
Hypochondriasis (or hypochondria, sometimes referred to as health phobia) refers to an excessive preoccupation or worry about having a serious illness. Often, hypochondria persists even after a physician has evaluated a person and reassured him/her that his/her concerns about symptoms do not have an underlying medical basis or, if there is a medical illness, the concerns are far in excess of what is appropriate for the level of disease. Many people suffering from this disorder focus on a particular symptom as the catalyst of their worrying, such as gastro-intestinal problems, palpitations, or muscle fatigue.

Hypochondria is often characterized by fears that minor bodily symptoms may indicate a serious illness, constant self-examination and self-diagnosis, and a preoccupation with one's body. Many individuals with hypochondriasis express doubt and disbelief in the doctors' diagnosis, and report that doctors’ reassurance about an absence of a serious medical condition is unconvincing, or un-lasting. Many hypochondriacs require constant reassurance, either from doctors, family, or friends, and the disorder can become a disabling torment for the individual with hypochondriasis, as well as his or her family and friends. Some hypochondriacal individuals are completely avoidant of any reminder of illness, whereas others are frequent visitors of doctors’ offices. Other hypochondriacs will never speak about their terror, convinced that their fear of having a serious illness will not be taken seriously by those in whom they confide.

What Your Neurosis Confirms

Antisocial Neurosis:
Your nature is to wield others. Of course being more intelligent, you have a higher self value and the generalized other is a jerk.

Anxiety Neurosis:
This is a self imposed shield. Unacceptable thoughts that you do not allow yourself, the worry wart in you assists you in not having made the wrong choice, and this is why you prefer avoiding having to make any kind of choice.

Borderline Personality:
As the condition implies, this personality is afflicted with an indefinite, doubtful view of self. Suffering from low self worth and disorientation of exactly who you are, you are constantly up down and in the middle, but rarely stable.

Depression Neurosis:
Feeling powerless, you blame others for your misgivings. Your exaggerated anticipations of others have left you disgruntled.

Garden Variety Neurosis:
You have symptoms of various neuroses. You prefer being out of it and dull, believing that you can't be special at anything in particular. You have a touch of every weird reaction-that's certainly outstanding.

You are emotionally in need of others-and somewhere in your upbringing, you probably noticed that when someone was sick they suddenly became the center of attention, moreso than when they were well. This having impressed you, you closely followed suit. The slightest symptom of anything convinces you that it's all over.

Hysterical Neurosis:
Violence and passion reflect your get up and go. Your pressing on others is due proportionately to what you believe was actually dished out to you.

In psychoanalysis, the first stage of sexual development, in which the self is an object of sexual pleasure. This is payment for being unsure of yourself and having false and aggrandized self perception.

Obsessive-Compulsive Neurosis:
Only rigorous counsel can prevent impetuous behavior. Your reactions to the 't', both regulates you and does not allow you to wiggle out of your seat.

The approach that many psychoanalysts take with their patients in dealing with the paranoid personality, is to directly or indirectly ask them what they did wrong to make others stare at them. The marked reaction is often candid. The paranoid builds up a superiority complex, actually due to a self image of very low value, consistent with having divorced himself from reality.

Psychoanalytic Neurosis:
Every person, place or thing gets you mad. Though you know that you must alter something, fear stops you.

Psychosomatic Illness:
You'd love to be sick, then you'd certainly be the center of attraction. Somewhere along the line you have confused being ill and the attention being given to one that is ill, with admiration, and have erroneously linked them.

A mental disorder characterized by indifference, withdrawal, hallucinations, and delusions of persecution and omnipotence. Being removed and standoffish is your way of self preservation. Now no one can discard you.

Autor: Joel Engel Joel Engel
Level: Basic PLUS
Joel Engel has been a world-renowned graphologist for over 30 years. He is often quoted in the press and scientific journals for his "spot on" ... ...

Joel Engel is the author of "Handwriting Analysis Self-Taught" (Penguin Books)

Added: May 31, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

FEAR! - Is This 4-Letter Word Keeping You From Soaring in Your MLM Business?

What is holding you back from reaching your dreams and goals, soaring to higher heights in your life, succeeding in your MLM business? Living with fear means one can never concentrate fully and give one's best to anything. What is fear? False Expectations/Evidences Appearing Real?

Fear is created by the unconscious mind as a protective mechanism. Napoleon Hill in "Think and Grow Rich" defined the six basic fears of life. What are they? Let's explore them and why they have such a devastating, paralyzing hold on people.

  1. Fear of Poverty - This fear hinders the faculty of reason, destroys imagination, undermines enthusiasm, leads to uncertainty of purpose, encourages procrastination, and diverts effort. Lack of abundance--not having enough of the basics in life. The fear of poverty is so devastating, yet so many persons are living in poverty. To eliminate this fear, be at peace with whatever wealth one can accumulate and without worry.This does not mean that one doesn't work hard, but that one is no longer grasping, hoarding and clinging on senselessly to money.
  2. Fear of Old Age - Looks changing, body mechanisms changing, declining health, and slowing down. Lack of financial preparation and lack of proper diets and exercise make old age less desirable. This causes the habit of killing off one's initiative, imagination and self reliance or making one want to dress younger to feel younger. Refuse to treat old age as a handicap. Instead, leverage one's wisdom, experience and insight for success. Life is about being born, growing older and wiser, fulfilling a mission or purpose, and dying. What one accomplishes in life should be of great importance--pass on a legacy of oneself. Getting older is a given. Just know that it is a natural process of life. Concentrate this fear in the direction of one's success. Produce something that can be passed down to one's children and children's children.
  3. Fear of Criticism - Criticism is one of the basic tendencies of human nature. To beat down an opponent, to stand in the competition, to justify ones behavior, one feels the need to criticize the others around him. The fear of criticism grips a person as a result of one's tendency to be a part of the crowd. One tends to do as the masses do to stay away from criticism. The fear of criticism is one of the basic fears and one of the most commonly observed ones. The fear of criticism is manifested in terms of shyness, fear of conversation, shifting of eyes, lack of poise/poster and an inferiority complex.One way to eliminate the fear of criticism is to accept it in the right spirit. One should learn to take criticism positively and use it to improve the personality trait. Consider criticism as the means of betterment, a means to end the ill trait. Taking this approach can be a sure way to help one overcome of the fear of criticism.
  4. Fear of Loss Love - When jealous feelings about ones loved one start; when one starts finding faults in the loved one or tends to suspect the loved one of having done something ill, it may result in the person falling prey to the fear of the loss of love. Lack of trust between one and one's loved one is the basic reason for the fear of losing one's love. An intense feeling of insecurity about one's love leads one to fear its loss. The habits of cheating, perpetual lying and disbelief are the important factors causing a fear of the loss of love. An overly possessive feeling is another sure way to lead one to a fear of lost love.Building a trusting relationship will eliminate this fear. One should strictly avoid infidelity, lying, and manipulation, thus eliminating suspicion and suspicious behaviors on both sides. Relationships require mutual respect and admiration of each other's identities and positive qualities. One of the best ways of eliminating the fear of loss of love is to prevent the thoughts of the loss from entering one's mind. Stop thinking about solitude and bear only positive feelings and thoughts about one's loved one.Be comfortable even if one is without a partner. Be at peace even if one doesn't have love. One might be alone but one doesn't have to be lonely. Fill one's days productively.
  5. Fear of Ill Health - Also known as Hypochondria (imaginary illness). Fear of disease can produce physical symptoms of the disease feared. Concentrate the mind on being well. Do not be reckless about one's health either; follow up with actions. A not so simple fix can be exercise regularly, stop looking for sympathy, and fill one's mind with positive self-suggestion - Say, "I am healthy"! Eliminate the cause of the illness--avoid watching the world news!
  6. Fear of Death - Also known as Thantophobia and is a natural phenomenon. There are theories that address life after death, there are religious beliefs about what happens after a person dies, but there is no conclusive evidence of what will happen to one when one dies. Death remains the ultimate reality and continues to fear most people. However, we should understand that fearing death is harmful for our health. Fearing death prevents us from enjoying life. Dreading the future always deprives us of the joy of the present! Changing our thought patterns and behaviors helps one eliminate the fear of death. One true way to eliminate this fear is to face the reality that it will happen. Think of it as merely transitioning from one form to another-it is only the body that dies not the spirit. Changing one's thought patterns and behaviors helps one eliminate the fear of death. Enjoying life and making adequate preparation for death are essential to that process. The preparation is not difficult. It begins with study, analysis, and understanding that there are three enemies that have to be cleared out. INDECISION, DOUBT and FEAR.

Check to see whether from one's own life experiences if one has harbored some of the fears. In the process, one might just be reminded of the several times that one has been held hostage by insecurities, paralyzing one from taking a wiser course of action and preventing one from becoming more generous in spirit. At this point, it is clear to see why abundance has not been flowing through one's life. Fear undermines enthusiasm, discourages initiative, leads to uncertainty of purpose, encourages procrastination, wipes out enthusiasm and makes self-control impossibility.

It takes the charm from ones personality, destroys the possibility of accurate thinking, diverts concentration of effort, it masters persistence, turns will-power into nothingness, destroys ambition, clouds the memory and invites failure in every conceivable form; it kills love and assassinates the finer emotions of the heart, discourages friendship and invites disaster in a hundred forms, leads to sleeplessness, misery and unhappiness--and all this despite the obvious truth that we live in a world of over-abundance of everything the heart could desire, with nothing standing between us and our desires, except lack of a definite purpose. Personal growth and self analysis are necessary in facing up to fears. Facing up to fears requires one to make a conscious choice, a decision. Sure it can be painful initially, but the reward in the end is so worth it. Success in one's quest to help others resulting in Success in one's MLM business!

Autor: Jacquelyn Burns Jacquelyn Burns
Level: Basic
RN turned MLMer. Married-lives in Atlanta, GA with husband. Full-time Expert Internet Marketer. Dedicates her time helping her business partners gain new Internetwork marketing skills ... ...

Are high gas prices and a failing economy of concern to you? The best tax savings and advantages come with owning a home based business. Leverage your time and income simply by sharing fun and sun. Don't wait check it out today! http://EZwaymlm.biz and http://MLMtheEZway.blogspot.com

Added: May 30, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

The Ups and Downs of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is a serious disorder of the brain marked by cyclical mood swings, which often disrupt work, school, family, and social life. The symptoms typically begin in a person's late teens or twenties and affect men and women equally. If left untreated, it can lead to suicide in nearly 20 percent of cases. The illness is often misunderstood and difficult to diagnose because its symptoms may not reappear for as much as a year at a time.

Many times, it is initially misdiagnosed especially when hypomania (milder manic episodes) is not recognized. Since mental illnesses cannot be identified by a blood test or a brain scan, diagnosis must be made on the basis of symptoms, patterns of the illness, and family history. The most common symptoms are episodes of mania and depression. A person with Bipolar disorder may also have neutral periods where there are no apparent mood problems. Additionally, there may be periods of "mixed moods" where the person is both depressed and manic simultaneously.

The disorder shows many other symptoms such as paranoia, intense anger, irritability, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed or over-stimulated, difficulty maintaining focus, attention or concentration, suicidal thoughts and impulses, hypochondria, hallucinations, self-harm, delusions and psychotic breaks from reality. Most individuals with bipolar disorder spend more time in depressed phases than in manic phases.

Bipolar disorder has many causal factors. These include physical, mental, environmental and emotional causes and are usually divided into biological and psychological explanations. Researchers have proven that bipolar disorder is hereditary, but it can also be stress related or caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Approximately sixty percent of individuals with Bipolar disorder also have drug or alcohol dependence or exhibit obsessive compulsive activities such as excessive spending, working or cleaning. Many exhibit sexually promiscuous behavior or an obsession with fitness or body image.

Autor: Yvonne Perry Yvonne Perry
Level: Platinum
Yvonne Perry is a freelance writer, author and keynote speaker who enjoys assisting people on a spiritual path by writing about topics that inspire excellence ... ...

Seasonal depression and anxiety disorders such as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are also common with the illness. Many families are affected by bipolar disorder and some have no idea how to help their loved one avoid episodes or to prevent caregiver burnout. Yvonne Perry and Angela Grett have co-authored a book titled, My Mother is Bipolar, so what am I? The book will focus primarily on the effect the illness has on children raised by a bipolar parent. Many people suffer alone and in silence because they are afraid to talk about their loved one's illness. If you know someone who is the child of a bipolar parent, you will want them to read this book. It is available on http://www.childrenofbipolar.com

Yvonne Perry is a freelance writer and the owner of Writers in the Sky Creative Writing Services (WITS). She and her team of ghostwriters are ready to assist you with writing and editing for books, eBooks, Web text, business documents, resumes, bios, articles, and media releases. For more information about writing, networking, publishing, and book promotion, or to sign up for free email delivery of WITS newsletter, please visit http://www.writersinthesky.com New subscribers receive a free eBook Tips for Freelance Writing.

Added: May 29, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Health and Medical Advice on the Internet: Use it Wisely to Overcome Illness and Find More Happiness

I"ve got a bit of a problem with depression and anxiety. I"ve been tackling these problems for several years without the use of modern medicine. Tai Chi, meditation, martial arts (exercise), and positive interaction with other people seem to keep a lid on my illnesses most of the time. I don"t like the idea of medication"s side effects, and I don"t believe the answers in life are often found in the easy path (E.G. taking a pill), but rather on the hard path of effort and determination. This is not to say that I don"t feel medicine is not effective, not at all, I just feel all the options should be looked at before making big decisions to do with one"s health.

Health of body and mind has always been one of the most important issues in life for us humans. Seeing a doctor is usually the best option when one comes down with an illness or ailment, but people have always tried alternative routes to recovery: E. G. the "home doctor" books of old. Maybe you don"t like sitting in a room waiting with a bunch of other sick people-you might catch something there! You could be housebound, or maybe you feel like hearing several opinions as you"ve found past experiences with some doctors have been tainted by poor judgments. Well, the Internet is here with a multitude of options to help you get better.

Medical advice and data abounds on this household tool in the form of self-help sites, searchable medical encyclopedias, support groups, live chats with doctors, and you can even have professional consultations on-line (for a fee). My advice is to just be wary of the type of language that the site is expressing. Many sites will have extensive lists telling you of all the symptoms in the Universe: everybody on Earth could be construed as being ill in some way! This can cause people with a propensity for hypochondria to start diagnosing themselves with all sorts of diseases. In my case, reading about all the symptoms of depression actually made me feel more depressed as it made me focus on my weaknesses (without too many optimistic perspectives or treatments expressed on some sites).

Look for sites that look at things in a positive light. Maybe search out some alternative therapies as well so you can get all the possible different approaches that can be taken to tackle your illness. Some websites can be very helpful with interactive features like "Ask the doctor", on-line questionnaires, and question and answer archives that give you an idea of what others have asked and the solutions they were presented with. There is heaps of information on both prescription and over-the counter medicines so you can make your choices in an informed manner. You can often find information specific to groups, like children, the elderly, men and women.

Just remember your body is your temple and you must be wary of many variables not often foretold in literature. Beware of medicines from other countries as they may be different or have different names. Keep in mind only you know your personal history, all people are different, and always get several opinions. Watch out for sites with grandiose claims as miracles come from higher powers and not from companies who might just want to get rich quick!

I do acknowledge the fitness and diet sites as being very useful as well. You can devise your own fitness plan derived from lifestyle information, and forums and newsgroups give you many opinions on which road to take. You can have your diet analyzed by on-line trainers, some of which send free newsletters and even send you emails of encouragement to help you towards your goal.

So, there"s a whole new world of on-line health advice and information for humanity to access right from home. Get all your options and remember your attitude is often the first real step to overcoming physical, mental, and spiritual adversity!

Autor: Jesse S. Somer

About The Author

Jesse S. Somer - M6.Net - http://www.m6.net

Jesse S. Somer is a simple human hoping to show others like him about the positive vibe the Internet is creating in people all over the world.


Added: May 27, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Post Partum Depression - The Uninvited Guest

Post partum depression is the uninvited guest that creeps its way into our lives at our most vulnerable moments. Not only are we tired from having a new baby, but we are very emotional and stressed. Understanding what post partum depression is can be an actual life saver for those who are pregnant and expecting. If I would have understood the symptoms of post partum depression before it crept into my life, I wouldn"t have almost wasted two years of my life and came close to wanting to just end it.

The reason I described post partum depression as the uninvited guest is because of course it messes with not only our mental health, our physical health, as well as people on the outside, such as our kids and husbands. There are many forms of post partum depression, ranging from mild to severe, from hearing voices to having panic attacks and fearing impending death.

After I had my third son, I started feeling like I was going to die. I literally felt the heart thumping, so I thought I was having a heart attack and then other times I would get weak on one side, so then I thought I was having a stroke. Even after many trips to the ER and my doctor"s office, I still didn"t believe that all that was happening to me was post partum anxiety/hypochondria. I finally realized after months of fighting this that I could overcome it by just understanding what my symptoms were and why. After I had my fourth child, I knew for a fact that I would have it happen again, and sure enough it has. My daughter is now 14 months old and I still have panic attacks and hypochondria.

I suggest to anyone that if you are pregnant and having a baby, then you should read up on post partum depression so that you can prepare yourself in case it may occur. Get to the doctor if symptoms occur and try to fight it!

I am a survivor of postpartum depression. I am also the mother of four. I have lots of advice on information pertaining to babies and toddlers. If you would like to see more, feel free to visit my website at http://www.diaperyears.blogspot.com

Autor: C.Taylor

Christy Taylor, whom has experienced many ups and downs of post partum is also the happy mother of four children. For more information on babies and toddlers, feel free to visit her website at http://www.diaperyears.blogspot.com

Added: May 26, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Home Veterinarians Are Born and Bred on Satellite TV

A lot of the goings on of the animal and human body people chalk up to mysteries that are to be solved by a doctor or veterinarian. While seeking professional help is a great idea, it is good to have some knowledge of what is going on in order to help distinguish between what might be serious and what might not be. Satellite television offers a huge range of shows that can help answer some of the questions that plague our minds and high school biology did not quite cover. Getting a little insight into how bodies work and what might harm them provides a little bit of comfort to the otherwise worried and confused mind.

Shows like "Medical Mysteries" are fascinating as they explore the peculiar behavior of the human body in high definition and some confounding ailments that befall it. While shows like this might breed a little bit of hypochondria in some people, the information about the different biological systems that are affected and how their functions are changed or damaged is highly interesting and educational. Fictional shows like "House" also delve into the world of peculiar diseases and cures. While it is fictional, the diseases that serve as the basis for each episode have some truths to them, as do the procedures employed by the doctors.

Watching "House" might also inspire a bout of hypochondria, getting somewhat of an understanding of the interrelation of our body's systems and how doctor's go about the healing process can bring some peace of mind. Satellite television also features a great selection of animal based shows that can help ease the worried hearts of many pet owners. Seeing animals be brought back from the brink of death after being rescued from the street can instill hope and a little bit of perspective in many pet owners. Seeing a veterinarian give a little bit of Gatorade to a dog that is throwing up or is severely dehydrated provides people with a little bit of knowledge of how they can help their own pet feel better without the whole production of going to the vet's office.

Watching shows on Animal Planet about people working in refuges for orangutans or bears can also be a good source of information for people. Seeing people nurse a baby cub back to health after the death of its mother can help people who are trying to raise a weak puppy or kitten. Taking note of how the people try to simulate maternal actions in HD can be very useful skills to have when trying to take the place of a young animals' mother.

Animal Planet shows can also be helpful in teaching people to identify animals and know which ones it is best to maintain a good distance from. A lot of times at the end of wildlife programs they let the audience know what numbers to call and who to contact if they ever come into contact with a wild animal, especially if the animal is injured. From learning about our own bodies to understanding a little better how to help the bodies of our furry little companions, satellite television opens up a world of information for us to absorb and take with us.

Autor: John R. Harrison

If you want the greatest variety and quality in entertainment, look into Direct TV packages. For the best in sports programming, movies, and high-definition entertainment, check out the latest Direct TV deals.

Added: May 25, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Munchausen Syndrome - Causes, Symptoms, Information with Treatment

Munchausen Syndrome is distinct from hypochondria in that the patient is aware that he is exaggerating, while sufferers of hypochondria actually believe they have a disease. Munchausen Syndrome is currently a topic of intense interest. People with this syndrome deliberately produce or exaggerate symptoms in several ways. They might lie about or fake symptoms, hurt themselves to bring on symptoms, or alter diagnostic tests (such as contaminating a urine sample). Signs of Munchausen syndrome include is dramatic but inconsistent medical history.

Presence of symptoms only when the patient is alone or not being observed and willingness or eagerness to have medical tests. The most cause of Munchausen syndrome is biological, psychological factors and personality disorders. Munchausen syndrome afflicts the patient who presents with the complaint. Munchausen syndrome by proxy involves inflicting injury on a child or other dependent person in order to simulate symptoms. Treatment of Munchausen syndrome is often difficult, and there are no standard treatments for the condition. Treatment generally includes psychotherapy and behavior counseling.

Causes of Munchausen Syndrome

Common causes and Risk factors of Munchausen Syndrome

Biological factors.

Psychological factors.

A history of abuse or neglect as a child.

Personality disorders.

Signs and Symptoms of Munchausen Syndrome

Common Sign and Symptoms of Munchausen Syndrome


Sleep apnea.



Poorly formed identity and severe problems with self-esteem.

Dramatic stories about numerous medical problems.

Treatment of Munchausen Syndrome

Common Treatment of Munchausen Syndrome

Nonconfrontational intervention may help people with Munchausen.

Treatment generally includes psychotherapy and behavior counseling. If possible, family therapy also may be suggested.

Monitor ongoing medical care usage by involving people or institutions outside the medical practice to alert the physician gatekeeper about health care issues.

Medications may be used to treat other mental disorders that are also present, such as depression or anxiety.

Autor: Juliet Cohen

Juliet Cohen writes articles on diseases and conditions and skin disorders. She also writes articles on herbal home remedies.

Added: May 23, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Low Self Esteem and Its Impact on a Child's Psyche

Low self esteem can begin to develop early in childhood, long before the concept is even understood by the child. Most of the traits underlying our personality are developed in early childhood. This means that a child with feelings of low self esteem is likely to carry them into adulthood without realizing it.

A child with low self esteem needs help to realize that not everything is his or her fault. He or she needs to understand that no person can succeed all the time, that perfection is an ideal and not a goal. However, that does not mean that such a child cannot attain spectacular success in life provided he/she is given the right guidance and motivation.

Low self esteem affects a child in many negative ways:-

1) Becoming an Over-Achiever - Some parents may find this prospect as something to cheer about but be assured that prodding your child to get high grades all the time does not equal good parenting. Children with low self esteem often becomes over achievers because they feel inadequate and think that they will receive love and respect only as long as they keep maintaining their high levels of performance.

2) Addiction - Drug addiction, smoking and alcoholism are the most common signs of a child with low self esteem. Such children often turn to drugs and alcohol in order to cover up what they feel are their inadequacies. Children with low self esteem often build a fantasy world in order to feel better about themselves.

3) Vulnerable to Peer pressure - A child with low self esteem is often susceptible to peer pressure. In their search for acceptance and attention and to avoid becoming victims of bullying, they tend to cave in to pressures from the "in" groups in order to belong to a clique that is viewed as being "cool", even if it means indulging in unacceptable behavior.

4) Depression - Feelings of being unloved, worthlessness and alienation are a constant in children of low self esteem. They are often depressed and unable to express their feelings due to embarrassment or shame. Depression in children can manifest itself chiefly through Eating Disorders, Suicide or Hypochondria.

a) Eating Disorders - By now the terms- bulimia and anorexia - have become part of daily conversation. However, despite the awareness of these conditions by the public at large, very few realize the extent of self loathing that must exist in a person for him/her to embark on an act so contrary to the human impulse of protecting self from harm.

b) Suicide - Suicide rates among young people have been increasing steadily over the years and the constant pressure by parents, schools, peer groups and society in general to strive for and achieve higher and higher goals is difficult enough for a well adjusted child. For one with low self esteem, this can be intolerable.

c) Hypochondria - A craving for attention is a characteristic trait of those suffering from low self esteem and what better way to achieve this than by claiming to be suffering from a myriad of diseases. The fact that no one believes them after a time merely confirms their idea of themselves as being worthless and so they either look for other gullible audience or increase the symptoms of their imagined illnesses. In extreme cases, they have even been known to inflict bodily harm on themselves in order to get the attention they so desperately seek.

Why is it so urgent that people help a child with low self esteem? A problem like this is much easier to overcome right at the beginning. For one thing, convincing an adult that he or she has low self esteem could be very hard. Moreover, childhood is the training ground where the adult is molded and shaped. Surely it is our duty as adults to make sure that we do all we can to ensure that the generation following us is equipped, not just on a physical and intellectual level but emotionally and psychologically as well, to face the challenges of their times.

Autor: Naresh Belliyappa

Naresh Belliyappa is a software engineer and website developer. He can be contacted at narbell@hotmail.co.uk For more articles,please visit http://www.ebookmall4U.co.uk

Added: May 22, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

English Language Teachers - Seven Common Tropical Diseases You Need to Know

One Experience You Can Well Do Without

Have you relocated to a tropical foreign country to teach English as a foreign language? What ever may be your reason for foreign travel, you are bound to meet new friends, try new foods, use a foreign language and have new experiences. One experience you can well do without however, is the loss of your health by contracting one of these seven common tropical diseases. Some are inconvenient and uncomfortable. Some are serious, but treatable and others can be fatal.

Here Are Seven Tropical Diseases You Should Know About


Despite advances in vaccinations and treatment of this centuries-old malady, Malaria still continues to take the lives of thousands each year in Africa, Asia and South America.

Yellow Fever

A mosquito or other blood-sucking insect transmitted disease, Yellow Fever should be treated as soon as possible. It can be fatal in a fairly short period of time if left untreated.


Primarily transmitted by means of polluted or contaminated drinking water, there are, in fact, a few other ways of contracting this potentially fatal disease.


Although far from being fatal, this parasitic infection is uncomfortable and inconvenient as you'll spend much of your day and night in the toilet or a foreign hospital emergency room.


Most commonly transmitted by flea, and sometimes rat or other rodent bites, Leptospirosis is not often heard of in many "developed" countries. Nonetheless there are occasional outbreaks in a number of countries.


If you hike in the rain forests of Asia or South America, you can be exposed to this ameba-based infection which is very difficult to treat and even more so to cure.

Rabies (Hypochondria)

Rabies, also known as hypochondria, is most commonly transmitted through a bite from an infected rodent, mammal or other animal. Dogs, cats, bats, raccoons and other small animals are all known to have transmitted this potentially fatal disease.

An Ounce of Prevention

Any time you travel, "an ounce of prevention can be worth far more than a pound of cure", as the old saying goes. Use exceptional personal hygiene. Have up-to-date vaccinations as required. Avoid wearing dark colors which attract mosquitoes and heat-seeking insects. Don't sleep scantily-clothed outdoors, especially at night. Use insect repellent when advisable. Drink only treated or commercially bottled water. And be scrupulous in what you eat or consume. Although this still won't guarantee that you'll escape health problems, it will aid in greatly reducing your risk of contracting these and many other communicable diseases.

Autor: Larry M. Lynch Larry M. Lynch
Level: Platinum
Larry M. Lynch is an Intellectual Development Specialist, ELT Teacher Trainer, expert author, photographer and experienced world traveler who teaches language at a university in ... ...

Prof. Larry M. Lynch is an EFL Teacher Trainer, Intellectual Development Specialist, prolific writer, expert author and public speaker. He has written ESP, foreign language learning, English language teaching texts and hundreds of articles used in more than 120 countries. Get your FREE E-books, English language teaching and learning information at: http://bettereflteacher.blogspot.com Need a blogger or copywriter to promote your school, institution, service or business or an experienced writer and vibrant SEO content for your website, blog or newsletter? Contact the author at the above blog address for more information.

Added: May 20, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Problems Effecting Mental Health


The popular image of the hypochondriac is a Woody Allen-type character who goes from doctor to doctor, anxiously takes his temperature every hour and imagines any headache to be a brain tumor.

Most of us suffer mild episodes of hypochondriasis (commonly known as hypochondria) from time to time. But when hypochondria becomes chronic and severe, it's no laughing matter.
Hypochondria is a psychological condition that doctors categorize as a somatoform disorder the presence of physical symptoms suggest illness, but no illness can be diagnosed. If you suffer from hypochondria, you are constantly preoccupied with sickness. You believe you have a serious illness, based on your own interpretation of certain symptoms and sensations, and go from doctor to doctor in search of a diagnosis and a cure. These fears and beliefs persist, even when no illness has been diagnosed and despite many reassurances from numerous doctors. People with hypochondria know their own medical histories in great detail, and often say that previous physicians who found nothing wrong with them were insensitive or incompetent.

It's tempting to label anyone who does this a hypochondriac unfortunately, many people with real illnesses have been dismissed as hypochondriacs until their diseases were finally recognized. However,hypochondria clearly exists as a mental disorder, and the preoccupation with imagined illness can become so severe that it impairs relationships and interferes with the person's ability to function normally. The incidence of true hypochondria in the general population isn't known, but doctors estimate that between 4 and 9 percent of people they see in general practice suffer from some degree of hypochondria. The problem usually begins after age 30 and tends to persist in to older age.

Many people who suffer from clinical depression or anxiety become abnormally vigilant about their bodies, focusing on every little change, and it's not uncommon for them to develop hypochondria. The good news is that when these disorders are successfully treated, the hypochondria tends to disappear.

Abnormal Grief

When you experience the death of a loved one, it's normal to feel grief. This may include feelings of sadness and loss, as well as physical symptoms of stress such as insomnia and fatigue. While these feelings vary widely from person to person, they tend to follow a normal course. But sometimes grieving is intense and long-lasting enough to be considered abnormal or even pathological. Such grieving can take a tremendous toll on your emotional and physical health and should be recognized when it occurs so you can get help.

Autor: Pattrick Jhonson

Learn about other mental problems like anxiety and insomnia and their cure with natural herbal supplements, as they have been found to be quite effective.

Added: May 19, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Subtle Hypochondria - Don't Be Overwhelmed By Your Newfound Knowledge

Upon being introduced to the ancient and beautiful chakra system, many people immediately react with the negative assumption that their entire subtle energy field needs to be healed, balanced, or cleaned. Don't fall prey to this neurotic thinking.

Consider this: many amazingly productive and happy people live their entire lives without ever hearing the word "chakra". So just because you have learned about this incredible part of human nature, don't fall off the deep end and immediately assume you need to worry about cleaning and balancing your chakra system.

Unless you were suffering from severe physical or emotional problems before your discovery of these seven centers along your spine, odds are you are not suffering from any major imbalances or blockages. You should relax and enjoy the learning process, not worrying about problems unless you actually find some.

For the majority of people, practicing basic chakra meditations and energy channeling will lead to some pretty amazing enhancements in personal health. And many people with severe problems have found relief and healing by tapping into the chakra system.

Don't allow negative thinking to diminish what should be a joyous experience. Be thankful that you have found, or been shown, this amazing system of energy centers that can lead you to a more fulfilled existence.

As you deal with normal physical, mental, and emotional challenges in your life, you will be able to readily move above and beyond potential problems using the sacred knowledge of subtle energy channeling. But it just doesn't make sense to create problems where none exist by assuming your chakra system is out of balance.

In fact negative visualization can actually cause a blockage or imbalance where none previously existed. Your subtle energy systems are even more sensitive to the power of thought than your physical body, so it's best to think and visualize positively.

You're bound to encounter your fair share of problems in this life. So give yourself a break by not creating new ones through sheer neurosis.

Autor: Timothy Aaron Whiston Timothy Aaron Whiston
Level: Platinum
Timothy Aaron Whiston is a full-time entrepreneur who lives in northeast Tennessee. In addition to writing and marketing on the Web he enjoys reading, writing, ... ...

Tim Whiston believes the ancient wisdom of the chakra system can have a huge, positive impact on the lives of everyone who opens their mind to the possibilities. To learn more about chakra meditations and other subtle energy facts be sure to visit his chakra treatments site.

Added: May 18, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Hypochondria - Breaking the Habit Naturally

Hypochondriasis is not a derogatory term. It is a somatic disorder that proves to be real and difficult for many individuals. The person may experience symptoms of a physical ailment and yet anxiety is the culprit. An overactive mind and body is the result of constant worry.

Symptoms of hypochondria usually follow a prolonged period of worry, usually concerning an undiagnosed symptom.

Signs of Hypochondria:
Symptoms often "jump" from one area to another, Examples: stomach (digestion, IBS),

headache, skin, dizziness, flushing, lethargy, death and health fears in general.

- Doctor Shopping:
Seeking out doctor after doctor until locating one which will tell them what they wish to hear.

- Appetite Loss: Worry induced

- Adrenal Fatigue:

The Result of Constant Worry: Exhaustion, weakness, fearfulness, lack of appetite, insomnia, tension, irritability, achiness.

- Insomnia: Overactive mind, racing thoughts.
- Feelings of Depersonalization/Derealization: a mind exhausted from worry and elevated cortisol levels.
- Memory Loss/Confusion: Tired mind.
- Lack of Concentration: Exhaustion
- Related Recollections: Recollection of someone close or acquaintance who recently fell ill, with specific disease, specific symptoms.


- Acknowledgement of this condition and triggers (there are always triggers).

- Boosting Serontonin levels. Specific behavioral changing, neutralizing diet, and specific exercise work as well as most medications for relief.

- Reprogramming the mind, retraining the brain to view intrusive ailments in a less reactive manner...as perspective changes from negative to realistic.

- Learning to put down resistance after experiencing the peace of mind and true control one may exert over every aspect of their lives.

- Nutrition: Using the foods you eat to work for you rather than against you. A good diet will hold these impulses in check and allow you to view your health realistically.

- Behavioral Changes: Learning to take your thoughts and under-react to them...instead of shifting into instant worse case scenario.

Taking life as it comes and enjoying the moment. Remaining in the present instead of looking backward into the past or forward into the future. This is the key to peace of mind.

Autor: Ronnie Freedman

Dr. Ronnie Freedman

Anxiety Busters, Inc.


Your Natural Prescription for Anxiety Relief

Added: May 16, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Refuse to Worry About Your Health!

Most of us have felt the need to scratch when a friend shows us his new rash. Indeed, at one time or another, almost all of us experience uncomfortable physical sensations that cause us concern or doubt. Many people today are hyperaware of their bodies, discerning and fretting over bodily sensations that most people don"t notice at all. Some might focus on health-related matters, have multiple lab tests for them, and never quite believe they aren"t deathly ill. Others might be certain of having a particular disease, but are too frightened to see a health care practitioner. Some will read about one disease and obsess over it. Others will manage to acquire a "disease of the week," as their symptoms mysteriously move from one part of the body to another. Whatever the manifestation, these people share a common clinical feature: anxiety over their health.

For millions of people, worrying excessively that they might be ill - even after professionals have assured them they"re not and medical tests have confirmed these assurances - is a problem. A subgroup of this population suffers from a milder preoccupation with their health that can interfere with enjoying the health they do have. Sufferers might even develop health anxieties for short periods of time - less than six months. They"re normal in every other respect: they go to work, go to school, socialize, and attend to spiritual needs. They don"t have a mental disorder like hypochondria or obsessive-compulsive disorder; they simply worry too much about their health.

Unfortunately, being fearful of diseases or germs can become a full-time preoccupation. For those with health anxiety, it"s very common to "burn out" family members and friends by repeatedly relying on them for trips for medical care, picking up prescriptions and spending a lot of money on medications, co-payments or excessive lab tests. In short, health anxiety can literally intrude into all areas of life.

Sufferers can, and should, seek the support of family and friends by asking them for help. In turn, significant others can be supportive by encouraging such a request as well as not being critical or judgmental about health anxiety. If you"re a health phobic, you should be considerate of the feelings and energy levels of those around you. And don"t push yourself too hard. You shouldn"t expect too much improvement too soon. The problem didn"t appear overnight, so it"s not going to disappear overnight either. Keep in mind that no one dislikes having health anxieties more than the person who has this problem. If you"re a family member or friend, you shouldn't minimize the condition or belittle the sufferer. Instead, you should thoughtfully and attentively listen to what the disease phobic has to say about her or his fears, experiences and goals. And then do what is reasonable to assist her or him in the recovery process.

While health anxiety presents a definite challenge to millions of people, healing is possible. Because the primary culprit in health anxiety is your thinking, the cure lies within the realm of your mind. This means a primary method used to overcome the problem is learning to "rethink" your life experiences and interpretations of physical symptoms and complaints. In other words, by changing the way you look at life in general, you can find lasting relief from your fears of disease, illness, and germs.

Autor: George Zgourides George Zgourides
Level: Basic
George D. Zgourides, M.D., Psy.D is a physician, clinical psychologist, and healthcare chaplain. He and his wife Christie are the authors of several books dealing ... ...

George D. Zgourides, M.D., Psy.D and his wife Christie are the authors of several books dealing with various health-related, psychological, and self-help topics.

Added: May 15, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Hypochondriasis: Living in Fear of One's Body

Hypochondriasis, also called hypochondria or health anxiety, isn't a new ailment. People have been worrying over fleeting aches and pains for centuries. The word hypochondria was coined by the ancient Greeks and literally means, "under the ribs." The Greeks believed most of the phantom symptoms originated from that area of the body.

When confronted with a patient suffering from hypochondria, doctors are placed in a difficult position. They have to decide whether the person is imagining his ailments or whether he is really ill. Hypochondriacs visit the doctor frequently, becoming in the doctor's eyes something akin to the boy who cried wolf. The problem is that people with hypochondria really do get sick now and then, just like everyone else, so doctors must take every complaint seriously. This puts a tax on the health care system as unnecessary tests and exams are performed.

However, placing blame on the shoulder of hypochondriacs is not the answer. They suffer from a very real condition that they can't control. Doctors who brush them off often make matters worse, as the patient feels that he is not being heard. It is important for primary care physicians to have patience and understand that often just listening to a patient's concerns can alleviate a good deal of the anxiety he or she feels.

While some people may joke about hypochondria, it is a serious disorder. For those with health anxiety, every headache is a brain tumor, every cough is lung cancer, every sore throat is throat cancer, every skin mark is skin cancer, every twitch is multiple sclerosis. A lot of hypochondriacs worry about having the most severe diseases such as AIDS, even when they don't have any of the risk factors.

While it is a good thing to be aware of any changes to one's body, being too aware can detract from one's quality of life. The stress of always worrying about sickness and death can make life miserable. People with this disorder never get to appreciate their good health because they never believe they are healthy.

For those with family members who suffer from this condition, it is important not to downplay or belittle their complaints. Often people will tell a hypochondriac that he or she is "exaggerating" or "being melodramatic." What family and friends don't realize is that the person really does have an illness: hypochondria.

There is help out there for sufferers and their loved ones. With proper treatment, such as cognitive therapy or anti-anxiety medication, people with hypochondria don't have to live the rest of their lives in fear of illness. With help, they will once again be able to enjoy the good health they've been so afraid of losing.

Autor: Rachel Williamson

Rachel Williamson is a contributing writer at Health Diaries, where she has written about hypochondria.

Added: May 13, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Cure For Hypochondria - How to Overcome Hypochondria

The notion of a cure for hypochondria can seem like a paradoxical one. After all, doesn't "hypochondria" just mean a constant sense of being afflicted by imaginary maladies? Does it not follow that hypochondria is, itself, an imaginary malady? The fact is the hypochondriac can't help his anxiety. A hypochondriac can visit the doctor again and again and be assured that nothing is wrong, without becoming convinced. Common-sense advice is no remedy for those who suffer from what can be a debilitating psychological condition. For the hypochondriac, even expert medical advice does not offer a way of releasing fear
A Mental Affliction

A hypochondriac is someone who is convinced that he or she is suffering from some physical malady, despite showing no objectively measurable symptoms of any physical illness. Sometimes the hypochondriac can become convinced that he or she is suffering from a particular illness, such as cancer or AIDS (often, immediately after he or she has read at length about that illness--something that hypochondriacs often show an inordinate interest in doing). At other times, the hypochondriac complains of such vague ailments as "weak nerves," or "a worn-out gall bladder." The hypochondriac will not cease to complain, no matter how often the doctors tell the sufferer that they can find nothing wrong with his or her nervous system or gall bladder.

Psychosomatic Symptoms

Unfortunately, although hypochondriacs' illnesses are often entirely imaginary, the impact of those imaginary "illnesses" on their lives can be all too real. When hypochondria sufferers of this mental debility complain of "slow blood," they will genuinely feel weak and tired, as though their blood were actually slowing down. Countless experiments have shown what a powerful influence the mind holds over the body. If the mind of a hypochondriac decides that the body is weak--or, even, near death--all too often, the body will follow suit. Imaginary illnesses reduce their sufferers' quality of life, and can lead to very real conditions, such as depression, weight gain, anemia, or a weakened immune system.

When You Need A Cure For Hypochondria

It's obvious, then, that hypochondriacs can't simply be told, "there's nothing wrong with you." Ethically, we cannot be dismiss them with that simple phrase, and then allow them to suffer from ailments of their own making. Hypochondriacs did not "choose" to become morbidly obsessed with the idea of becoming ill, any more than agoraphobics "chose" to be afraid of open spaces and crowds. Fortunately, there are powerful techniques that can help.

Stop Hypochondria With Hypnotherapy And NLP

Hypochondria is no different from other mental disturbances, in which a patient is plagued by a recurring, destructive, self-perpetuating, obsessive thought (in this case, becoming ill). NLP, or neuro-linguistic programming, is a method of ultra-effective communication that a skilled therapist can use (often, in combination with hypnosis) to "talk" you out of your obsessive thought patterns. With the help of the NLP therapist, you'll learn to isolate destructive thought patterns in yourself (e.g. "I'm going to get sick") and re-condition your mind to replace those destructive patterns with more constructive ones (e.g. "I'm not in any real pain, therefore I'm not sick").

In this way, you should look to a therapist, and not a medical doctor, to find a cure for hypochondria.

Autor: J J Seymour

J J Seymour is a writer with Self Help Recordings. Hypnotherapy and NLP can be very useful Cure For Hypochondria - one good source of experienced hypnotherapists and NLP practitioners is Just Be Well. This organization has experienced professionals throughout the UK in London, Birmingham, Bristol, Buckinghamshire, East Anglia, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Surrey, Sussex and Scotland. You will also find links to related practitioners for hypochondria treatment in Vancouver and Toronto, Canada, for Dublin, Ireland, and for Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in Australia. If you are unable to visit a practitioner in person you may well benefit from a good and guaranteed self hypnosis recording such as Releasing Fear, by experienced hypnotherapist Kathy Welter Nichols.

Added: May 12, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Fear - The Toxin for Success

Fear, a negative emotion, is at the very top on the list of causes of failure. Fear is the enemy of success because of the way it operates on the human mind, gradually or even rapidly nibbling away at its power. The emotion of fear starts its growth mentally like a weed in a well laid out garden. This weed, mental in nature, smothers good and constructive thinking. In many instances, it produces that which we fear the most. For instance, the fear of failure produces failure, similarly for the fears of poverty and ill health.

The deadliness of fear is its unnoticed damage. Where fear creeps in mentally, it takes control of the mind and begins to impair and blunt the imagination. Creative thinking becomes impossible; new ideas cannot be born and existing ones cannot be improved upon. The result is mental retrogression and declining self confidence, resulting in ultimate failure.

The philosophy of Success through Mind Power, which has taken the author over thirty years to develop, is intended to assist anyone desiring to succeed in any endeavour, to fight fear head on. This fight is crucial because people who induce fear in us either by chance or design very often surround us.

Friends, relatives and even spouses might mean well for us when they counsel against taking life-changing decisions that could transform our lives for the better. Nothing neutralises decision-making resolve more than negative talks resulting from negative thinking. Most successful or great people actually had to damn comments from spouses, relatives or friends in the moment of great decisions. This is not to imply that counselling from these sources are all negative, because there exceptions, of course.

The fear of poverty deserves special mention, considering the subject of this article. According to Napoleon Hill, a speaker, motivator of repute and author of many books on the attributes of success, he had maintained that "the fear of poverty drives away riches" and that "the road that leads to riches is the opposite road to spiritual poverty". Riches in this context could be material, spiritual or even mental. To acquire any of the categories listed, you must first banish fear and thought of poverty, otherwise you would attract the physical equivalent of your thinking.

No man would admit that he deliberately desired or feared poverty. Yet most people harbour thoughts or fear of failure in an indirect sense. By thinking negatively about opportunities that present themselves daily, many people attract failure and poverty. The fear of an unwanted outcome crossing your mind is enough to trigger failure.

It is estimated that up to 75 per cent of all people who visit doctors today in the advanced societies are suffering from imaginary illnesses or hypochondria. This manifests itself in various forms: headaches, body pains, insomnia and other body disorders. The fear of ill health can therefore present these physical symptoms even where there is not the slightest cause.

Autor: Michael Obi

Fear of whatever nature, whether failure, poverty or ill health can be mastered and eliminated completely from your mental world. Sometimes when these fears are deeply entrenched, it requires a lot of hard work to uproot them. However the Success through Mind Power philosophy has developed simple and time-tested techniques for overcoming any form of fear. The author has taught the tenets of the philosophy over the years at the National War College, Abuja, Nigeria. His book of the same name is available at the website http://www.mindpowersuccess.com

Author: Michael Obi

Added: May 9, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Post Partum Depression - The Uninvited Guest

Post partum depression is the uninvited guest that creeps its way into our lives at our most vulnerable moments. Not only are we tired from having a new baby, but we are very emotional and stressed. Understanding what post partum depression is can be an actual life saver for those who are pregnant and expecting. If I would have understood the symptoms of post partum depression before it crept into my life, I wouldn"t have almost wasted two years of my life and came close to wanting to just end it.

The reason I described post partum depression as the uninvited guest is because of course it messes with not only our mental health, our physical health, as well as people on the outside, such as our kids and husbands. There are many forms of post partum depression, ranging from mild to severe, from hearing voices to having panic attacks and fearing impending death.

After I had my third son, I started feeling like I was going to die. I literally felt the heart thumping, so I thought I was having a heart attack and then other times I would get weak on one side, so then I thought I was having a stroke. Even after many trips to the ER and my doctor"s office, I still didn"t believe that all that was happening to me was post partum anxiety/hypochondria. I finally realized after months of fighting this that I could overcome it by just understanding what my symptoms were and why. After I had my fourth child, I knew for a fact that I would have it happen again, and sure enough it has. My daughter is now 14 months old and I still have panic attacks and hypochondria.

I suggest to anyone that if you are pregnant and having a baby, then you should read up on post partum depression so that you can prepare yourself in case it may occur. Get to the doctor if symptoms occur and try to fight it!

I am a survivor of postpartum depression. I am also the mother of four. I have lots of advice on information pertaining to babies and toddlers. If you would like to see more, feel free to visit my website at http://www.diaperyears.blogspot.com

Autor: C.Taylor

Christy Taylor, whom has experienced many ups and downs of post partum is also the happy mother of four children. For more information on babies and toddlers, feel free to visit her website at http://www.diaperyears.blogspot.com

Added: May 7, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

The Cruelty of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia

It is a striking characteristic of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (CFS/FM) that people have such incredible difficultly in accepting that someone with CFS/FM is really ill. While being assailed by hideous assaults on body, mind and an individual"s very being, sufferers face yet more staggering obstacles created by the lack of true understanding from other people. This is a very real situation that has to be faced by many sufferers, and can be a crushing impediment to improvement.

Sufferers face a huge struggle in trying to convey the despair and helplessness felt when in the grip of CFS/FM, while being confronted with disbelief, allegations of malingering or pathetic weakness, blame for bringing illness on themselves, insinuations that the illness is purely psychological or just imagined, claims of attention-seeking, or any number of harsh judgments rising from ignorance or lack of compassion.

Many people can only relate to their own experiences, so are incapable of understanding. Others are unable to see beyond the superficial veneer of "you look well". Some insensitive, some only self-interested, some just bored or impatient when you are not "over it" quickly, some just incredibly thoughtless, cruel...

"Are you better, yet?" is a question that is often asked of a CFS/FM sufferer and, despite its frequency, can be a very difficult question to handle. It is a hurtful reminder of an incredibly unpleasant, intrusive illness without an effective end in sight. How does one point out that it is an illness without a cure, politely? How does one explain that they may look fine but feel as if they are crumbling away inside, without sounding pathetic? And how does a sufferer convey the despair of waking each and every morning knowing they are not yet "better"?

More often sufferers cannot articulate any explanation at the time, and sometimes not even some time afterwards! Sensitivities may be especially tender or general outlook significantly depressed; there may be some guilt about imposition on others despite it being beyond the sufferer"s control. The affects of this illness can cause abnormal reactions. However, would the same people ask this question of someone they knew had an incurable disease, or of someone who could no longer walk?

Because sufferers often "look well" or are able to participate in some activity, it is common for assumptions to be made that "they must be well". As symptoms fluctuate and energy levels vary, each and every day is a separate challenge. People generally do not see the days spent carefully conserving energy so a day out may be possible - they are unlikely to witness the depressing disappointment when a special day arrives and either symptoms flare or energy is simply insufficient.

Most people that make hurtful comments or pass unfair judgement mean no calculated harm, however even simple thoughtlessness can have quite massive ramifications on someone that is actually ill. Then again, it can be astounding the number of people that question professional opinion or insist that they know the reason a sufferer has CFS/FM.

Poor understanding and lack of sensitivity is not confined to uninformed or unqualified people. Many sufferers cite cases of extreme coldness, rude disrespect or offensive dismissal from medical practitioners, medical personnel, therapists or other "professionals". "It"s all in your mind" or "just get over it", accusations of hypochondria, delusion, laziness and self-absorption have been thrown at sufferers of CFS/FM.

As a syndrome with mystifying causes, bewildering symptoms and no proven cure it seems easy to dismiss CFS/FM as "not a real illness". The reaction is, understandably, for the sufferer to hide away from unkindness. While in the worst phases of CFS/FM, little else possible. Isolation and feelings of helpless hopelessness can be significantly extended due to the perception that no one other than a fellow sufferer can possibly understand the daunting experience of CFS/FM.

CFS/FM is not a fatal illness. Sufferers" are generally thankful that this illness is not as threatening or possibly as painful as progressive or terminal conditions. With no intention of taking anything away from others" suffering, whatever that may entail, CFS/FM sufferers simply seek acceptance and some understanding.

For people to do some simple, easy research about CFS/FM before offering opinions would go a long way to providing a little positive support to sufferers and their carers who already have sufficient burdens.

Bullfight critics ranked in rows

Crowd the enormous plaza full

But only one is there who knows

And he"s the one who fights the bull

- Robert Graves, poet

[http://www.cfs-fm.com - please include this address if article is reproduced so sufferers or their carers can access some practical help.]

Autor: Anne Mills Anne Mills
Level: Basic
Anne is the author of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia Management series of books. Through practical, quality knowledge these books provide a whole range ... ...

Anne is the author of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia Management series of books. Through practical, quality knowledge these books provide a whole range of strategies for a sufferer to 'get back their life' by taking control away from their illness.

Create Energy! delivers nutritional secrets, while another five books deal with symptoms management. Anne is a qualified nutritionist as well as having suffered from CFS and Fibromyalgia. Information and books available at http://www.cfs-fm.com

Added: May 6, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Can Cognitive Behaviour Therapy - CBT, Really Help?

In southern Spain, the Marbella / Puerto Banus area was synonymous with cosmetic surgery and private dentistry, available only to those who could afford to pay the price, but now many Brits are joining the celebrities and flying to Malaga, in order to visit a clinic offering free, initial sessions in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. The British-run clinic in Fuengirola (between Malaga and Marbella) was used to seeing Brits flying over for stopping smoking therapy, but now they are arriving with a whole shopping list of problems.

It is estimated that currently one in six adults in the UK are suffering from mental health problems - a sad indictment of today"s fast-paced, high-stress society. But there is a way to combat the fallout, in the form of CBT, a science-based, short-term psychological talk therapy, which can provide an almost instant solution.

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy is structured, goal-focused and time-limited. In fact it is so rapid, effective and cost-efficient that the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) now recommends CBT as the treatment of choice for a wide range of psychological problems, in particular stress, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, fears, phobias, eating disorders and other personality disorders, such as OCD and hypochondria.

CBT is most commonly thought of as a treatment for clinical depression, eating disorders, and obsessive compulsive disorders and is often beneficial for more common "life" problems such as stress. Occasionally people find that worry and self-esteem problems grow to such a level that even performing simple tasks such as giving a presentation at work or even going to the shops can affect their physical health and cause them mental distress.

What is CBT?

CBT tends to deal with the 'here and now' - how your current thoughts and behaviours are affecting you now. It recognises that events in your past have shaped the way that you currently think and behave, in particular, thought patterns and behaviours learned in childhood. However, CBT does not dwell on the past, but aims to find solutions to changing your current thoughts and behaviours so that you can function better in the future.

The therapy is based on the simple idea that the way we think directly affects our behaviour, so when we have irrational or distorted thoughts and perceptions, our behaviour and reaction to situations or events will also be irrational. During CBT sessions the therapist breaks down problems into small sections, which can be quite easily dealt with one at a time. A specific situation or event is the starting point; then the person"s immediate, flawed thoughts about that situation are examined. These erroneous, often negative, thoughts lead the person to have certain emotions and physical feelings, which in turn prompts them to react and behave in a negative, unhelpful way. A trained CBT therapist aims to change the patient"s thought patterns by demonstrating how when their initial thoughts are correct, realistic and rational, then their emotions and resulting behaviour are also much more helpful, rational and positive.

How effective is CBT?

Clinical trials suggest that CBT has been successful in addressing various emotional problems. For example, research studies have shown that a course of CBT is just as effective as medication in treating depression and certain anxiety disorders. It is also possible that, longer term, the effects of CBT will continue to protect the client from further illness. People who finish medication may be at greater risk of relapse compared to CBT clients, who have learned principles and strategies to sustain their recovery, so, for example, problems such as depression or anxiety are less likely to recur in the future. There is also good research evidence to show that CBT can help to improve symptoms of some physical conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Autor: Martin Shirran

More information about CBT and the range of treatments offered at the Elite Clinic in Fuengirola can be found on their web site http://www.eliteclinics.com

Martin Shirran is the lead therapist at the Elite Clinic located on the Costa del Sol in Southern Spain.

Added: May 4, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Our Guide To Psychotic Depression Treatments

Depression symptoms in general include anxiety, sadness, and agitation. These symptoms exist also in Psychotic Depression although on a more intense level. Hypochondria, physical immobility, and constipation are also symptoms. Intellectual impairment and psychosis (loss of contact with reality including hallucinations and Schizophrenia) may exist as well.

Treatments typically include much longer hospital stays than with milder forms of Depression. There is much more intense follow up care with mental health professionals in Psychotic Depression. Combinations of antidepressants and anti-psychotic medications are the most effective course of treatment available.

Another Psychotic Depression treatment is Electroconvulsive Therapy. This is a procedure where the person is given a general anesthetic as well as a muscle relaxer.
Electrodes are put in precise spots on the patient's head and periodic controlled pulses
are shot through the electrodes. If the procedure was done properly, seizure activity in the brain will have been initiated. The patient's muscles are relaxed so typically only slight movement of the hands and feet may be noted.

When the treatment is completed, the patient is often confused. They will have no memory of the treatment or events surrounding it. This procedure can be prescribed from once a month to once every three months.

The outlook of recovery for those with Psychotic Depression can occur within a year of treatment. It is absolutely imperative for follow-up care with mental health professionals. These patients are at higher risk of suicide. Please note that getting a proper diagnosis, proper treatment, and follow up care are essential tools for recovery.

Other Psychotic Depression Treatments exist in the forms of medications, most often a combination of anti-depressant and anti-psychotic medications. Herbal treatments are also available for Depression treatments but it is not well known how effective they may be on more severe cases of Depression.

Herbs are a remedy that have been around for centuries but are becoming popular again. The reason for this is that prescriptions are very expensive and many want to avoid the serious side effects of prescribed medications. Herbal supplements have far fewer side effects if they have any at all.

Depression whether it is mild or moderate will likely benefit from herbal supplementation. As we said, not enough is known of the effectiveness of herbal treatments in very severe cases. It is important that you consult with your doctor as herbs can reduce the effects of other prescriptive medications. Depression can be treated and there is help out there.

Autor: John Gibb

We have found a pure natural depression supplement that can also help with anxiety and overall general well being.

To learn more about the product we use with excellent health results, especially when it comes to improving anxiety and depression, be sure to check out - http://www.depression-product-selection.com

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Added: May 2, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/

Factors or Conditions That Impersonate Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract and is mainly caused by constriction of the air passages due to several reasons. There are quite a few conditions that manifest with symptoms similar to that of asthma. This makes these diseases as well as asthma both very difficult to diagnose. Some conditions that impersonate the symptoms of asthma relatively closely are described here to facilitate ease of detection and treatment.

Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema: Chronic bronchitis and emphysema are diseases that are very closely related to asthma. It is generally seen that the patients of slightly older ages start with asthma and later on if untreated develop symptoms of chronic bronchitis, which may eventually lead to symptoms of emphysema.

The asthma may be due to allergens of any kind, which are difficult to detect as it is, and the system thus provoked may lead to more severe disorders. Sometimes the whole cycle may go in a different direction altogether and the patients develop asthma after a prolonged bout of chronic bronchitis. Thus, whichever route the diseases take it becomes complicated to chalk out the path where one may lead to another and symptoms may be very closely entangled.

In other cases it is seen that a patient develops intrinsic asthma after suffering with chronic bronchitis at some very early stages in life. Intrinsic asthma may develop much later and also without any apparent history of allergens or any genetic indications. So many times because of the close relativity of all these diseases it becomes very difficult to chart out the primary cause leading to other complications. Closeness in symptoms also presents a very tricky situation.

Cardiac Asthma: In this situation the symptoms of breathlessness are similar to those of bronchial asthma but they are caused mainly because of a heart disease. These symptoms happen generally during sleep or after exertion. The attacks are very similar to those of asthma accompanied by suffocation and tightening of chest muscles. They may even create pain in the chest region. The patient gasps for breath and is very restless. He may sweat profusely and has terrible difficulty in inhalation and exhalation. This may also be accompanied by a sharp rise in blood pressure and may trigger off terrifying fear of death in patients. The attacks may last for about few minutes to few hours. After the attack the patients feel terribly exhausted even for several days.

In contrast to bronchial asthma, cardiac asthma is caused by failure of the pumping action of the left ventricle of the human heart. It is generally a condition that is suspected in people with a history of hyper tension and heart diseases in the family. It is also to be generally ruled out before proceeding for further treatments if the patient happens to be above the age of forty years.

Hysterical Emphysema: This is a disease that is mostly psycho-somatic in nature. It is generally found in young girls and also in some hyper sensitive older women. In this symptoms are that of heavy breathing but do not show any difficulty in breathing. There is no perspiration and apparently there is no wheezing too. Bu the patient still feels very heavy breathing. The attack usually manifests after an emotionally charged bout that may include uncanny anger.

Many people who have had an attack like this emphasize unconsciously on the symptoms. This also makes them impersonate the symptoms repeatedly. Psychological analysis may reveal conditions of mild to extreme emotional insecurity in cases suffering from hysterical asthma. The good part is that the disease is neither serious nor may lead to any other serious ailment. It is mainly a mental condition and may also trigger off from severe hypochondria. The patients may also begin to use it as a tool for emotional manipulation of other people around them. There are really no age barriers for this disease to manifest and many times chronic cases may need psychological therapy to get over the symptoms permanently.

Viral Bronchiolitis, Foreign Body Aspiration and Cystic Fibrosis: These three conditions are generally found in children and have symptoms closely mimicking those of asthma. Viral Bronchiolitis is a condition caused by a potent virus called the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). This virus causes wheezing and fever and the symptoms do not respond to anti-wheezing treatments.

Foreign body aspiration is found in toddlers mainly who tend to put everything in their mouths. These foreign bodies may then get sucked into the bronchial tubes and get lodged in the trachea. These may be tricky to detect as many foreign bodies do not get reflected on the X-ray and the symptoms are very similar to asthma. The doctors sometimes have to manually check and remove the foreign body with the help of a bronchoscope.

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a serious disorder which may produce chronic intestinal and pulmonary problems. The symptoms here are those of severe asthma. The disease may start with recurrent infections and pneumonia. The infants who are underweight and prematurely born generally show the symptoms of CF. the chest X-rays of such children show severe scarring of the lungs due to recurring bouts of pneumonia. CF is best detected with the help of a sweat test because the patients secrete excessive amounts of sodium and chloride salts in their sweat.

Other conditions impersonating asthma may be malignant tumors of the chest like lymphosarcoma and Hodgkin"s disease. Also swelling of the wall of aorta known as aneurysm may cause symptoms of asthma. Sometimes inhalation of inorganic and organic substances also causes symptoms of severe asthma.

Autor: Ashi Jas

Learn More About Asthma Cure, Asthma Information and Cardiac asthma at http://www.yourasthmatreatment.com/ - Asthma Information and Treatment Guide.

Added: May 1, 2009
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/