, e, etc.) are too wide, should

a lack of restraint be expected of such a writer or inhibition?

A.___ Lack of restraint

B. Inhibition___

43. Unconscious mother fixation is found in which type of loop?

Answers for Lesson 14

1. Must be properly weighed

2. A block letter. Its construction is simplified.

3. The markings (on top of the letter) are inexact and unnecessary

4. The thin, narrow capital letter

5. The left leg of the letter 'A' is considerably longer than the right one.

6. The letter ('A') is constructed in a square fashion.

7. The left leg is considerably longer than the right, and descends deeply.

8. The bar of the A is missing

9. Open-mouthed ovals

10. A low bar such as in a capital letter (A, H) or in the 't' bar

11. An in-turned arc, piercing the capital (the ego).

12. The capital A or H bar strongly descends

13. The letter is ink-filled, pasty, blotchy

14. The oval letter is open at the bottom.

15. The letter is square shaped

16. Constant changes in the letter

17. The complicated, overdone, ugly letter.

18. The letter (such as the Palmer b, which is rounded on both top and bottom) is sharp at the top as well as at the bottom

19. The letter is in the form of a musical note

20. The Greek d, e, and g

21. The capital E is shaped as two concave arcs

22. An underlength that would underline the rest of the word.

23. When the top stroke extends over the whole word

24. The downstroke extends under the body of the letter and to the left.

25. The vulgar-looking and ornate letter has a vertical line added in unnecessarily.

26. Distortions in the lower zone or strangely shaped letters

27. The first part ('hump') of the 'm' is higher than the second.

28. The letter ('m') is written in thready form

29. The end of the downstroke (as in the letter 'm') is considerably more lightly written than the rest of the letter. Heading into the lower zone, as it does, the area where the strength of the individual lies, it implies fatigue and weakness.

30. Closed oval (at the top)

31. The hump (in the 'p') on the wrong side of the stem

32. The second part of the letter ( 'r') is lower than the first

33. The letter s resembles the dollar sign

34. An angular shaped letter that is normally written (according to the Palmer method) in a rounded fashion-such as the letter 'u.'

35. The word starts in a connected fashion, and suddenly the end of the word is left stranded, alone

36. The letter is made in a soft manner. Any letter with a gentle loop in the lower zone

37. The end stroke descends when it should be horizontal.

38. The opening exposes the lower zone

39. Small minimum (middle zone) letters

40. Typical of the spontaneous, broadminded, and "large" writer, who is sociable and sympathetic, eager to share with you and willing to let you share with him- he is "extroverted."

41. Warning

42. Impudence

43. Inflated lower loops 'pointing' leftward.

Autor: Joel Engel Joel Engel
Level: Basic PLUS
Joel Engel has been a world-renowned graphologist for over 30 years. He is often quoted in the press and scientific journals for his "spot on" ... ...

Joel Engel is the author of "Handwriting Analysis Self-Taught" (Penguin Books)

Added: January 12, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

What Are the Causes of Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety disorder is the sum of a number of influencing factors that help development of the problem. Many of these factors in one's life come by his or her chance of being born in a family that ultimately influences his or her lifestyle, inherited traits, family conditions, personality development under specific culture of the family, child raising habits and financial conditions, marital relation etc. Larger parts of these remain, uncontrollable except one's own personal will and choice.

The problem is substantially enhanced by alcoholism and drug abuse, or sometimes even due to prolonged usage of therapeutic drugs. Sometimes the disorder is associated with illness like hypoglycemia.

The interrelated factors that cause anxiety disorder are:


The immediate environment of an individual influences ones life the most in shaping up the character. Of course there is a great amount of hereditary influence. The roles of family, financial conditions, childhood experiences and so on are the inputs which shape up ones attitude towards the life.

Individual Personality:

Negative attitude assuredly works towards building lack of confidence in people as also their ability to withstand. Such people always feel neglected, and treat others with suspicion keeping the self on the inferior side of comparative scale. Thus they are always fearful and stressed.


It is often observed that the presence of inherited traits largely influences one's behavior, thoughts and action. One's family history, if examined appropriately, would reveal previous existence of such disorders, or closely resembling mental make up which reflects upon the behavioral pattern of an individual.


The root of anxiety disorder in one's life may arise out of certain traumatic experiences, immaterial in which stage of the life, like split in the family, death of a very dear one, or an accident.

Hypochondria - constantly visiting the Doctor:

Many falls pray to this kind of obsession that they must have to visit a doctor for most minor discomfort assuming it to be a beginning of some serious ailment.


A Situation that turns into a mental illness that every situation is at a hopeless state of affair with possibility of reversal.

Sexual problems:

The mind numbing thought of underperformance.


Many a feelings are beyond our control of our body or mind, but these greatly influence actions and behavior which ultimately lead to promotion of anxiety disorders. The examples could be aggression, uncalled and unlikely entanglement in messy situations.

Medical situations that contribute to Anxiety Disorder:


Adrenal Diseases

Cardiac problems





Sleep Disorders

Thyroid problems.

Autor: Ryan Taylor

Do you want to discover more about anxiety disorder? Drop us a visit and find out more articles about topics such as adjustment disorder with anxiety and signs of anxiety disorder.

Or are you interested more in solutions and anxiety disorder treatment? Start now and compare reviews of this year's best products!

Added: January 10, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

See More And Do More With A Tiger's Eye

Tiger's eyes, which is a semi-precious stone also known as African cat's eye or crocidolite cat's-eye possesses bands which resemble the eye of a tiger, and therefore its name. In the past, Roman soldiers wore these stones to serve as their protection when they go into battle. Because of its appearance, Tiger's Eye has been believed to be an "all seeing " stone.

It has rich yellow as well as golden brown stripes and has a fine golden luster after being polished. It is a crystalline quartz variety which is formed through the alteration of crocidolite which is an asbestos mineral. When it is viewed in some kind of reflected illumination, there is a band of light or a ripple, which resembles a cat's eye that follows the asbestos' original fibrous structure. It has a hardness of 7 on the Moh's scale. The largest deposits of this stone could be found in Burma, South Africa, Australia, the United States and India. The best stones are mined in Griqualand West.

Tiger's eye has a lot of spiritual and holistic properties. It has been used to gain confidence, courage and protection. It has a solar plexus stone, which helps by improving self-perception and self-clarity. It has also been known to be good for the conceptualization or vocalization of ideas and making visualizations and ideas a reality. It has been believed to be helpful in obtaining goals through taking direct action as well as through learning when to wait or act. It could also counteract any feelings of hypochondria and psychosomatic illnesses and is effective for improving the condition of asthma patients.

Autor: Priyanka Arora

Buy ready-to-wear apparels from a well-known, trusted online store where you can shop for more than 4000 unique fashion products for men, women & kids delivered to you free anywhere in the world. SalwarKameezIndia.com offers hassles-free online purchase of semi precious stones, white sapphire gemstone and more.

Added: January 9, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Choose Happiness!

In order to be happy, you just need to choose happiness. It really is that simple!
Depending on your personal situation, outlook and beliefs, choosing happiness might seem effortless, extremely hard or anything in between.

Regardless, choosing happiness - or any other emotion - is always possible. Our thoughts create our emotions, and we can always choose our thoughts. Therefore...

We always choose our feelings!

In fact, consciously or unconsciously, you always choose every emotion you feel. So by choosing your thoughts consciously, you take charge of your emotions!

Many of us still live with the perception that our emotions just "happen" in response to to what goes on around us. Although this is a misperception, created and enforced by ego, we create our life experience according to our perceptions. Therefore, if we're unaware of the misperception then we just reinforce our separation from each other and the world around us. And enforcing separation is what ego is all about.

External influences have an effect as well: news and media, movies, television... even music lyrics. So much of it is based on the idea that we have much less influence over ourselves than we actually do.

"I can't help how I feel!"

"She made me feel that way!"

"You made me so sad when you left."

"He made me do it."

"We were forced to take these actions."

How often have you heard someone say something like that? How often have you said something like it yourself?

Well, statements like that simply cannot be true. They are all based on the belief that things outside ourselves have ultimate control over our thoughts, emotions and actions.

Yes, there are many cases where things can influence us to feel or act a certain way... but the final choice is always ours.

For every self-aware, mentally competent person on this planet, the idea that we do not choose what we think, feel and do is a false belief, nothing more. But many still cling to that belief because it's all we know. We don't believe that we can choose happiness; we believe that it all depends on what's happening around us.

It's what we were taught by others because they believed the same thing, and it's what many of us still believe. Much of our world - society, governments, world events; even entertainment and culture - reflects this.

It can also be a way to avoid taking responsibility for our actions... no matter how harmful those actions may be. For example, one of the most common traits of criminal behavior is the tendency to blame outside sources for negative actions. As mentioned above, it's certainly possible for outside sources to influence us. But ultimately it all comes from within.

The idea that nothing "makes" you happy, or unhappy, or anything else, can be hard to accept. The idea that we, and we alone, are responsible for our emotions is often hard to believe. The idea that we choose the emotions we feel at all times sounds even more preposterous. But we do choose - often unconsciously. We choose happiness, or sadness/unhappiness, or anger, or any other emotion or emotional state. No one chooses it for us.

Our thoughts - and therefore our emotional state and actions - become conditioned responses to our environment, based on our beliefs. But even conditioned responses are chosen, unconsciously. If something occurs to "make" us happy, then we unconsciously choose happiness. If not, we unconsciously choose whatever our conditioning selects as the appropriate response.

Start living consciously!

The change comes when we move out of conditioned emotional response and start choosing our emotions consciously. Then, regardless of the situation, we can consciously choose our thoughts - and therefore our emotional state - and act from it.

We begin to live consciously, as opposed to treading more or less mindlessly through life, unconsciously thinking, feeling and acting in response to our environment.

Consider the advantages of conscious living.

Let me give you a simple example: someone cuts you off on the freeway as you're driving to work. For many of us, the conditioned response would be to take it personally and get upset - even fly into a rage - for whatever reason.

"S/he endangered my life! S/he has no idea what courtesy is! S/he shouldn't have a license! What's his/her hurry anyway?"

Does this response make any logical sense? All it does is upset you, raise your stress and anxiety, and bring your energy down. You'll become a big magnet for more negative energy, and you might end up having "one of those days."

What's more, if you continue to allow negative emotions - triggered by your ego - to get the better of you, you'll probably start to drag others down with you.

You might start a "complaining session" at the water cooler or on coffee break, where everyone vents about something that's annoying them. Do you notice how often this happens? It may not seem like much, but the truth is that it's toxic.

It perpetuates negative energy and, believe it or not, it provides fuel for more and more negative events to take place in the future. (See below.)

Choose a positive response - choose happiness!

If you choose to respond to the erratic freeway driver with a positive attitude and a level head, you invite further positive energy into your life. You can look at things objectively.

Of course, if the driver appears to be impaired in any way you can alert the proper authorities. But if he or she is just driving irresponsibly, it's probably just the antics of ego. It might be some emergency that you don't know about. Again, if the driver appears to be impaired or in some kind of distress, then by all means contact authorities.

If not, choose happiness. Choose to respond with compassion. Give the driver lots of space and let him or her go. If you feel annoyance, that's okay - don't repress it. Allow it to flow through you, and take some deep breaths. You'll feel much better. As you begin to relax, send positive energy and light to the other driver and you'll feel your annoyance dissolve as it's replaced by happiness.

We can always choose happiness... but we have to want it!

Often, we have been living unconsciously for so long that choosing happiness seems like an impossible task. In some cases, our egos try to keep us unhappy because we receive some perceived benefit from it. Have you ever met a "self-described hard-luck case"? This is someone who always seems to have something to complain about; some disaster, ailment or other dramatic situation, big or small, to tell everyone about.

Sometimes a person will behave like this because of the attention and sympathy s/he gets from it. The attention is a perceived benefit... so, unconsciously his/her mind will continue to create "hard luck" situations in order to gain further attention and sympathy. This can even go beyond external events and affect the person physically as well. Ailments, illness, disease, hypochondria and other physical issues can be traced back to a psychological source in many cases.

In other words, a person will sometimes subconsciously create poor health because, at some level, s/he gains some benefit from it. The suggestion that s/he can choose happiness may be rejected. On the surface his or her response might be something like, "I could never be happy. Look at my situation. How could I be happy?"

But underneath, his or her conditioned mind/ego says, "I get a lot of attention and sympathy from this behavior. It might be killing me, but the attention and sympathy still makes me feel loved."

Negative behavior like this is toxic. It can affect others, and it does. It feeds on itself, and it grows. And it certainly affects the person who creates it within themselves! But we all choose happiness, and everything else, ourselves. No one can choose it for us. Ultimately, a person must want to change before s/he can or will change.

Learning to choose happiness can seem like "work"... but it's more than worth it!

At first, moving your energy to higher levels can take concentration. Simply be aware of your thoughts, and go easy on yourself. Don't get upset or beat yourself up if you find yourself slipping back into old ways of thinking. Notice and acknowledge it, and then gently return yourself to positive thoughts. You'll find that the more you do this, the easier it gets. Eventually, happiness becomes a habit.

Although we ultimately choose happiness ourselves, there are still many things that can enhance our happiness. To help yourself along, do things that "make you happy". Imagine yourself in happy places and situations. Relax, enjoy life, and "be here now". Do what you love and enjoy as much as you can, and also find ways to enjoy things that might be a little less pleasant. The more you focus on happiness, the more you will find that negative things - even people - change, fall away and leave your life for good.

Regardless of what goes on around you, know that you - and you alone - are always in charge of your thoughts, feelings and actions. Let go of the past: it no longer exists. Never mind the future: it hasn't happened yet. All that exists is this moment. So be here now - and choose happiness. You'll find that miraculous things will happen in your life!

Autor: Robin Bhattacharyya

Robin Bhattacharyya is an entrepreneur, writer, webmaster, self-improvement and empowerment facilitator and all-around "student and teacher of life" based in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. His website, Creating-Life-Abundance.com, is a "must" for anyone looking to improve their lives and the lives of others.

Check out Robin's new e-book, "Your Passion Point", available here!

Click here to learn how your thoughts and emotions create your life experience.

Added: January 8, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/